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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Are these massive and long-lasting shortages all around due to demand or to covid and manufacturing issues? Or combo? And I think most people realize that the 3090 isn't worth it to a gamer/average user at that price. In fact sometimes I wonder why nvidia keeps up with that tier - do the few people who buy it for non-gaming use make it profitable, or is it more a 'look at us" marketing thing - and if the latter, I feel like it doesn't work very well anymore.
  2. If I had 2 curved I'd probably want them on top of each other to maintain a single curve aspect. Also ... blue is the best RGB/backlight color.
  3. Pretty soon, at the rate they're going, Netflix is going to cost me more than HBO+Starz ($24 thru Prime) combined. I know they offer more variety than a "movie channel" but If they start getting towards $50 five or so years from now, I may finally draw a line in the sand. I do use them the most however, and I like the 4k/multiple user plan. Edit: also, Netflix's player is still the best, imo. Prime video's player still rather sucks.
  4. I watched episode 5 and I'm starting to change my mind a little. There's still aspects/parts I like but they're shorter and shorter as the fairly nonsensical romance aspects kick in. It's nonsensical because so far they haven't bothered to explain at all why the male lead (he's a "god" basically) loves/wants to protect the female lead so much in the first place (she has amnesia - arrgh - due to an evil spirit and is living as a human) so I really couldn't care about any love triangles. Anyhoo, I'm guessing later episodes the action/plot will come back but in the meantime, I think I FFWD'd thru 70% of the last episode.
  5. Short-form: was playing Kotor2 and lurking the forums a while. Eventually registered and started posting. Been here off and on ever since. Edit: I was on the very old BG1 boards (with the threaded style posts) but I didn't really follow all the moves from there, outside of lurking occasionally, and I used another nickname anyway etc... It was busy and fast-paced, and felt more casually social in some ways, in those early days (the WoT shenanigans back then...). There were days I felt like I practically lived here. I was a mod off and on a couple different times until I finally deduced I'd much rather be an ordinary forum peon instead - I was also absent for long periods two or three times. These days sometimes I only lurk, sometimes I post a lot, sometimes I'm not very involved at all, but I always check in at some point. As to why I'm still hanging around - some of the very long-timers may be gone but there are still some around, as well as plenty of "newer old-timers" that have become part of the community that I find fun and interesting and it's always nice to hear from/see now and then. I tend to get most of my gaming news from here (and a couple other forums). I like that some people at least vaguely "know my name." I'm also old, and places like Steam forums etc. don't fit me very well, so I don't tend to travel very far outside of here and a few other places. So basically ... it's comfortable, like your favorite t-shirt. Or like hanging out in the backyard while talking over the fence with familiar neighbors.
  6. Cyberpunk PC won't have AMD ray tracing on release or for quite some time. If anyone cares about that. I'd guess there will be other games with this situation as well as they all shuffle to "work with AMD." https://www.pcgamer.com/cyberpunk-2077-wont-support-raytracing-on-amd-cards-at-launch/ That's potentially interesting. Wonder what it brings to the table that's new/different, to make old farts like me want to buy it vs. just playing ... Caesar and Pharaoh. Edit: I have HD/resolution mods for the old stuff, so that's not a reason.
  7. Having another huge lucky streak in that baseball slot. Still no "Homerun" tho. Other than that, a quiet Sunday. And our neighbors have returned! They're aliiiiivvve! They're busy cleaning up their home/yard - some of their huge tropical leaf things were getting as tall as the house, heh. I hope they didn't like where ever they were so much they're going to move/sell or anything. They're some of the better neighbors we've had.
  8. it's all automated. People simply drive on a road the game thinks you contributed to building, you get auto-Likes. After a certain amount of those however, they stop (not sure what the limit is). People use a structure you built that appeared within their own play session, you get auto-Likes just because they used it (seemed to be a set number). No one has to manually Like anything, those are just small bonuses. This is why people place bridges in the middle of land/weird places sometimes, trying to get those auto-likes. Structures you build are stored/saved on their server and have a chance to appear in other people's games that are all designated as being on the same server as you, but there is no controlling that. If you "connect" to a player, you may see their stuff more often but still random. This is why you'll never see anyone's entire "zip line network" for example and it may seem like some things that pop-in make no sense (without the rest of what that player built to go with it). Also, if you keep deleting structures over and over, game will just replace with something else similar in that spot - but it might be something more useful to you. Random and not worth bothering to do tho. Edit: outside of the road-building help, which can be substantial, imo it's better to play the game "Offline" - especially if you want more challenge (and less clutter). Just me tho.
  9. I watched someone play a lot of it on Twitch before I bought it, so I knew what it was about and what to expect. I would just watch some YouTube or browse forums when they were on and on replays I just skipped. Most of it is in the beginning and towards the end so I knew it was mostly "freeplay" so to speak, in the middle. I'm not against story, per se, or "ooh and ahh" cinematic here and there. I simply don't like the way a lot of games often present, frame and edit such scenes now, vs. older days/games. I feel too trapped into watching some 5-15 minute thing (vs. 30-60 seconds) every 500 steps vs being engaged as an active participant. Occasionally I'm in a patient mood, or curious, or it's eye-candy, or half-way through a game I'm invested enough into chrs. by then to care but...
  10. I don't feel like listening/watching to tons of "hey we're cinema" cutscenes and hours of talking heads if I don't have to. When I tried the game ages ago (I do own it already, btw), so much went on and on and on, people talking for long minutes at times, that I just didn't care to listen after a while. I just wanted to explore, as usual.
  11. Can anyone tell me how much you can "ignore" the main story in The Witcher 3? That is, how much do you have to do in order to access all the main open areas/crafting etc? That kind of thing. Example: in Morrowind I largely just ran around doing "stuff" and raising skills/exploring, fighting/collecting and building houses (mods). I never even joined a faction. :P
  12. I'm playing baseball .... slots. Been on auto-spin while doing other things for a couple hours, 250M a spin. I've been on a (mostly) crazy unending lucky streak but ... ...I'm coming out way ahead, so why the exasperated faces? Because I'm greedy and it's not this one: I'm telling ya, the Home Run is a lie! Pffft. Happy Friday/weekend everyone, hope it's a relaxing one.
  13. @Azdeus I honestly don't even remember why I didn't play NOLF. I remember thinking it looked cool but I was probably still obsessed with some other game or three and never got around to it. Unless it was one of those I couldn't get running. That happened a bit more often back then. I'm pretty sure I at least started the game and ran around a bit or something.
  14. No One Lives Forever - oh, that one. I bought it but never played it beyond the intro or something. Cyberpunk dev's made TW3? I suppose that makes some sense then in terms of anticipating a similar quality of game then, seeing how popular TW3 seems to be. That's yet another game I rapidly lost interest in/didn't get far with, myself. Haha.
  15. I told hubby what day it was. He gave a little exasperated snort and went back to staring at his monitor. Not exactly the celebratory type. Edit: I gave him an affectionate pat on the head, tho. His reaction was another grunt.
  16. I'm not sure what a NOLF is, but Keyrock gets major points for using a Dean .gif Also, is there some place that explains why Cyberpunk is so super-hotly anticipated? I watch the released gameplay/trailers and it just looks like the typical car/rpg/action game. What's so extra-exciting about it, something about gameplay design/tech? The company making it? Big promises of some kind?
  17. I just woke up and darnit, I shouldn't have clicked on it.
  18. My hubby's amazing ability to reach the top of the shelves, carry large/heavy packages, electrical/mechanical skills and most vitally, his laconic tendencies meaning he doesn't mind my rambling tendencies, are very important indeed, and much appreciated every day.
  19. I'm posting these largely to comment that: I never liked this song all that much, but after YouTubing-around, I've discovered I like it a lot better when one, it's sung by a male, and two, in any language that's not English. My fave is full Japanese tho (2nd video), I've had it on background-repeat all day - maybe I've watched too many anime.
  20. Started watching "The Devil Punisher" via Netflix. Another Taiwanese series I think. It's a fantasy/action/low-keyromance, with a version of heavenly reapers who deal with spirits who don't want to leave earth (ghosts, basically) with, ofc, a central "big bad" overall plot as well as episodic ghost-ing. Or something. The effects look pretty nice and every time there's action and ghost/spirit stories, it's fairly entertaining, sometimes humorous. But inbetween is the usual over long and rather sedate dialogue/chat scenes that pad out time. It's just a script/filming style they have. But I like it enough to put up with FFWDing thru any boring bits. Sadly it's not finished "airing", so only 4 episodes available out of 20. Guess I'll have to save up the rest to binge a couple months from now.
  21. My understanding, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, is that's because of the algorithm used to fill in "gaps" created by the downscale then re-upscale, or something to that effect. So the AI tries to replace info lost from the initial downscale with what it thinks "should" be there - resulting, like I said, in un-fading some graphics, different color shading/spots maybe even lines or other such things. To many this equals more detail, or at least more visual "pop." The sharpening thing is interesting since I bought the OLED. On the LED/IPS screens, Death Stranding building text has a softer look - it's not out of focus, just soft. DLSS would sharpen that (I could see a tiny bit of "sharpness grain" tho). On the OLED, without DLSS on or any sharpening filters and exact same game settings, that text/other is crystal clear - the clarity is fantastic natively. I have no idea why, if it's just the better contrast or the TV itself is simply uber better than my pc monitors in this regard (edit: most likely, I don't have super expensive pc monitors). Or if LED/IPS etc just tends to add more softness to visuals overall because of its light tech/screen material which begs for more sharpening. Dunno. Anyway, hence my "depends on monitor/tv used" comment above.
  22. I don't think anyone posted it? Going to put guru's review links here for anyone who prefers to read over watch extended videos. https://www.guru3d.com/articles-pages/amd-radeon-rx-6800-xt-review,1.html https://www.guru3d.com/articles-pages/amd-radeon-rx-6800-review,1.html ------------------ Re: that DLSS video with the airplane game: I saw that elsewhere. If you look carefully there are some differences - without DLSS, the color and contrast are darker and less yellow (in that video anyway), while DLSS has trees and ground shadows much less dark/contrast-y, which I personally disliked. The grassy road/trees, the grass and flowers has a bit more clarity all around and a better green/blue shift without DLSS (vs yellower) where they have you focusing on the tree branch. The plane looks a bit sharper with DLSS, as if it over-rides the softening effect of something like TAA (not saying that's what it's doing, just sorta what it looks like). DLSS can also change some original artistic detail because (I think) of the way it removes then re-adds information. Example: intentionally sun-faded lettering may be darkened and less washed out with DLSS. Not that that matters to most people, mind. Anyway, for the performance gain and the fact it looks really good, it's quite admirable/fantastic, but DLSS is still different than native. Better and different are not the same definition in my mind, so it depends on whether one likes the differences. I think that's going to simply depend on eyeballs as well as monitor/TV used.
  23. Well, yes, it's a less-burn-in-for-dummies feature. It's not often an issue for TV/movie watching (I hear it can be occasionally), just an annoyance re: desktop type usage. I don't mind if it's on by default, but there should be a supported option to turn it off without having to buy a "service remote" to access a special menu to disable/enable it etc. Just have a giant agreement EULA message like "warning voids warranty are you sure" if you click to disable. There's also the pixel-shift feature, which so far hasn't been noticeable. The last desktop-use gripe is that if you have dual monitors and the TV is set as Windows "main", turning the TV off and back on makes Windows shuffle all windows on 2nd monitor back to the TV. Using stand-by mode instead of full-OFF didn't help. The LG LED 4k I had didn't do this. Ah well. Never mind. Games and TV look too beautiful on it. After only a couple days I don't know if I could go back, just like I can't go back to non-4k. I'll grit my teeth and try to ignore/put up with such niggles. Edit: basically, as visual media showcase, A+, as a "working" desktop, B+.
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