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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. The sun was shining brightly through the shades this morning, when all of a sudden it became dramatically dark for about 1 second and then bright again. It was very bizarre, almost like being in a room at night when the power flicks off for just a second. Looked outside, no plane, no giant blimp in the way of the sunshine that we could see...no loud engine noises either. Maybe it was a giant invisible flying saucer?
  2. Well, I'm sad, but frankly not surprised. BoSox have been hot/cold all season long...especially after July. Even if they'd pulled this one through, as I've said several times before, I didn't see them getting past NY. Not this season. It's a fun season ride while it lasts, tho. Congrats, Angels...you definitely deserved it - and if you could beat NY, I'd be much obliged.
  3. Lackey shined last night while the BoSox choked. Y'know, I'm really not that bothered by it. Or particularly surprised. BoSox have played well this year overall, but they certainly haven't been consistent. I love the BoSox, but I don't live or die if they win/lose. Of course, one of the most entertaining things was Bucknor's bad calls and the irate BoSox fans repeatedly vandalizing his wiki-entry page. That was amusing. Childish, but amusing. :D Bucknor's calls had nothing to do w/losing the game, but man, is he a terrible ump.
  4. I think we just have different notions of what soap opera means. I'm not talking about specific conventions in actual daytime soap operas...rather, a tone and style. The really long dramatic pauses/reaction shots with sweeping or sappy music scores as characters glare at each other for 10 seconds before walking away. Every character being constantly tormented by ultimate-agonizing inner demons that fuels every plot. It becomes tedious and eventually laughable, to me. Like Vader screaming "nooo." Such is fine/entertaining in small doses to emphasis certain scenes, but BSG felt like every scene was like that...to me anyway. Just too much.
  5. This. For decades...nothing new about this. I can personally understand/sympathize with the idea that Obama (in some circles/countries) is seen as a much bigger symbol of hope and potential US rationality than, say, his own country does, but that doesn't mean he should be given a symbolic prize of peace just yet. Especially since he was actually nominated for it, what, 1 month into his holding the office? I don't find it abhorrent or outrageous or an injustice or something extreme like that...but it is...silly.
  6. They'd make great mini-bacon and hams for two, I'm sure.
  7. A certain level of "drama" I like in sci-fi. I don't like soap opera drama either...altho Glee is kind of an exception because it's so satirical (often meanly so) and cracks me up. One of the issues I had with Battlestar Gallactica, before too much time had passed, is that for me, it was way way over-dramatized. It became an almost lyrical space soap opera. Not my thing.
  8. Micro-piglets are kind of cute. But they're not nearly as cute once fully grown. Then they just look like...pigs.
  9. Yes, computer AI loves to calculate odds in such a way as to generate more losses on your side than if you were in control, and probably will until the end of time, hehe. What the math reasons for that are, I don't know, but I'd hazard a guess it's because it doesn't creatively think, anticipate, or re-evaluate every micro-second of movement like a human. :D So if it's a close battle or if the usual AI losses would somehow cripple me, I wouldn't do it...but 7 or 8 times out of 10, it would not cripple me, so I'd shrug and allow it. I don't generally become attached to strategy game units, unless I'm going for a scored game or something.
  10. Lazy day with three playoff games all in a row. Whether on the couch, in a chair, or on the exercycle....I'm still planted firmly in front of TBS w/the TV remote tossed aside. I always wonder how many people call in sick during end-of-season sports days. I almost got caught by one of those fake anti-virus re-direct search link phish sites, where suddenly you're at a webpage that looks like a Windows system virus alert window. People are evil.
  11. Haven't played the game in question, but I know in other strategy games I'd auto-resolve battles a lot, especially once you're familiar w/the way the AI does it (so you know what odds you're likely you'll win). It's just to tedious to do it yourself every single time.
  12. The "pro's" have a hard time predicting, too. http://whereistand.com/mlb-predictions-2009.html
  13. I don't see them on the lucas arts Kotor2 downloads. But if you Google, they're around. Sometimes fans split the download up because it was so huge. And if that fails, I have it somewhere, but no fast server to put it on so it'd be slow.
  14. Three games all in a row today. I am drunk-happy. As to predictions...I have none. Short series, anything goes.
  15. HInterlands:Orc lord or whatever. Gamespot had the CD for $10, I wasn't going to say no to that. First thought upon reading reviews/forums: Sounds like my kind of game. 2nd thought upon first quick game map: This is weird & confusing, and where's the manual. 3rd thought upon playing a few games: I like this game. Needs some more polish, but I really like it.
  16. Everything from Stronghold/Stronghold:Crusader.
  17. Finished watching. Liked it more than I thought I would. The 'dweeby' guy, Eli, so far I like what he adds to the show...a sort of everyman who isn't the usual polished, Hollywood-ized sci-fi show character, if that makes sense. The human (as well as humor) foil? Definitely didn't feel like a show to attract just hip action-loving youth, and the set up makes it seem like exploration is going to be a focus. Not sure about the actor chemistry yet. The premiere makes me think of a combo of Voyager and Stargate. I'll watch for a few weeks at least, see how it goes. It'll be on hulu.com tomorrow if you missed it.
  18. I'm not a guy, but the gal in the purple T looks kinda cute. I can't remember the Asian woman's name, but she's cute too, imo. The guys tho...not so much. The tall one on the right in the black T is ok, maybe better if not so posed. Lou was hot back in the day, but not as much now. I kind of like the fact there's more guys than gals...(in terms of eyecandy value, haha) but I'm sure it won't stay that way.
  19. Thanks for the trailer link. Except for the dweeby curly haired guy, it doesn't look that bad. Certainly no worse than ads for BG. Robert Carlye isn't young or no-name, either. I'm hoping he'll lend the show some .. er.. class? gravity? SG1 was a lot of fun, but the early episodes were giggle-worthy at times. What I don't get is why Sci-FI likes to debut new things on Friday nights....
  20. Going to watch it? To be honest, I hadn't even heard of it until just now. The reviewer below (who wasn't a huge fanatic of SG:1) seems impressed, as well as a few others. I guess I shall check it out. http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/show-patro...this-world.html
  21. Please clinch, Tigers. And then, please beat NY. Not that I seriously expect you to, but in a short series, one can always hope. I was certain no one would catch the Dodgers this season. Rockies are making a grand try for it down to the wire, tho. I'll be watching that one tonight.
  22. :lol: 'xactly. ...I'm having one of those days where I have tons of errands/stuff to do, and I keep telling myself "all right, here I go, I'm getting up and going" and then 15 minutes later I discover my arse is still firmly planted in this chair. Over and over. On the bright side, such days teach me exactly how efficient I can be with certain tasks, when I finally do get up and do them.
  23. I really liked the first few years of CSI:Vegas. It become sillier as time went on, but still liked it. But Grissom/Warrick leaving made it "meh." I can handle the sexpots/studs as CSI/cops, that's nothing new...it's the graphic-novel worthy-duper crime fighting lab equipment/methods they use to process their evidence. Ludicrous.
  24. Hubby usually only has 2-4 pc's on 24/7. He said recently that he's "almost ready" to switch from his 12 old servers-he doesn't have all 12 on all the time-to maybe 3 or 4 newer ones (having just one will NOT work for him at all), but even if that were the case, those 3-4 would still be on all the time...even more so since everything from all 12 would be on them and he couldn't shut off the not-being-used servers/OS's separately anymore. And the firewall/routers/modem etc. would still be on 24/7...because if they weren't, my pc's couldn't connect to the internet at 2am. Can't have that. *ahem* So if I buy the fancy new rig I'd like, I can maybe expect to be sucking up 200-400w when I play games. Sigh. All right. We use an average of 1000kwh per month in this tiny house...and that's living literally in the dark most of the time. All curly flores. bulbs, usually not on. People in our town are complaining of errors because they're getting bills of $500-600 for what feels like bare minimum usage, but I'm guessing most don't realize how much power they're really sucking up, and the rates are really monstrous now for anything over 500kwh a month. Turning off lights and not running the AC doesn't cut it anymore...
  25. With huge energy rate hikes here lately, I was just curious...I know PC's are rated for certain wattage use & depends on hardware etc. and they will suck up less during idle or low-use tasks...but do current high-powered pc's, video cards, and games suck up tons of kwh if you're an avid gamer? I saw one webpage saying the xbox360 is about 180 watts while playing. People talk of needing the 700W power supplies to run some newer video cards...I understand that's because of needing occasional peak power...but what might the average wattage use actually be while playing Far Cry on that souped up PC? 300? 500? Side note: Hubby, with a tester, estimates he's using 500+ watts between his always-on old PC's (no gaming), monitor, external firewall, routers, cable modem, etc etc...which equals roughly 1/3-1/2 of the kwh we use monthly.
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