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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yeah, I'm like that too. In WoW/BC I created my own Guild and had all my characters join it so I could purchase and use all 6 of the Guild Bank tabs, on top of each individual characters fairly large stash space. heheh I don't remember how much "stash" BG actually had, beyond it was more than Diablo games. I do remember always running out of room in BG, too, tho. Diablo1 was even worse...no town stash at all. The mod is called PlugY. Be aware it's considered a hack by most trading forums (w/good reason) so if you ever did want to play w/others to trade via "open" bnet, you'd be considered illegit. You can't use PlugY on closed bnet, however, so you're safe in that regard. I never did like ATMA's configuration, with all it's files and such. I much prefer it to be all in-game. It does look a bit more like Lich King eyes today - altho imo the brow between the eyes isn't quite right for it. Still, tomorrow it may look more like some other franchise character, or something completely new. They're just messing with us, as usual. If all this is for WotLK, I bet Blizzard is laughing at all the D3 furor that's arisen because of this.
  2. The new splash image is making the face more apparent. In spite of myself, I'm finding this all kind of exciting. Genius marketing people.... That's bothered me in all action-RPG's. I want endless stashes...or at least several "pages" worth of stash. I mean, c'mon, BG it's not, don't give me pretentious excuses about having to make decisions on which almost-impossible-to-get per playthrough sets you want to try for at any one time. Just gimmie the room for the loot. In SP I'm using the mod that pretty much gives you endless storage and allows you share between all your characters - it also allows you to have that Super-Diablo or whatever he was appear in the SP game. :D Agreed. They're monster bashing and loot-based games, that's it. And personally, I don't mind if they change it some or give it a little more depth, but I think I'd prefer the Diablo series to stay in that general vein, at least.
  3. I've been popping allergy meds like candy for the past few days because of the smoky skies from all the wildfires both north and south of us. And I'm hoping that Big Sur doesn't burn.
  4. Most of these kind of movies show most of the potentially funny moments in the ads/previews...meaning I have no reason to pay to see the movie. :D The "stupid" humor I have no problem with - but it's like SNL skits - potentially hilarious for 3-5 minutes, torturous if extended into 90.
  5. Edit: Bah, way too slow. If you played hardcore, your death was permanent, if that mattered to you. The only general difference I remember in D1 was if you couldn't reach your body in the same play session, you actually lost all your stuff. The enemies respawning was initially annoying in single-player but it made sense if you actually played on battle.net, which is where Blizz's D2 focus always seemed to be, vs. the SP game.
  6. Actually, I think WoW fits that definition a lot better...mostly because it takes you 100 times longer to actually "achieve" anything via the grinding.
  7. Well, the new splash image has what looks like eyes in the center, with the mist forming what could be a...demonic face around it. It could be an optical illusion w/people seeing what they want to see, but ... I'm betting on D3 now too. That would be awesome. Or at least, potentially awesome... Edit: Blizzard also bought a diablo3 named domain, away from someone else, I think, a while back. Read about it somewhere. I think it's not a matter of if they're going to make D3, just a matter of when. I hope this is the when.
  8. Just FYI, Blizzard seems to be hiring people with making a new MMO in mind. I don't know more than that, tho. imo, at this point it wouldn't make sense for them to not make/start to make another MMO, since they were so successful with WoW...if they can think of a good one, that's different enough in setting or playstyle to attract both non-WoW players and some WoW players alike. Besides, WoW is getting long in the tooth, even w/expansions, and perhaps especially to the US audience. But I agree that it's unlikely Diablo would be the setting for it...it'd probably be something completely new. I hope. Some people are willing to pay for more than one MMO subscription, if they like the games, y'know. As to the teaser images - I'd like to hope it's Diablo3 (edit - or a completely new franchise...), as well...an announcement for WotLK would be anti-climatic and not terribly deserving of all this media-teaser-hype, since it' already well-known that it's coming out soon, even if, I hear, it hasn't been "officially" announced yet. Still, the icy image does make one think it may end up being something like that.
  9. 2nd try: 3rd try: Never mind my 1st try, it was terrible, heh. I want this game so badly. I don't care if it's revolutionary or not, it looks to be sooooo my kind of game. As long as it isn't filled w/million bugs and crashes and gameplay is at least mediocore-adequate, the making new creatures/watching your creatures evolve stuff will suck me in for weeks, I'm sure.
  10. First time I read that Zug prank a few years ago, I cracked up. Even if it's not true 100% of the time, it's true enough to be hilarious...and kinda scary. It all depends on store and the person behind the counter. ie, it's likely easier to get away with such stuff in Target than in Tiffany. I've had people who peered at my sig/drivers license as if they were CSI, and I've had people who didn't ask for ID or even look at my card or my signature. Hubby's one-time boss once gave him his credit card to make a business purchase with, and hubby tried to sign his own name - I'd guess because he was uncomfy with forging his bosses siggy even if he had permission, since he didn't want to be arrested. The store called him on it tho, so it didn't work.
  11. I used to write a lot of free-form poetry & scribbles. I have notebooks full of the stuff. Most of it was what I'd call therapeutic mind cleansing, but it helped quiet the mind, so I wrote. Oddly, I didn't like writing poetry via keyboard, so as I slowly stopped using pen and paper over the years, I also stopped scribbling.
  12. Yeah...and thus it makes sense to me that you couldn't train her to be a Jedi in this case. She's not worthy.
  13. Sith War period here, too. Over centuries such organizations almost inevitably become diluted by something - whether politics, genetics, loss of knowledge/history, greed or fear.
  14. Raccoon steals a floormat from a house Raccoon steals biscuits from inside house then chased away by dog/cat
  15. I slept a lot. My hubby slept a lot. We woke up and puttered around the house. In the evening we had an expensive dinner and then watched CSI:LV until our eyes bled - I bought season's 1,2,3 and 7, which were ones I didn't already have, and so we've been re-watching 'em all week. It's been a pleasant, lazy Saturday.
  16. Death Proof isn't anywhere near as "cheesy" as Planet Terror. By cheesy I mean it's not as funny - not even in a satirical way - and I don't think it's supposed to be. The two directors (Tarantino and Rodriguez) went in fairly separate directions, imo. Tarantino went for more of a serious homage, while Rodriguez made a tongue-and-cheek/high camp satire. Death Proof was ok, but Planet Terror is consistently more entertaining, and I liked it much much better.
  17. Rendition - kept my attention, was fairly decent for its type of film...but then the "WTF" confusing and possibly unneeded artistic placement of a "twist" ending ruined it for me. Lions For Lambs - great acting, but said/did nothing much with the debate that we all haven't thought of ourselves already, so it felt lightweight and pointless.
  18. I won't be buying it any time soon, because I don't feel like playing it any time soon. But I will be buying it eventually...I'd like to see what all the hoopla is about.
  19. I found it quite boring. But I never finished it, so maybe it got better? I found it lightly entertaining in small doses, except for a couple of "forced perspective/must do" quests. The environments were drab, but some of the monsters were pretty cool. And one mid (or later?) main quest was pretty hard for my character. I think it did start to become a little less boring as the monster difficulty increased, but I never finished it either...we moved, and I haven't picked it up since.
  20. Actually, I didn't notice it at first either, since I was personally more concerned with watching Mr. Fehr... It was hubby who mentioned it, so I noticed. On close-ups her face would look fuzzy and brushed. Several articles I read later mentioned it as well. It's surprising mostly because she doesn't need any airbrushing, far as I know.
  21. All good points, but for me the issue is more that if you did multiple crimes that can be charged/sentenced individually, you can't escape 'ridiculous' length terms without a judge going "well, 100 years is unreasonable, lets shave off/ignore several of his crimes/convictions to reduce that number." And I think the reason long sentence terms are often considered "light" is simply because so often, even with such sentence, the criminal gets out of jail for one reason or another before half of the sentence is over, sometimes even with 'mandatory' and 'no chance of parole' wordings - maybe especially for non-lethal crimes.
  22. I agree w/the idea that abusing his position of social trust/authority/power makes the crime more deserving of longer punishment. Add to that the multiple occurrences (which would make me, personally, want to convict him for each known charge) and the sentence terms can pile on - it's not like he committed only one offense to be judged/sentence on, but many multiples, each of which may carry it's own sentence term. I don't know what a 'firearm charge' entails, but that appears to be the main reason for his massive sentence term, according to that article.
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