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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm not bipolar but I have a couple of consistent time periods in the year that are of the "don't shower for days, stay in bed, dark thoughts, shuffle around in bathrobe" variety. Their severity varies year to year but yeah...always kinda sucks to feel it coming on. Hope this cycle doesn't last too long for you. At least there are vid games & the internet now. Rolling up my sleeves to see if I can't clean out my very neglected webservers this weekend.
  2. This was asked and I think it was Todd who confirmed no in depth companion story arcs But apparently we get 100's of choices on who we can marry, to be our house or travel maids/butlers! .... I was hoping I could have a male stud in every town, waiting for my beck and call, but somehow I doubt it'll work like that.
  3. Wasted time making this. Happy (early) Halloween people.
  4. Can't focus on any one game for long anymore/lately. An hour, maybe two, and I drop it, play something else. Repeat, then stop altogether. FNV may have been my last hurrah for obsessive marathon gaming....unless Skyrim grabs me in the same time-sucking way. So right now...I'm off to read a book.
  5. Hopefully I'll be not gaming (become more & more a possibility) or dead by then.
  6. I disagree. It's very fun, at least for one playthrough, as a singleplayer game. Even better on the harder difficulties - at least as a Hunter or Siren (imo). It's just that the very very ending kinda sucks. Respawn rate made it fun to run over the same idiot bandits near a town, over and over and over again, sometimes. I was looking at that Halloween sale yesterday, thinking about using it to take a look at the action games I'd never pay full price for, but I'm so indecisive, even for 6-10 bucks. L4Dead series, single player? ( I know they use AI for the others) Deadscape? Bioshock series?
  7. Holy Crow, what a ballgame! Game 7 here we come! Almost wish this series would last another week.
  8. I'm still not sure I "get" the new mechanics but I'll figure it out eventually. Haven't noticed a crouching-specific option but maybe it's built in or has weird wording. It was a bit too overpowered before...altho in the SP game at least, eventually I hardly have to ever fight myself to doesn't matter too much. Do you know if having a high Persuasion will prevent the bickering Heroes from actually leaving, like before? In the 1st game they'd still complain periodically but they'd never actually leave. Or at least, they never did when I played.
  9. The character bodies/faces are tons better than WoW. I think (especially w/the new changes) it holds up well considering the age of the game, as Hurlshot mentioned. Shots of Far Cry (2004) & other older games - it's not like those look uber by today's standards either.
  10. Don't own a console but from what I've seen, seems like it'll look just fine overall on them. For the console abilities, it seems pretty spiffy/they did a good job in that regard. It's not like most sit 2 feet from their 40-60" TV anyway. My CPU may be a little old at this point but mine still better eat it alive on ultra or I'll be mildly unhappy (w/my rig, not the game).
  11. Finally got around to M&B:Warband. Based on experience w/the 1st game, I thought my horse & lance would be enough to take on 11 bandits solo at lvl1, for some exp. & loot to hire some Heroes. Then I realized the lance was refusing to couch for some reason and by the time I'd adjusted my thinking, I was dead (well, unconscious at least). They must've changed speed or weapon requirement or something for the lance to couch, I guess. The next group of looters, however, felt my wrath and were all beaten unconscious, taken prisoner and sold.
  12. Ah, finally. Not quite in the mood to play it, but I'll be buying/downloading it now, to have for later.
  13. How do I get the Steam website to stop telling me I'm logging in from a new browser/PC, "enter code we emailed just you"? Didn't do that a few/several months ago. I set it so cookies are allowed from their site in case that was it, but it keeps doing it. The code they keep emailing me is exactly the same all the time too (edit:was different couple days ago, but the 4 they sent me today were all the same...)....just normal new security measure? Bug? ?
  14. So when y'all say "Deus Ex" I'm assuming it's the Human Revolution one... ...and I'm not playing anything at the moment. Two Worlds2 was boring/irritating me too much and nothing else on my immediate game agenda. Still lookin' tho...
  15. Hope it's not a huge/overly dangerous fire, Malcador. Stay safe. Not in a gaming mood yesterday/today so I've been catching up on some TV again. "Man, Woman, Wild" is a strange survival show. 1st episode wasn't very good but it became better after that. I like the idea conceptually (man/woman) but the couple is kind of annoying and I don't like the "helpless woman" shrieking the wife sometimes does. Get a grip, lady. The show "Dual Survival" is much better entertainment.
  16. That's what I remember - along with some farms and a bit of river & green hills. Couple rounded pillar buildings. Don't remember a huge water bridge and stuff, but maybe that was a different spot or I never got over there. And of course: (never played her that much, I ended up loving the Monk instead)
  17. Looks nothing like how I remember the GW starting area to look, even discounting the bloom. I only played GW when it very first came out tho.
  18. I'm not much into highly military-styled shooters, if that makes sense (I know they're all gun/whoohaa themed, just prefer more fantasy settings). Deus Ex is a maybe... The 2 GPU thing on this card still confuses me (the fan settings, the heat stuff) but whatever....as long as it turns me on when I play the games.
  19. Two Worlds2 has me raging about bad enemy AI (it's really really bad/buggy in my experience), enemies that would be squishy except for the fact they do nothing but stand like a post and block, forcing you to spam the melee 'get dmg thru the block' move (zzzz) and the lack of true free roaming/sense of reward for exploring (95% of all doors/caves you'll discover are padlocked until you get a quest). While it looks like a great big world to explore, eventually you realize it's really not much different in effect than being channeled through a cliffside path. I do like the changed crafting system that lets you do a little more with items (altho I also liked the item-stacking from the old game too), and the somewhat more complex magic card system....plus the new graphics are nice and the voice acting is much better than in the 1st game, but the lack of freedom+bad AI is bringing me down.
  20. Well, some people really like challenges, as a motivator to keep playing. But for me personally, I'd agree....while it is sorta fun to see "ding, you made an achievement" I don't typically play to get them and don't find challenges/achievements to be motivating - could care less if they existed. They do seem a pretty weak thing to advertise a DLC's merit with.
  21. Lost World was on cable so I tried watching some of it for the first time in years. But I was quickly reminded how I only really liked the first movie in that series.
  22. That's what hubby sounds like every time you mention the name "Adobe." Still trying to wake up, really. Lazy Sunday.
  23. Well I was including the way skills leveled along with enemy scaling. All I know/remember is that in both I'd end up making my desired skills the secondary skills so I could control speed of chr level up's better to avoid triggering rapid progression of enemy difficulty...because the way I play, my increase in gear/ability to kill did not match enemies level by level (or in Morrowind, sudden influx of difficult enemies that weren't there before, IIRC). It was a long time ago tho, and I didn't play Oblivion too long so didn't get to high levels in that game. Anyway - has there been any/more news on PC graphic settings for the game? eg, I know the basic requirements aren't high but will it have lots of high settings to tweak? Or will such be more dependent on mods ala FNV.
  24. Oh...one of the many expansions/sequels I take it? Wow, sure has changed a lot.
  25. So long ago when I purchased Honest Hearts, in order to activate it/play it I had to check the .esm. I've now patched and have OWB/LR, and I see their .esm's in the file list....but now, even when they are NOT checked, as soon as I start the game w/a new chr. I get the quest messages to go to their start spots etc. (with HH I only got that message popup when it was checked) It could be a mod conflict but I thought I'd ask if that was supposed to happen or not, first.
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