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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I don't think there's been anything that offensive for teh internets; but sometimes we can forget that newcomers who don't "know" our posting habits may not see things the same way. Just something to keep in mind.
  2. I'll probably stop playing.. I mean a horror game with graphics like that - or even a war game.. you'll be a nutjob in a couple of hours Wimp. I know what you mean tho - I don't think I'd like it for a WWII game very much. Depends how they use them in the game.
  3. *scratches head* Daytime/night-time?
  4. Was watching How the West Was Won during another pamper-sick-kitty session. Seems to me like I used to like that movie ... but it was a bit slow and ponderous this time around. Still watchable. I miss the old Western & spaghetti western films.
  5. Perhaps she has a job during the day. And Jade, don't let 'em 'scare' you away. They're all warm and fuzzy on the inside, they just don't like to admit it.
  6. When produced games commonly have graphics like those, I'll probably get more into wanting to have the latest hardware right now.
  7. Another maybe - is the power supply enough to run the card?
  8. I spent last night with a cat wrapped in a blanket on my lap, puffing asthma inhaler in her face, and trying to get her to eat and drink. Then I fell asleep on the couch, so I woke up with a huge crick in my neck. Peachy.
  9. .... I've never heard of that game. Not surprising tho, I tend to ignore all games based on film industry hits. No one is ever going to agree on number positioning - since I don't typically like shooters I think most FPS should NOT be in the top25 - so I'm just pleased when the list as a whole has many names I think at least deserve recognition for being good games, nevermind their placement.
  10. The Longest Journey was on there ... isn't that kind of an adventure game? I guess I liked the list more than most because many of those games never even appear on other lists, at all.
  11. On the one hand, for me personally, I think it'd be a cool job - the being a part of the process kind of thing. On the other side, I'd be afraid that if playing games was my job, I'd eventually start to go home and rarely want to play them on my own time. :D Sounds like a great experience to have, tho, and I'm sure I'd try it if I had a chance.
  12. Hi Jade Jump right in - and welcome to the forums.
  13. Computerandvideogames.com 101 "best PC games ever" Above link goes to the top 25 - links to the rest are at the top of the article. While I don't agree with all of their positionings, for once, it's not too bad "list," title-wise, imo. Dungeon Keeper = #62
  14. I Googled some reviews - sounds interesting, although at this time in my life, possibly also a bit excruciating ... in a good way. The mapping thing sounds cool, but ... I don't have a console. I love it when you pick up a game on a "lark" like that and it turns out to be one of your favorite games ever, or something. Same thing happened to me with Dungeon Keeper way back when.
  15. But ... but ... I like being spoon fed; it's the closest I can come to being born w/a silver spoon in my mouth ... Have to agree. I remember when D2 came out, and some people were complaining the graphics were already outdated because of how much time passed between when they began and when it was released. Didn't stop fans from obsessively playing it for years, tho. Still...can't wait for the 2007 graphic Daiblo3 - in the year 2012.
  16. lol, fun pics, great expressions.
  17. Kitties go home today, which I'm kind of looking forward to, since I don't usually wake up to cats staring at me or sitting on my chest etc. heh They were cute as buttons tho.
  18. Graphics don't make or break a game for me; a fun game is a fun game regardless. But if a game has graphics I really like, my immersion-level enjoyment goes up several notches.
  19. Me either. Or Morrowind, for that matter. But I did play Morrowind a lot longer than Oblivion - mostly because at the time it was 'fresh' to me. By Oblivion - it wasn't.
  20. You forgot the "imo." I unapologetically love the Diablo series. Starcraft doesn't do much for me, tho. Wasn't terrible or anything, what I played - just didn't excite.
  21. I knew I should've been an animal vet.
  22. Perhaps actually listing your computer specs and hardware would help?
  23. I don't like the graphics, from the screenies, either. To me it looks too pinball-arcade-ish. Not that they're horrible, and maybe it'll be a great game ... but they could do better graphic style-wise, imo.
  24. The neighbors behind us are having some kind of big party, complete with horrible accordian-vocal fast-dance music played at block-volume all afternoon. I'm about ready to go postal.
  25. Every time I try to take the test and press "Process" it takes me to a "Latest News" page ...
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