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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. It often confuses me when people change their long-time avatars. Course, I'm guilty of doing that myself so...
  2. Guys with sandy-brown hair for me - y'know, light to medium brown that has reddish and/or blondish highlights in the sun/during summer. Not that dislike the other colors. :D
  3. The reason my desktop changes so much is because I'm always making new ones and then testing them to make sure they don't completely suck.
  4. I'm aware of that, but Numa is easier to type. The Ozone one. I haven't found an Italian version yet.
  5. The full Numa song, because someone here recently posted a link to it, and it was the 1st time I'd ever heard of/seen it, and now I can't stop listening to it. *shakes fist*
  6. Oh he loves it. But most of the time I figure stuff out on my own or do without. And back on topic...I found a new wallpaper, an EvilDead:Regeneration game one. No pic tho...too lazy.
  7. I'm better than some, worse than others, and just right for me. But I've never called a tech-help line in my life. ....partly because I have a tech-husband...
  8. Where the blazes do you people find all these weird/funny pictures? ...I guess I don't spend enough time Googling....
  9. Uh...yes...a little....but not sure what. I change things then forget what I changed. I don't use the 'smooth scrolling' type features on anything tho - always turn that off. I hate 'smooth scrolling'.
  10. *cries at the blue meanies* But they're cute. I like ground squirrels and ferrets and all those other things too. I raised some gray squirrels from baby to adult once, then released them. That was fun.
  11. *squeals* I love that squirrel pic! I love squirrels! (w00t)
  12. I like metadigital's desk. I'm wondering why Divx is placed out of the way in the US region....
  13. Mine changes every day too...sometimes hourly. Right this minute it's this one: Yes, I know I have too many icons in my taskbar. I like them there.
  14. Strange...I click on it once, I get page not found...click a second time, I get some 'tell us your region' page. Click a third time, I get 'page not found'. Clicked a fourth time, I get some article page with what is, I assume, the headline in question. And....it is a great one. :D But very strange link behaviour. heh
  15. Well I checked...and it is...at least when you're quoting by using the 'reply' link at the bottom of a post. Edit: Bah, you and your edit.
  16. I believe that's just a link back to the original post you're quoting...but I could be mistaken.
  17. Just add some coffee to the hot chocolate..... :cool:
  18. I also spend a lot of time surfing forums when I'm very stressed/nervous about something. Like now. Hot chocolate anyone?
  19. It's in....a little town in Cuba....yeah...that's it....
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