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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Quest Hunter, a cute little indie arpg. Has one of those overworld maps and going from map spot to map spot can have a small random encounters. Hack n slash, fetch quest, occasional things to move or carry to solve small problems/quests. Use shovel to dig for secrets. Small skill tree. Nothing difficult. But rather insta-casual fun. Plus, pot-helmet and pan-weapon. What's not to love?
  2. Finally all done (except Win10 fiddling which is never truly done, right) and I can now think about something else again. Or not think at all, which is far more likely. Time for some grub! Made a small roast last night, going to eat the leftovers then maybe finish Umbrella Acad.
  3. Well, at least it's finally done. Did finally get the stupid KVM switchbox to work but it seems finicky with KB/mouse. I'll have to use it a week or so and see if it remains stable. Speaking of wire management, the case was fairly good with that but the amount of wires in and out of the switchbox all over the desk etc. is a hellish nightmare and that's only a 2-port. I may not be all that picky about such but I'll have to figure out something to at least make it a bit more manageable. I still really dislike RGB/neon so I'm glad any of that forced on me is barely visible from my deskchair. The Gigabyte BIOS menus really aren't that bad, just different/have to learn them.
  4. I like the new rig. It is super fast, and 5 second load times in FFXV is dreamy. I don't like Win10 (no surprise) but I'll be using old Win7 for non-gaming anyway. The 2 port DisplayPort KVM switch I bought rather sucks however and I'm currently using one of hubby's 1440 monitors (they're HP, not Dell, oops) and separate KB/mouse on one corner of my desk which is annoying to say the least. Works for while I'm sussing out Win10 poop tho. That's always a bit rough. I've given up a couple cats when I had too many already and one was hard to part with. But at the time my cat-inn was totally full. Still, at least giving them a good new home makes me feel better.
  5. Install Win10 Me: "I need to set up net/lan access cause I want Firefox etc" Hubby: (looks) "You probably need a driver for the mobo off the CD." Me: "I don't have a CD" Hubby: "It's in the mobo box." Me: "I don't have a CD player in the new rig we didn't buy one." Hubby: "...." (he fixed it grabbing it on his pc's/usb stick but, lol at us....)
  6. My monitor has color, saturation, contrast, brightness, hue, red/green/blue etc. settings. Nvidia control panel allows you to make some changes. My TV has all of that plus several "modes" that alter look. Surely one can at least tone down the saturation aspect somewhat, one way or another, if one doesn't like it?
  7. I became that way with those type of RPG's. I'd end up just wandering the world and doing whatever and ignoring decisions and talking to NPC's, until I grew bored and quit. It's not that I don't enjoy or respect such RPG's ... my brain just doesn't want to deal with such anymore and too much of such makes me want to take a nap.
  8. I have no idea how ppl make these type of videos, but doesn't your TV have a large play in how it looks, too? I mean I saw it via Netflix and it looked a lot better than in that video. Certainly wasn't washed out and bland. I don't have the blu-ray tho and never will. Edit: also the "after" section, it's not just over-saturation but over-contrast and other things. I wouldn't like either version. On my monitor/TV's anyway.
  9. I was expecting the new gpu to be a little bigger of course, but it's frakking HUGE vs. my 980ti. Must weigh like 6 pounds. Not sure if we'll get it all put together tonight, but we're working on it.
  10. This is why I don't often watch videos to get actual information or even tutorials, unless said video is 2-3 minutes or less. People talk a lot slower than I can read and thus videos just waste my time. Not to mention all the extra non-info prattling or "humor" some like to toss into it. Some people are very verbally or visually oriented or don't like to read, however.
  11. Watched more Umbrella Academy, I think I'm up to the 8th episode. At that point my chr. affection switched over to the hitmen, particularly Hazel (the guy). Doing my usual lookup, he had an important role in the series Mindhunter - which overall was a better series than TUA. I think he may have at least a nice "chr. role" career ahead of him if he wants it. Anyway, even tho I enjoy the hitmen on their own, in terms of the series I'm not quite sure why so much attention is placed on them. It feels like filler. The visuals are still fun and I like the music but the further the series goes the less appealing it is overall. Even if you like some chrs. it all feels kind of disconnected so far.
  12. I'll let you guess where I stand in that regard. ...the visible wires aren't PC related tho (there's about 2 feet open behind desk for those) - they're things like laptop, phone charger, external HDD's etc. As long as there isn't a trip hazard and wires aren't all over any work area in front of monitors, I'm cool. What I loathe is dust/dirt.
  13. Btw, anyone want a Dell 1440 27" monitor? Nothing special, but they work well enough. Hubby in a nutshell. People want to toss stuff that works (or he can repair), he grabs it. He uses three of them on his desk, too. Maybe, if he can spare one, I might grab one soon.
  14. Unless I have to sign for something, which is very rare, I have no need to talk to the delivery people. I mean, these days they don't even knock on the door most of the time, just walk up, drop and run. So all I'd need is a camera to see when the packages have arrived vs. opening the door to check all the time. Also, we don't have a doorbell. Well, we do, but it's always disconnected because we can't stand it.
  15. Such is why I try to enjoy the present more and more vs. thinking about some far flung future. You just never know.
  16. You mean so I can look outside on a screen? I have considered one of those security cameras where you check the video online or something. We bought one of those for that other house since it was so far away. Something like that so I could have it open on a desktop to view the front porch while doing other geeky pc things might be nice. We have a door peephole but I'm too short to use it without dragging a stepstool over. So annoying. I think a bit of porch fencing would be simpler.
  17. GW2 makes for some nice screenshots. I still haven't tried it, outside of a beta or something a long time ago.
  18. LOL ... I was always too lazy to check that box too.
  19. Power problem. Forgot to order the switchbox. Need 3rd set of cheap speakers. USB mice. etc Gosh darn it, it's unending. At least I don't need any monitors.
  20. Hm. Dawn of Man. Looks a whole lot like Banished but with some focus on combat and missions perhaps. I'm tempted. (it's on GoG too). Maybe I should wait for 30% off tho. https://store.steampowered.com/app/858810/Dawn_of_Man/ ...I still haven't done the Terra Wars or the FFXIV, FFXV collab. missions. I've started each one but they felt dull + I have no personal association with those games so...never finished. And it's not like I need another op'd weapon in FFXV. Wasn't impressed with the Ardyn anime prologue but eh...maybe I'll find him amusing in his own DLC. Hopefully he'll remain largely snarky. A weepy/sad/soap opera Ardyn would make me go urgh.
  21. Me: "I need a USB KB/mouse to go with the switchbox (my old KB is still a round plug...)" Hubby: "I have this one in my car someone at work insisted buying, then they quit and left it and I've never used it." ...it's blue backlit, which is nice, although the optional moving pattern is a bit much. What's the use for that? ...it's a Velocifire VMO1, not sure which model version (not expensive). Mechanical? ...Don't like the very angled wrist rest bottom. It's a bit smaller profile than my old so fingers have to relearn auto-reaching distances. I like the extra weight. Not sure I like the typing feel. It's not much quieter than my old one but the sound is different. Point being, while in a sense a KB is a KB, it's funny how picky we can be about such. -------------------------------------------- Edit: also: Amazon: "Your order of CPU will ship much earlier than expected!" ... awesome, maybe I can build it this weekend... Amazon: "Your order of mobo+GPU has been delayed. We're sorry." .... drat. Not this weekend then. Bank: "We've noticed higher than usual CC activity and suspended transactions, is it really you?" ... yes, I'm me, now and then I may actually spend money, that's what the CC is for, amazing isn't it, knock it off will ya.
  22. Nvidia's drivers aren't as "great" as they used to be I think (although I rarely have a problem with them myself sometimes they make game performance for a game worse until a next version) but Experience is something separate. :/ I've always gone to their website to download drivers - I like having them all saved to disk in case I want to revert to an older one temporarily if a particular game doesn't like the most recent one I installed. I install only the drivers and PhysX, I uncheck everything else far as I remember offhand. But I don't care about always having the latest driver right away so it's not much of a hassle. I just update if games/something seems like it might benefit from updating or a long time has passed. So once every 4-8 months maybe. I know some who love Experience but I don't know how they can stand it.
  23. I don't have a 1080ti so don't know if it's different than 980ti but ... did you install Experience? I tried it once to try Shadowplay. Hated the overlays. Hated the forced "profile" installing/installed game checking without asking. Hated everything about it even after tweaking tons of settings . Uninstalled it. Much better.
  24. I'm spending too much time on the internet again. Partly restless mind, partly don't want to get too wrapped up into things and forget to check for packages every hour or so. Our neighborhood isn't bad or anything, but homes are close together and I don't trust leaving packages on the doorstep for too long when they can be easily seen from the street. One day I should do something about that (front porch area fencing or something), >.> I may go visit my cousin next week. Haven't seen her in a long time, it'll be nice to catch up with her.
  25. As long as I don't have to run to the shop every 30 minutes or spend a long time stuck in some animated blacksmith sequence over and over to repair, I'm cool with that.
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