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Everything posted by dewaybe2678

  1. hehe ok i get ya. but i think bastila should be back too as there destiny is linked so. the rest yea they can jump off a cliff.
  2. i don't want revan back just for the romance. to me he was far better and interesting character. now the exile was nothing to me either anyone else accept the ones who returned from 1. well i take that back, Mira was alright in my book. but the rest could jump off cliff and i still weouldn't care. overall i want feel the same connection i had in one with the characters made me play it over.
  3. Tip: Don't believe Anybody on the LA Forums, only morons, morons, morons and idiots over there... Episode 3 spoilers in a game playing 4000 years before EP I? Do you believe it yourself? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i meant it was shutdown due to them putting ep. 3 spoilers up on the site as well. still not sure what i believe. i'm in a holding pattern. i believe we'll find out at e3 or alittle if kotor 3 is in production.
  4. i agree with about bastila. i hope that one thing they fix if she comes back in k3 as a party member. don't get me wrong i still like bastila/ but i prefer women in the real world who have their own minds. i take that approach in games i guess. i never have got romancity involved with handmaiden. for the fact she to submissive
  5. according to a few people on la's board kotor 3 is in heavy production. they aid they found it on a site that was shut down due to ep. 3 spoilers. so if it is production question is now who is making it?
  6. the "amnesia" thing and its cousin, the "war veteran who is a bit rusty" routine is a shortcut device. It allows them to write 2 games (LS and DS) with only 40 hours of content. Unless we end up with 2 shrinkwraps, I suspect we will see something like that in KOTOR III...alas! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you know i was just thinking about. bout seeing it again. i mean in two it appearance something happened to Revan. granted i know may sound dumb as heck. but what if they do something to him again. not saying i want them to. not talking bout wiping his memory. maybe something happened him and the force.
  7. I have some gripes with running around doing errands for Revan/Exile, to me that would feel like Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, which isn't a bad thing but I didn't enjoy running so many errands. As for the graphics engine I think they should licence the Unreal Engine 3.0 (this has been mentioned before, not only by me), Bioware supposedly has the licence to use the Engine, so why not Obsidian or whatever Developer is making KOTOR3. As for not playing as Revan, I think that may be a mistake plus maybe Obsidian was hinting that Revan would be making a come back as it would be pointless including Revan in KOTOR2 without some reason, other than appealing to those of KOTOR1 lol. Plus like so many others I feel that Revan's relationships were so much more realistic and appealing which I feel would give KOTOR3 the epic concluding saga feeling, et al Leia and Han or in LOTR Aragorn and Aowen (maybe). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's a good point about "Jedi Academy". I would like the story to involve Revan/Exile, but I don't want to play them, and I don't want them in my group. I would like a story other than "Amnesia", but I still want to start as a newb and work my way up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> if this is the last install i rather as Revan then a new pc. but if not Revan i agree with you a new pc with a past. the ameniesia is getting old quick. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I doubt they will quit making installments so long as the game is making money. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i editted my previous statement....wasn't i meant to say
  8. I have some gripes with running around doing errands for Revan/Exile, to me that would feel like Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, which isn't a bad thing but I didn't enjoy running so many errands. As for the graphics engine I think they should licence the Unreal Engine 3.0 (this has been mentioned before, not only by me), Bioware supposedly has the licence to use the Engine, so why not Obsidian or whatever Developer is making KOTOR3. As for not playing as Revan, I think that may be a mistake plus maybe Obsidian was hinting that Revan would be making a come back as it would be pointless including Revan in KOTOR2 without some reason, other than appealing to those of KOTOR1 lol. Plus like so many others I feel that Revan's relationships were so much more realistic and appealing which I feel would give KOTOR3 the epic concluding saga feeling, et al Leia and Han or in LOTR Aragorn and Aowen (maybe). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's a good point about "Jedi Academy". I would like the story to involve Revan/Exile, but I don't want to play them, and I don't want them in my group. I would like a story other than "Amnesia", but I still want to start as a newb and work my way up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> if this is the last installment of the current story. i rather play as Revan then a new pc. but if not Revan i agree with you a new pc with a past. the ameniesia is getting old quick.
  9. i was thinking if they kill revan which i doubt. i'd be one of the ones up in arms about that. i would the chance to comfort bastula and maybe gain influence that way with her. and maybe become invelve with her. quickly digs a foxhole and jumps in.
  10. i rather it end in person. but i guess i could live could with it ending conversation but i'm not fan of it. i'm not sure what my feeling are regarding the true sith. as i haven't study star wars much just started really paying attention after playing kotor
  11. i agree with your party members vut i want vastila in my party just me. i think should let select who we out past character. no matter who we play exile or revan. now if it a new pc i could see them giving a limited choice also choice should based on character alginment
  12. if it doesn't happen i'll be glad i think it stupid to jump like that. i rather see the story end and maybe new story in k4 if there is a k4. just persona; thought but some ideas for k3 seem far fetch. not trying to insult anyone.
  13. i'm one who believe kotor 3 should finish the current storyline. i say should revan and maybe exile. with that said. just thought i'd post there is nothing saying that they have to finish the storyline. they could start fresh with three. which i doubt they will. personally i could see them starting in four.
  14. I think it would be easier to deal with in 2 different games. In other words, we really need to wrap up both Revan and Exile's story. I like the idea of having Exile as your mentor in the LS version and having Revan as your mentor in the DS version. If you have the LS shrinkwrap, Revan is alluded to and wrapped up in conversation. If you have the DS shrinkwrap, Exile is alluded to and wrapped up in conversation. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i'm not ds guy. and offically according to la revan ended up ls. and i think it can be done one game. and i hear we can create what revan/exile in character creation and such. but not having pc would be a injustice i believe. i'm for a new pc for a new saga.
  15. to me it reminds of the ep. 5 ending anti climaxed i think setting up 3. well i hope they are.
  16. Not sure anymore what i want in kotor 3. I know two stand out that i would to see a two part story exile/revan stories. i know would closure to the story of revan. personally i would like play as revan again and fight the good fight and get the girl in the end. this saga should have ending or tragic ending depending what path you walk. and i realize i might critize for refering revan as man but in my games that what he is.
  17. I would like to see a two game. exile's story and then revan's. In exile's story i'd see him go looking for Revan. He meets up with Bastila and/or Carth along the way. Why they are looking for Revan. Bastila or Carth depending on Revan's gender and alignment. Get captured by the true Sith right before the exile finds Revan. Exile scarifices himself to get Revan. Before he dies Exile tells Revan the republic needs you. and whoever didn't get capture tells Revan that the other one got captured. Revan's story, first Revan finds their love. along the way meets up with his team for the mission and discovers the sith battleplan. after they free their love. Revan and his party must leas the conquest or defense of the republic
  18. i agree with you on it will be the true sith. i was just thinking.
  19. o hope will come out for the pc too. i mean i'm considering getting the new xbox. but my life is the computer. so i think rather for the pc.
  20. i agree and bring bastila/carth with revan contiune their romance where they left off and maybe a wedding at the end. ls of cousre. and bastila no matter what the walk side revan walks. and return other character from the previous kotors.
  21. do you think the kotor series is done? i'm not sure personally i really have mixed feelings about this. i like series in all. but i was just curious what you think. i see the post bout how bad 2 is. personally i agree the game could of been better and fewer bugs. but in all it was a good game. so i say there mostly will be a three
  22. i'm seriously starting to doubt if there will be a 3. look at the backlash their getting bout 2. i for one would like to see kotor 3.
  23. i was playing kotor 1 again and i accidently quick on a sith response to the droid in the ruins on dantooine. and he replied he knew nothing of the sith. what the enemy is the builders of the star forge.
  24. I'm sorry but I don't agree. I think we played The Exile's story point of view more than enough in K2. In my opinion I would like to play K3 with Revan or better with a new character. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> for the long time wanted revan to the pc and i'm staying with it. but if not revan i rather see a new pc. exile was ok...but i think i had enough of the exile on my 6th time thru tsl.. i know you were just giving example but if they use revan and exile i think exile pov should come first then revan.
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