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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. A forum post on GoG claims you can at least start a SP game on a higher difficulty: I don't know how well it works tho, I never knew of/tried it. Interesting. -All you have to do is to start a multiplayer game on "Nightmare" or "Hell" difficulty. Then simply quit back to the main menu and start a singleplayer game. The singleplayer game will be the same difficulty as the multiplayer one, including the value of experience per monster, gold drops, etc. Anyway, the MP was mostly my jam because it was harder, even Normal. Enemies had more HP by default than in SP, IIRC. I'd guess GoG's "HD" just = 1080 at most. Dangit now I want to fire it up and check out a few things.
  2. Yes, and that's all very sensible/rational as well and I wouldn't disagree with any of such thoughts. And a little of that type of stuff crosses my mind, which is why I haven't canceled the appointment even tho I want to. ---while I could easily live for six months at a time (I do have to do blood tests occasionally...) never leaving the house or being directly physically exposed to another human being outside of hubby (as long as Amazon and Amazon Fresh or similar, and pizza delivery exists/works, anyway), hubby couldn't and wouldn't. Not just occasional work - he likes to go to Home Depot/other such places, the liquor store, etc. He could bring it home. ---I'm not completely "elderly" yet ... but I'm not exactly 20 and in the prime of my life/best physical shape ever, either ---I have Type2 diabetes etc. ...I'm still a chicken, tho, and a cynical one to boot. ...and this type of thing doesn't help - that it's not total immunity. I figure the odds of me (personally) getting it it in the first place, while not absolute zero either, are probably about as low as the vaccine would help most "normal" people to reach.
  3. I use the GoG version on Win10. Which reminds me, it already has some HD support, but I forget how much, outside of it not being of the show-entire-town variety. I do have two or three original disc copies of the game (including a Hellfire disc...) but I think that website said the gog file would work too. I'm not sure what you mean. If you meant the battle.net like gameplay (with no quests like Poisoned Water etc) - you've always been able to do that, using the IPX multiplayer option to create a character instead of picking battle.net. It's what I used al the time, so I had to pick up any town ground-tosssed loot and exit only with what I could carry, because it would disappear/not be saved like in SP games. I liked it because it was harder in a way (especially S. King), plus I could start Normal and once I got to a certain clvl I could change difficulty immediately (or use whichever I wanted) and start at dungeon lvl 1 again to gain XP faster. eg, grind. lol. Edit: maybe you mean doing the same but with SP quests and items vs. bnet-like gameplay The SP campaign with the quests - I did play it a lot initially and yeah, it's a nice fun quick ride. I remember crossing my fingers that I'd get the quest sets I wanted. There were a couple I preferred getting. I always felt so bad for Lachdanan.
  4. Dear Diary: My vaccine appointment date draws very near. I haven't cancelled it, but I still want to. Because while one could rationalize it all one wants, I'm basically just a chicken and I'd like to wait another year or three for more possible long-term reports, and/or newer versions of vaccine. Not like I'm traveling overseas/other countries anytime soon. I know one person who hardly had any vaccine reaction at all. Another who just had a pretty sore arm. Others who had the "run over by a truck"/stayed in bed like some of you. Which led me to very idly wonder if people with a high reaction might also have a higher chance of being a "worse case" if they did get actual Covid. Probably not. Just my bored brain pestering me with illogical nonsense.
  5. I might download it so I can try it next time I play D1. I assume out of all those options, the file I'd want to d/l is the "devilutionx-windows-x86_64.zip" <---little old lady brain doesn't like github
  6. I seem to recall having a mod at one point that allowed me to play D1 at much bigger resolution - although it was a little buggy. I could see practically the entire town (including Wirt) at once. I can't recall if it was an actual "mod" or that one tool that I also used to play Stardew Valley at similar crazy resolutions. Anyway...I know there are still some HD D1 mods around but many change/add stuff to the game and all I'd want is graphic/HD, not gameplay changes. I didn't even like Hellfire very much. >.>
  7. Past two weeks or so while in my pc room, off and on all day and early morn like 2am: "What is that weird/freaky noise? Did the neighbors get sick geese? Or a turkey? Mutated cats? What what?" *YouTube* ... Oh, it's those white herons/egrets nesting in the street trees ... it's weird because I don't remember hearing their gobbles and calls last summer and they were in the same tree. I also didn't know they made that kind of noise. I always see them from far away, wading in the bay outlets etc.
  8. Netflix is still worth it to me because one, hubby uses it a lot, and two, it has a lot of non-US programming, eg a nice mix in one spot. Also ... its overall streaming quality (eg, how close I can sit before it starts to look terrible), player UI, and audio, at least for me, are the best. Especially the audio, vs. others. I watched Stowaway on Netflix. It's basically a human drama on a ship bound for a Mars mission where success of mission is then threatened, that type of thing. It's not Aliens, it's not Gravity. Restrained, quiet, perhaps just a tad too long. Maybe could have used a tiny bit more chr. depth or situation tension here and there. But Anna Kendrick (and the other few actors) did a fine job. I don't think I felt quite as emotionally engaged as the film wanted me to be but it was still pretty decent. I'd give it, say, a solid B.
  9. Heathen! ...I think I became stuck, in D3, on GR69 (with a summon Necro). I couldn't clear 70 quite fast enough on whatever difficulty I was on (or it required, per usual I forget) with the way I was set up. Necro was the only class I really liked playing in the end. Wizard and Monk were ok but ... yeah, I like summons. I don't like D3 enough to play the story mode/start over or make another Seasonal chr, so after checking out the follower gear, and running around a little bit, I put it away again. Diablo2-R looks all right/they seem to be doing a good job with it, but I'd also like an HD polish of Diabloi1, personally. they don't have to "improve" gameplay at all, just do that graphic overlay improvement.
  10. Ah, ok. So not *just* absorb/prevent damage but also transfers at least some of that energy back into his own attacks, giving him more melee powah too. Makes sense. I'd still have aimed for his head tho.
  11. When I picked it up again on console (where I hadn't played it at all for 4-5 years maybe) I found myself increasing the difficulty constantly, to whatever the game let me do at each stage, when initially going thru story mode. Back at original release it wasn't like that, and was a tad tougher from the get go. They really did lower even the base difficulty drastically, over time, I think in part to allow for their crazy amount of more incremental difficulties (vs. huge jumps) added later. Anyway, most people use whatever difficulty they can manage, since you can change it at any time. Edit: well, in stages periodically at first, I can't recall exactly... @Lexx Personally I think items in most "action-rpg's" of any genre (this includes stuff like Borderlands) have all adopted the same mindset re: bonuses/item stats as well as skills and ofc, "loot explosions", and I largely find it not as long-term satisfying, because even "uniques" often don't feel very special. Even D2 started to go that route by the end of all their expansions/updates. It's all designed for single-chr. endgame concerns, because people want to keep progressing/respeccing forever and ever with the same character or three, so you have to draw it out somehow to keep players playing/coming back and stay ... relevant? ... while you're spending 5+ years developing your next game. Diablo3 at least still has some fun Legendaries/Uniques (and Sets) with fun effects - not necessarily always about uber chr. dps - like the Puzzle Ring or the one that generates a little exploding imp follower periodically. I like stuff like that. Plus you can put the latter on a Follower because it's funny. Plus of course the Seasons rewards if one does like starting from scratch again.
  12. Going to agree. And I also laughed at that one spot/thing, haha. Some of the fights were ok, but it has the issue of many of these films with mostly terrible acting - but where it's not actually terrible/cheesy enough to be hilarious. The fight at the main guy's house and the last sub zero fight were fairly fun to watch. I'm a little unclear what the main dude's power was tho - really good armor/ability to take hits and form little swords under his forearms. Was that it? The red glows in the armor just indicate the suit absorbing the damage? But then everyone should've just gone for his head, right?
  13. Started Mortal Kombat. I'm not into the game or lore so...just lookin' for fights. ...what happens in the first scene of the movie kinda ticked me off in that movie kind of way, but oh well. Sub-Zero seems quite considerate, freezing flesh before breaking limbs off. At least it would sort of deaden the pain of such amputations, right?! Maybe? ... Anyway ...
  14. Well, it's pretty fun putting something like those fire walking boots on the Enchantress follower and have her leaving a trail of fire where she goes. Fun to put full gear on all of them. I'm not quite sure what effects work on them or don't, or what they wear that works on my chr etc. The new season has a cute pet but supposedly to get it you'd have to do every single goal of the Season. Nope, not happening.
  15. Read the followers in Diablo3 can now wear more equipment? Which had me wondering if I wanted to try the PC version of the game again. I played it on PC originally just not sure my hands could take the constant mouse use for chr. movement, UI, etc. at the moment. Plus I don't like always-online. Maybe I should just stick to the PS4. But ... but ... the graphix clarity! Yeah I know, D3 graphics are nothing special but ... clarity!
  16. Even if I had the brain, social skills and the funds, I wouldn't have cared about going to Stanford or anything similar. When I was growing up I swear half the young boys in my public grade school (and some of the young girls) were being groomed for Standford by their upper middle class parents. Their preppy clothes and Izod shirts, tears if they didn't get top grades, a lot of pressure (and they were maybe 10-13). We lived close to it. I rode my bike by/though it a lot visiting friends. I spent a summer computer camp there. It was a major mental influence and pressure in the local city grade schools I went to. (but then public Highschool was different with a much more varied income class mix). It's a nice campus. But ... yeah. That kind of performance pressure, re: anything. No thanks.
  17. Interesting re: Proton. Maybe I'll look into it when I have to build a new rig in 4-8 years from now. Outside of a few minor annoyances, I've generally found Win10 to be nothing terrible tho - as long as I can control when/what I update - but again I largely stopped using the PC for much of anything outside of media/gaming - edit: and want the easiest/laziest to use - so mostly I just don't care, probably. MS could still do something in the future to tick me off enough, tho.
  18. Ate pizza and rented "Nobody." I regret not a penny. Bob Odenkirk is great. Seeing Christopher Lloyd was nice too. Most of the film he's not the invincible the Liam Neeson type of action dude, altho that's not to say it's realistic either, haha. Overall nothing too special about it as a movie, but Odenkirk is awesome/sells it and made it a "good" movie. The last stand-off was very outlandish but super fun and quite a few lol moments throughout, for me.
  19. Hubby: *holding an angle ruler thingie* "Hmm. Well, so far, my reworked plane seems to be making the surface flat but not quite enough square." Me: *zeroes in on workbench and starts finger-shuffling through curly wood squiggles* "NEAT-o, the shavings from your test pine board are like fine curly birch bark! You could write secret notes and attach them to a pigeon!" Hubby: "....you're hopeless." Me: "Squirrel!" ...believe it or not, we're a well matched couple. No, really. ...in other 'news', it rained for like 5 minutes this afternoon. Shortest April shower ever.
  20. Oh? Not even for games? Games are the main reason I use Windows. Most other uses, I suspect I'd think any ol' O/S would likely work, since I don't do anything all that techie if you know what I mean.
  21. Microsoft actually rolled it back? interesting. I'm sure I'll update (some) things on Win10 eventually. Maybe. I never did get SP3 on XP....I still wonder if MS is really going to stick with updating/altering Win10 forever or if 10 years from now they'll finally go "Well, here's Win20 now!"
  22. I became the same way with fantasy/sci-fi books, except that took me more like 30 years ... because I started when I was maybe eight and couldn't afford to buy very many at a time until much later. Games are becoming the same - although in that case it's that my game tastes re: styles and gameplay haven't changed all that much, but dev./marketing trends have. Edit: also, I think I *am* very picky. Otherwise I wouldn't grow bored so fast regardless.
  23. Wait ... there's a One Punch Man ssn2? It's not on Netflix, darnit. How does one see it? Also, to clarify a tad, it's not that I don't understand that even the most action-y show needs some characterization bits, backstory/lore, dialogues, human interest, confrontations to broaden relationships, or whatever you want to call them. I mean at minimum, that's why I love the Kirk/Spock/McCoy dynamic trio, right. I just prefer them to be brief/intense and not the fundamental or only draw of a show. Breaking Bad over Shameless, for example. Remember you're talking to a spoiled woman-child who can binge-watch/play/read stuff 24/7 almost whenever they feel like it, for the past 15-20 years. It's easy/fast for me to become bored of media/fiction styles, very quickly I've largely stopped watching most k-drama's (except crime or suspense) after only 5-6 years (?) because I've seen so many I can count the plot/chr beats and practically know what's going to come out of their mouths.
  24. Not necessarily about that game in the video at all, but sometimes I wonder how often at least things like stuttering, crashes, general performance issues have to do with Windows version (updates). :P Like a recent one was doing/did, and past ones. eg, I'm so glad I'm not a programmer. Drivers, configs, hardware, updates every month or three that changes stuff, what a headache. https://www.windowscentral.com/latest-windows-10-update-causing-nightmare-gamers I often feel like I don't have most game issues people report on forums but then I remember I haven't updated Windows in like 1.5 years or whatever. :P
  25. Those are the parts where if they're longer than 30 seconds or simply too frequent for what I'm expecting from a genre, I often start FFWD'ing, in anything. Not that I don't like some dedicated slice of life films/series if done well, but more typically my reaction is like what I have for long cutscenes in video games. *skip*. Edit: I was more patient/liked such more when I was younger tho, I think. It's just all too predictable now and I go for vicarious thrills. Anyway, saw a review for the movie version of something called Demon Slayer, which the reviewer said one wouldn't get as much out of said film if you haven't seen the series. The series is on Netflix, so I checked it out. First episode started well enough. Then two episodes of training prep type stuff, which wasn't done in a way that interested me much (repetitive, cliche, boring). Then it started moving again. I can't decide if I like it. The animation style of faces/expression puts me off for some reason (rather flat even for anime), and the "camera" style often feels like playing a game at a FOV of, oh, say, 40 instead of 70-90. It's distracting/restrictive feeling. I'll give it a few more episodes (there's 26 I think) of where the chr. is actually doing "missions"/demon slaying more often. I do like the overall story arc concept and the dynamic of the sister-turned-demon w/brother dedicated to finding a cure, is nicely sympathetic.
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