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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Volo....don't you think its weird you play a female character...thats not normal" ROLE-PLAYING. ie. Playing a role that is not you. ie. Acting. You post ona company baord about rpgs yet are anti role-playing. LMAO "Expecting an entertainment rag to be well researched and intelligent is foolish. Misinterpreting it as some sort of SJW agenda is tin foil hat territory." L0L Pretending it is simple ignorance is moronic. This person obviously had an agenda. Why else would you print such a thing except to push the agenda that gaming is anti female when it is clearly not. The fact you support Nazi SJWs and try to pretend they don't exist is HILARIOUS. Then again, you ar eone so not surprising you make excuses when one of your buddies get caught in a flat out lie. Funny a Nazi SJW does soemthing evil yet somehow blame gamers for it. LMAO
  2. There are no 'innocent' duergar civilians. DO YOU EVEN KNOWN DnD? L0LZ You do realize that duergar love owning slaves right? And, they love to murder, rape, and pillage right?
  3. Wow. Look at that racism and bigotry!
  4. "For the first time in the series, players will have the option of playing as a female character. Courtenay Taylor, who provides the voice of the female survivor, said the ability to customize adds even more to the agency players receive." Only Nazi SJWs would claim that bullcrap. I've also been making female characters in CRPGs for decades. It's not new. Only sexists think othewise. Posted this. I know it won't be posted though: "This article is written by a sexist ignorant piece of crap. As a long time game player and FO fan, I have been able and willing to play a female in FO sicne the very first game. You do a disservice everyone - women included - when you perpetuate this sort of lie either of evilness or ignorance. You also owe apologizes to the original creators by besmirching their reps and labeling sexists. EVIL. I doubt you will post this because one thing aboput reporters they can slam others but when they get called out they love censorship. LONG LIVE MAKLE AND FEMALE GAMERS. DOWN WITH LYINGS **** TRYING TO RUIN OUR BELOVED GAME WITH FLAT OUT LIES!" R00fles!
  5. L0L Corban is hialrious. Nazi SJW strikes again!
  6. They would need the writer's permission right not the game developers?
  7. "And he also was responsible for prequels. So I am not as confident his money making abilities as you are. Because he has long history of not so great decisions." Your personal opinion on the quality of the prequels is irrelevant. They made tons of money.
  8. K. I'm sure LA would have been glad to put her in other outfits if it would make them tons of money.
  9. If Disney had thoguht other outfits would sell as much they would have gladly made them available. This is only an issue because of nazi SJWs which usually whine about things they would likely never purchase in the first place.
  10. "After being captured by him in the first place and forced into the outfit. " As opposed to being capture by the Hutt and almost frozen for etenrity and actually needing to be rescued like somebody else? COME ON. That's the problem with SJW Nazis - they never want to see women shown in a bad situation - it's strength all the time but who cares if a man is shown weak. LMAO EVIL. "anymore than I think it should be the only Leia-based product available." \Chances are it is what likely sells since that is what people - men and women - think of. Her choking Hutt out in the outfit is a classic memorable scene. You think anzi SJWs would love that but hey the people who claim you 'should judge someone by what they wear is judging someone by what theyw ear'. LMAO Probably the same Nazi SJWs who rushed out to slobber over Magic Mike.
  11. NWN graphcis are underrated and the animations are probably the best ever. Supposed, they removed the 'dance of death' from NWN2 because they tried to pretend it took attacks away but it never did. I played the game for 1000s of hous and never once though, huh i should have had had another attack'. I think it is bogus. "it's simply beautiful and detailed." Nah.
  12. I watched Scouts' okay... it was watchable. Even though I am anti SJW, the 'strong woman character' was the best part of the movie. Though I bet many nazi SJW hate her.
  13. She friggin' murders the Hutt in that outfit. It showed that she was strong and capable of defending herself - even when chained up and belittled. Instead of trying to erase it they should be using it to empower it. Also, from what i've seen, no girl or woman has EVER been forced to buy/wear the outfit (outside the characetr on screen for obvious reasons). \But, nazi SJWs will be nazi SJWs.
  14. "You almost have to feel for William Atherton who was so identified as the evil EPA guy that people harassed him in public for years after. " ALMOST. But, also kudos for a terrific job in what could have been otherwise a simply annoying role. Instead, it was annoyingly entertaining. L0L
  15. Do we REALLY need to go into the ancient asian stereotype? \ This doesn't change the fact that schools have changed to aid minorities do better. This has been admitted multiple times by those in charge. Inlcuding by women who agree with my mansplaining - boys ar ebing left behind in the education system. It's certainly not because girls are inherently smarter right? That would be SEXIST right? And, Nazi SJWs liek you would never approve of such a sexist believe right? \ \So, why do YOU think boys are performing worse? COME ON. Say it. You know you want. Show your true colours. You nazi SJWs talk a good game about how 'everyone is equal' but you don't actually believe that nonsense but youa re not equalists. You are sexist, racists, and bigots. And, nazis. But that goes without saying.
  16. "If anyone can appreciate small market teams and their success it's Jersey." That suceess is 100% due to one goalie. \In playioffs pot now, might not be at end, and cetrainly are no threat. No brodeur no cup in NJ. FACT.
  17. Does he REALLY hate all aliens though or is he just claiming he does? Seems to me that Supergirl is going through a lot of/major reveals really fast. Heck, they could have easily hid her sister's secret all season and have that in the season ender. Not to mention her aunt - mother's twin - being the major villain. Then the boss guy having red eyes. Her on VFortress of Solitude. Then, SG metting Grant at end (though I love her picking up the vehicle lol). Show has potential but there are missteps. The two featured 'villains of the week' have been letdowns though.
  18. It's a proven fact that the education system has been changed over the years. There is a reason for that. The fact you are butthurt about it says a lot. It has shown that boys tend to learn better by doing yet there is a constant push to tie kids to chairs. There are reasons why more and more kids are being diagnosed as ADHD. Cause it is an easy thing to throw a label on someone instead of, you know, actually helping and teachig. One size fits all is not just false when it comes to show size.
  19. The tests have changed. Thuings have been changed to make minorities and women succeed. On top of that, it is not surprising white males who are poor do worse. When a poor minority does badly whitey is blamed. When a poor white person does badly whitey is blamed. When in doubt blame Whitey. And, who are you gonna help or gear improvements for? the perosn who is doing bad because of others or the eprson doing badly just because? EASY CHOICE.
  20. Actually, SJWs would likely hate thats cene for having two beautiful white women kissing to turn on men. You would need them to be for non white transfolk to be acceptable to Nazi SJWs.
  21. Sorry but JS is tainted. You need to call it something else. If youa re a ssociated with SJ you are ruined forever.
  22. Anyone who defends Saudi Arabia should really rethink their morals. They may be an 'ally' of the West but they are as morally corrupt as Iran, NK, etc. EVIL. EVIL TO THE CORE.
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