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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. 'Bah hum" ... never mind, not into that joke this year. Merry Christmas/happy and healthy holidays/vacation, with whatever you do during this time.
  2. What if you just thought the first film was "ok", some parts more than others, and didn't love it or hate it? Mostly the visuals seems to be what 'net talkers talk about, especially the underwater stuff, in terms of being wowed (the story is serviceable etc). I can imagine it would be a visual, cgi/motion capture feast but I'll take the hit and wait for streaming like usual. Heh.
  3. I'm getting Planet of the Apes vibes. Maybe they're humans from the far future that have colonized other planets after Earth went kaput, and this ship time-warped to an Earth's past that the living descendants of Earth have forgotten all about. As well as being the cause of the dino extinction. Course, I could be totally wrong. That said - Adam Driver in a solo film, with dino's that aren't Jurassic Park related, sci-fi/touch of horror/action and futuristic guns and stuff. I'm in.
  4. I suppose one day I'll get a bifocal pair (along with a non bifocal) and see if I can get used to it. I think it would bother me most while watching TV and looking downward. And any view distance that's in that grey area of sorta needing but not really, like monitor-use/text distance for me. ======================== I spent some of this morning sewing up a large hole in a robe pocket. I used to be good at threading tiny needles and tying thread knots but between vision and arthritis, not so much anymore. It took me a relatively long while to finish that small task. At least I can still stitch a good stitch even if it takes me longer. Thankfully I had pelleK to sing Barbie Girl for me the whole time. Was apt for my cheerful yet frustrated (you can be both at once) mood.
  5. Ever since FFXV's 150ish (w/the 60GB 4k pack), the occasional game/patch download is about the only reason I ended up caring about more than 50-100mbps net speeds. Well, that and sometimes Bokishi's screenshots. In another 10-12 years all mid-to-high budget/market game downloads will be 75GB and large content patches 20-30GB, minimum. It's outta control.
  6. ^ It wasn't thematic roleplaying but I'd consider almost any group table board game the same. Monoply, Life, RISK, Scrabble, etc.
  7. Not wanting that different-focus bifocal part in my peripheral vision when watching movies or looking out the window or looking downward at a keyboard or whatever is why I have yet to get any. I largely run around with glasses perched on my shirt and only put them on my face when I want to see distant things (or am driving, ofc, haha). Or push them low on nose/peer over the top for reading brief things. But I lead a mostly homebody existence so this isn't a big inconvenience. At any rate, that peripheral vision bifocal spot - do you find that annoying at all?
  8. *reads thread* ---Diablo4, no Offline at all is a big reason I may not ever look at D4 even on a rainy day. I would not call it an MMO (yet) even if it wants to add world events/battlepasses because, live-service. It's still way more Path of Exile than WoW. Although they might go full blown MMO by Diablo 4.5 after five years of patches/expansions to slowly sneak things in. >.> ---I finished D2 Hell (self found, solo) many times with (softcore) Sorceress (Static/Nova/Orb, Metor/Orb, a few other combos), Necro (summons and golems) and Assassin (trap focused) without much specific gear. You'd find a few pieces along the way usually but most item hunting/grind came afterwards just for faster boss-killing/MF'ing/lvl 99-ing. Didn't get the others past early-mid Hell, mostly because I found them dull, but I do recall the Paladin being the toughest solo even in Nightmare. In the old days. I don't know what changes any new version/re-do might have. ---never had LAN parties, just with hubby. Meaning Doom, all Borderlands, Diablo2 (so he says, I honestly don't remember, must've been only for a hot minute...), and Dungeon Keeper (IPX).
  9. Tried to watch Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio on Netflix. The animation is impressive and sometimes very beautiful. I actively disliked the first musical song bits. After about 40-50 minutes I was feeling a little bored/not feeling it and turned it off. I suspect maybe I'd be in the minority there (kinda like with Everything Everywhere etc). Just not for me/doesn't give me feels or whatever. But that animation was very nice.
  10. Some of y'all must be either 100% sure the spouses don't ever visit this forum, or don't do the whole secret presents thing. ...I can't believe it's Dec. already again. I mean I can, but I can't at the same time. Pfft.
  11. From what I've seen, one would need to have a 4080 to play Portal with RTX/max settings and be at or above 50fps. At 1080, resolution, native. ...oh sure, with some tweaking and use of DLSS at Balanced or Performance, one could run it at 1080 (maybe even 1440) at 30-45fps with some lower rtx gpu's, but it's still funny. I still wonder how much RTX/ray tracing in particular are going to catch on/stick. I think it's going to be a long while before it feels - if it ever does - worth the performance cost to most, which may cause dev's to stop caring about putting it in. Who knows. Edit: I do think RT has some interesting potential uses for scene lighting and shadowing, based on Metro, but whether it becomes mainstream enough to feel "worth it" in video games ... I'm doubtful.
  12. WeMod. Hahaha. ...sorry, had to joke.
  13. Troll, a recent Norwegian film on Netflix. I liked the director's (Roar Uthaug) The Wave quite a bit so I thought I'd give it a shot. I guess it's pretty much like a Godzilla or King Kong etc. movie except it's a mythical Troll. Actors all do fine/serviceable, scenery is pretty. A bit slower of a pace than you might expect. But I dunno...for the genre I suppose it's ok but maybe all the overly cliched chr. and plot points for such a film are too predictable at this point and there's nothing about this one to make it stand out. But it's a somewhat decent effort if you're in the mood for such a film. Although hubby thought it was utterly terrible (he saw dubbed, I did subs), so YMMV.
  14. I think in the long run the only Indy movie I truly (still) like is the first one. The others have their moments, as usual, but overall I have no desire to rewatch them. I did love Sean Connery as his father tho. At the time it seemed perfect casting and I recall being pumped to go see it in the theater because of that. Side note, the actress who played Elsa is the British gov's "evil" wife in RRR. It was a trip. Ray Stevenson is the gov - I've seen people refer to him as they guy from some more recent roles, but he'll always be Pullo from Rome to me. Their brief performances/line delivery in RRR was cartoonishly bad - really bad - I know at least Ray is capable of better so I figured it was totally on purpose.
  15. Low sodium chicken broth, a chunk of pork shoulder roast (I slow-cook a couple of those each week), diced tomatoes (yes, canned ones, I don't drain them), jalapeno/spices and the below into a big pot: I've basically been eating it once, sometimes twice a day for some weeks now. It's winter-warm/spicy and isn't a rabbit salad. I keep making bigger and bigger batches because hubby keeps "stealing" it so it doesn't last long.
  16. We're working on a second swimming pool.
  17. I find visual spoiling even more annoying nowadays. I mean I know they're relying on the idea that one doesn't have any context during a trailer, and thinking "but we're not spoiling the story" - but if they're going to sell a movie largely for its visual "wow" and action snazziness, I don't want to see half of those big epic visual moments, however briefly, in the trailer. Especially from the final fight scenes or something. Edit: I've largely stopped watching even trailers unless it's a movie title I know I'm already "meh" about anyway.
  18. For me the best things re: GotG were Rocket and the music and the little comedy moments. 1 was almost perfect. 2 was ... well it had moments, not the worst thing in the world but I didn't walk out super wanting a third. That trailer has a few seconds of world/space-environment (when they're in the colorful spacesuits) where I was somewhat reminded of the start of that GotG video game I tried to play. I wonder if there's any minuscule lore connection. Probably not.
  19. Y'know, I'm still a basic-box/function over aesthetics type of case person, but I must admit cases like that are very room-pretty.
  20. Seeing Pentiment in a few posts I finally actually looked it up. Didn't realize it was an Obsidian/Sawyer game. Looks intriguing. Guess I shall wishlist it now, for whenever I feel like playing some games again.
  21. bloggityblogmoodswingsbloggityblogchocolatebloggityblogsatisfaction bloggityblogwinterbloggityblogagingbloggityblogwarmsnuggles ...and that's all I have to say about that.
  22. I keep slowly going through Alchemy of Souls, I think I'm around eps. 13 now. I like it a bit more than early episodes but it hasn't created a serious binge-fest feeling. It does however, have a notable distinction (for me) re: a k-drama where I enjoy the many older/mentor chr. stories/hijinks more than the main couple. The series has a large ensemble cast, where they may have wanted to give the famous older actors more to do (or get their money's worth) and sometimes the actual leads do get a little lost/disappear between them all. But I kinda like that, for this show.
  23. By the time they figure out a solution to the point where buying that gpu from a store would actually have the solution already included in the box (if they ever do), the 50xx series will be out. This 40xx launch does not breed over confidence for 50xx tho. Edit: maybe they should all start a new cycle of letting 4 years elapse between each "series" of cards so there's a little less rushing. Not that they will.
  24. "You can't put a dog (or cat, or marmot, or...) into a game, but not let me pet it."
  25. Scorsese is one of those director's where I can understand the long-term respect but his themes or style apparently doesn't resonate or entertain me much. Departed was probably the one I liked the most of the ones I've seen. Everything else, despite often high caliber casts, ranges from "passed the time" to "it's ok, some pretty good scenes here and there." His name as director doesn't motivate me to see a film at all. As to The Color of Money - I saw that in the theater largely because of Paul Newman. I suppose it was all right, but I liked The Hustler a ton better. Plus I've never liked Tom Cruise in more dramatic roles (vs. adrenaline/action) *The Scorsese films I've seen, listed in release year order: --After Hours, The Color of Money, Last Temptation of Christ, Cape Fear, Casino, Gangs of NY, The Departed, Shutter Island (last three were home-watched, not in a theater). (I also am not generally into The Mob or general USA period organized gangster type of movies)
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