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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. It's amazing that you're not taken already, pixie! :D Somehow this thread reminds me of myspace.
  2. Where'd Hade's avatar go?... My perfect guy would have large strong hands, be tall, not mind that I like a lot of time alone (ie isn't needy/clingy), good sense of sarcastic wit, likes to snuggle, and be...well, my husband. Awwwww.....you can all puke now. :D
  3. Violence is one way to power - actual definitions of what power is/means change but the desire for it remains, hence it's fascinating & stimulating to our old, primitive brain even as our new, rational brain may denounce it. Perhaps if deer were cognitive/self-aware thinkers they'd be sitting around in a circle cheering the fighting stags on and placing bets. Er...yeah.
  4. Background isn't the best for text but oh well.
  5. The Cooler, again. The film that brought my respect for Alex Baldwin back up a few notches.
  6. Classic. I always loved A Bridge Too Far, too...it's not nearly as good as River Kwai of course, plus it's a bit too long, but there's something about it that I still like. Das Boat is still my fave war movie of all time tho.
  7. An actual screenshot might help shake loose some opinions from people.
  8. Ahhhh...didn't see that you'd mentioned the movie already. That was one freaky film wasn't it? Not a good film...but very freaky.
  9. Schlock is an artistic category all it's own. A very....special.....category. :D
  10. Yes, that's correct. I think if you turn it off in 'options' it turns off a few effects, not just the swoops one - since you're disabling an entire effect setting, not just one specific in-game effect.
  11. Beyond clipping and 'bugs' like the mine exp. glitch, which weren't limited to a specific area, I experienced so few bugs that I can't really say....probably Telos surface tho...the stuff in the Academy hit me a few times...after the patch.
  12. Rap is music. So is country. Doesn't mean I'll listen to either. :D
  13. 2. Have any of you hear of the Killer Games Forums Nope 3. Does Fionavar seem crabby to you? Nope, Fio's perfect. 4. Have you ever eaten an ostrich sandwich? Nope 6. Have you actually "read" the rules? Yup 7. What is Pi? A really weird and trippy movie.
  14. Anything creative or requiring creative thought, in all subject areas, including games, is in my opinion artistic in nature. Creativity/invention = art. I don't think a painting/statue is any more artistic than someone coming up with the idea for the toothbrush/wheel, just because one is deemed "useful/practical" and the other is not. If one wants to try to differentiate between emotional art ("art") and the functional art ("invention"), cool, but y'know....I'm rather attached to the toothbrush and get pretty emotionally unhappy without it. :D
  15. Looking at that official site....she no longer looks like Lara to me...she now looks like...I dunno...one of those popular famous model women or something. They'd managed to keep her looking like Lara face-wise for a long time, til now. Bah.
  16. Larger files meaning media files? There's places that will let you upload those, but often they won't allow you to hotlink to them directly because of bandwidth issues. Plus there's usually size limits so anything really huge isn't allowed (a 60MB avi for example can bust bandwidth really fast if you hotlink in a busy gameforum, heh). Still, you can share their link and people can see it there or something. Don't know of many myself tho...putfile is one. I'm sure there's better options than that.
  17. Small homemade club sandwich using turkey bacon, red onions, sliced rotisserie turkey, tomato, iceberg lettuce. So delicious, I think I'll make another...
  18. Loved the first, 2nd was ok, never played the 3rd...I liked the first half of Last Revelation because it went back to the Tomb concept more, but too many bugs. I even had to download someone else's save game at one point to continue and I never finished it. Chronicles (5) I hated because it didn't feel like Tombraider...hubby liked that one quite a bit tho, for some reason. Angel of Darkness...the controls and Kurtis didn't bother me too much, tho they were a little frustrating at times. Actually, I found #6 to be the easiet one to complete, even with some of those bosss where you had to re-load several times to get lucky. Didn't know they were making another one, thought the franchise had died, lol. Well, I'm sure I'll be buying it just to check it out. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll be something great. :D
  19. Maybe by this time the forum could use an archive section for the Kotor threads - still searchable, just not reply-able. :D
  20. I don't remember being very rich my original play through K2...but I tend to hoarde everything because I 'might' want to use or experiment with it, so I stay poor. But as said, there was never anything worth buying. I think the most I spent was on a handgun for Atton in one of the city shops.
  21. http://www.giantrabbitrescue.co.uk/ :D Edit - oh...some other versions of the story I've seen put the bunny at 22 pounds. But at any rate, yeah, a lot of the size ir probably fur...that and while the bunny IS big it's probably not nearly as huge as it looks from that forced perspective picture.
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