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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Serenity. As I think someone else already said, it didn't suck. Never liked the series at all...the movie's ok tho.
  2. Hubby went to get a pizza. Guess that's what's for dinner. Burgers, pizza, lasanga, soft-shell beef tacos. If he could, he'd live on only those things. :D I wouldn't want to live on them, but pickled cucumbers can be really really tasty...I need to go to the Korean place again and get some.
  3. I've done exactly that on Dantooine and he didn't turn to Jedi, too...and I do the influence bit in the Acad. It always took one more, which I usually did on Dxun's first run. Maybe I missed something in all those Dantoonie ones.
  4. Never said I loved the stuff. I try not to eat it very often...and I've tried to wean hubby away from it some...but he will never give up the convienence/laziness factor. Eh...it's no worse than some frozen food that some people live on IMO. Been in some good Wendy's but the Wendy's around here aren't good at all...such things depend so much on area/city. KFC is horrible stuff. lol I had some chicken noodle soup w/jalepeno's, a bowl full of vegies, and some strawberry yogurt for dinner.
  5. JintheB is better than McD's, which my husband is also fond of. I do the best I can when he wants to go to those places. I haven't made pizza thingies in ages...you're inspiring me. Yum.
  6. Heh..I'd never heard of him before...I don't usually pay attention to director names.
  7. I guess my eyes are different. LCD's in the stores are definitely tons better than they ever were before, but I still prefer my CRT. There's a good chance tho that when it finally breaks I'll think the CRT's they sell now are horrid or something, kind of like how VCR's you can buy today are total crap compared to the ones of 10-15 years ago...it's what they do when they want to phase out something. hehe I think LCD's still do less well with clear text - even at their best LCD text just doesn't look as smooth to me. My husband who works w/PC's all day complains about it quite bitterly and was very opposed to his client's office switching from CRT to LCD's. heh. But the CRT's bulk is definitely a downside. Luckily, I have a very large desk. :D
  8. Um...last thing I ate was last evening, and that was a broiled chicken club from jack n the box - minus the "special sauce." I'm starting to get hungry for my first meal of the day...rotisserie turkey sandwich.
  9. Grizzly Man Nature footage: 10/10 Biographical story-telling: 7/10 Debate-inducing factor: 9/10 ------------- Overall score: 8.6/10
  10. Diablo2 and it's variants are RPG-Lites. They have the combat, some form of the stat/character/item creation/progression and a story/quests (tho not usually very interactive ones). If you reduced most of the CRPG's down to the elements of stats/combat, that's what you'd have....imo. *shrug* I like Diablo2. Or I did. I can't play it anymore, I played it too much for 4-5 years. <_<
  11. What the.... I go away for a few days, so much change. :cool: As to grammar in games...now that I think about it, I guess there were a few bits here and there that were off...just wasn't extreme enough for me to care. And spelling...pffft....Even Stephen King's books (backed by lots of money and big companies) have frequent typo's that were obviously mistakes on the part of the...er...typesetter...computer setter...whatever they use now...
  12. ....sorry, couldn't help myself.
  13. "This doesn't feel very Kotor related."
  14. Somehow these always turn into "favorite" topics... Good original post tho. In terms of personality (with the 'most realistic' concept in tow) ...hmm...Kreia. Her lines were delievered with the most natural cadence/speech sound to me...not as over the top theatrically dramatic. But I didn't like her character all that much. Handmaiden wasn't too bad either, I've known some people who talk quite a bit like her style wise so it seemed realistic to me in that regard. I like Disciple's backstory better than Atton's by a shade, because of the whole ex-Jedi bit...but both of them had non-realistic personalites so they don't win this one.
  15. Constant Gardener - Plot: 8/10 (it unravels a bit confusingly at times but it's pretty solid) Eye-candy: 9/10 (no wild action cgi etc. but gorgeous cinematography/camerawork) Suspense/Action: 6/10 Emo/Romance: 6/10 (not that it's a romantic film, persay) Fun factor: 6/10 Ending: 4/10 Ralph Fiennes factor: 10/10 ------------ Overall score: 7/10 Flight Plan - Plot/Story: 5/10 Eye-candy: 5/10 (there were some cool effects/camera angles etc) Uncreative ending: 4/10 Fun factor: 4/10 Jodie Foster factor: 7/10 (Michael Jackson looks just like her) Sean Bean factor: 8/10 -------------- Overall score: 5.6/10 edit - silly me forgot the overall score for the 1st film...
  16. *soapbox* Porn is porn. Sex is sex & natural. I have nothing against any of that, or nudity in general. I'm not a prude or overly prim. Sex as exploitation however...to say it does no harm to a supposedly 'modern and enlightened society' as a whole is highly debatable. Look at the difference, say, at the pictures people post on myspace.com...the guys vs. the girls, percentages wise. Guys post one or two fuzzy pictures of themselves, girls toss up seXXy pictures of themselves in their underwear because...because why? Perhaps because they think they won't get any attention/be popular otherwise? Scantily clad females everywhere and in everything makes the impression that in order to get attention, one has to be/do the same. Be 20yo, be in a bikini, be 115 pounds. That's not a society message I like. I'm for the ban in this case...not because I think it's so horrible all by its lonesome...but because of the entire attitude in general. Men have their own pressures as well, it's not just female-focused...but women as sex-objects/decoration is definitely in the forefront. Teaching kids to be unashamed of their bodies and sex in general is not, in my opinion, the same as exploiting and encouraging only a SINGLE KIND of what is 'acceptably seXXy'...whether to sell games, cars, or anything else.
  17. I like the hat, it's simple yet kinda rakish. As long as the color goes well with the rest of the outfit, I think it'd look good. If you're concerned about the $$ tho, I'm not sure it's really worth an extra $85 to add it - unless, of course, you think you'd get a decent amount of use from it. You might be able to find a similar style hat in a store for a lot cheaper and then add a few feathers/ribbon to it from a craft/fabric etc. store.
  18. So this character does it all on his own, it's not even you getting to decide what to decorate with as a mini-game (that might appeal to Sim's like people, bad decor and all)? If so, yeah, that is really stupid/pointless? :D
  19. Vegies with spicy italian type marinade drizzled all over it. Yum.
  20. Tho sometimes watching a movie more than once or twice is nice because you can notice things without having to 'keep up' with the plot, it's not the same as game replay...definitely not. :cool:
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