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Posts posted by kalimeeri

  1. Kreia is a typical insane senile women.


    She just wanted an end in the force, not because she hates jedi, just because she was blamed for the Jedi civil war and wanted to enact revenge on the jedi council.

    Are you sure those were Kreia's motivations? I thought she wanted an end to the force because she believed it was causing predestination and removing free will. Where did you get the idea she wanted revenge on the Jedi Council (which is now dead, anyways)?


    I don't see Kreia as a 'bad guy.' Through her studies and her life, she had perceived the end of the galaxy. But she couldn't make people listen to her. She wasn't charismatic at all, and she knew it.


    She was certainly bitter toward the Jedi council for their past actions toward herself and Exile, but I believe she went into that meeting still hoping to change their minds. She wasn't insane, and she wasn't full Sith. She hoped that they could finally see, through Exile, what they'd been doing wrong. She was prepared to finish them off if they didn't listen this time ... which of course, they didn't.


    IMO this is the same message Revan delivered to the Jedi warriors on Malachor--Join me, or die. She is following Revan's agenda, and will do whatever it takes.


    For game purposes, Exile was either LS or DS, but Kreia's teachings were actually half of each. Which makes me think both Revan and Exile were gray as well, in that they weren't bound to strict adherence to either extreme. They choose--and that is the the death of the Force as a controlling factor. It will continue to exist, flowing among all life forms, but there is no need for it to 'balance' the light and the dark any more. Exile is a gift, an 'equalizer' because of the Force bonds. So if taught correctly, he/she could do more conversion than ten Malachors, with little to no loss of life.

  2. I'm sure what it is, is that the game is being slated to be out on XboX2 or XboX360 or whatever you want to call it.


    Remember this is a console release first and foremost, and Microsoft pays a pretty good amount of money for the Kotor series to be exclusively theirs. I won't be surprised if Kotor 3 is pictured on back of the new XboX package saying "Coming Soon".


    Maybe. But I won't buy an XBox for one game. This is one base that Microsoft doesn't completely own, and never will. I reserve the right to choose, and I'll play games on the platform I like best. Or I won't play them at all.

  3. Now I say this because of the fact that the exile is a hole, a wound in the force.


    When all the fights are done, when the sith are dead and gone, the exile can either choose to fight for the rest of his/her days or just stop. It doesn't matter how it happens, but it will. The exile may become like Nihilus, but as you saw with Kreia, the hunger of that power came from falling to it. So this path is least likely.


    If the exile chose not to fight, he/she wouldn't be able to stay, they would have to seek exile again. Why? The exile will continue to make force bonds, and continue to feed on them, whether the exile is fighting or not they will happen. The jedi, when put back together, will cast the exile out again, no person would want that near them if they knew the consequences, and those who did not know would slowly be destroyed by the exile, perhaps become like slaves and puppets.


    There is no living person who now knows how to heal the exile, maybe Revan but unlikely. When Kreia killed the Masters, the exile's fate seemed finished. For one so concerned about the exile she didn't think about what happens after the sith are gone.


    I may be wrong, just another thought.


    My feeling is that she 'healed' him, in a manner of speaking. She showed him how to face his past--the first step--then taught him to see his ability as a tool. She spoke of 'echoes', how tactically he could create them to either nullify or enhance those that already existed in the universe because of war. That was important, so that he didn't inadvertently set off something that would destroy the galaxy. She didn't want that, because if she did, either Sion or Nihilous could have done it.


    Exile had to be aware of his power, and that's what Kreia did for him, just ever so carefully. Before he met her, he had no idea. She trusts that he will do what he has to do, and she hopes he will help Revan. But either way, the galaxy will not be destroyed by 'an accident.'

  4. Because of the emphasis on the limitations of the k1/k2 engine, I believe everything will be on hold until Bioware's new stuff is released. Everyone said they wanted an overhaul, and this looks most promising as a game engine. That may be as much as a year away; and perhaps OE will be in a better position to negotiate at that time. Truly, there is no one I'd trust more than OE or Bioware to do this game.


    Scripting a life or death fight between Revan and Exile might be a bad move, unless the alignments were different. We were given that choice in K2, and I'd like to see it return in K3.


    So for now, peace, people. We have NO information. LA is still basking in the Episode 3 glow. But when that's over, it's over for good. No more SW movies for a while; and they can start thinking about what they've neglected in the meantime.

  5. i just left that peragus place and i am on telos? i believe. i want to follow the light side and so i just don't know where to go from here. do i help the ithoirians or Cezercas or whatever. LOL...its frustrating! and is carth in this? there was a romance thing on the last. Is there one on this? I am not sure who I am i have guesses. Please help me get started. any help would be appreciated.


    I'd suggest you talk to both parties and make up your own mind which you'd prefer to help. The Lightside path should be apparent. Other than that, talk to everyone you can find on Telos. Your quest log gives suggestions on where to go to proceed with the quests you take on.

  6. It might be far less work to create a restricted area for those who want an intelligent discussion. The mods can easily review the poster's history, as already written here on this forum.


    Sadly, some people exist only to annoy others, and to complain. They see every glass as half empty. More serious posters want nothing to do with aggression and controlling behaviors, so they leave. And that was the aim, all along. To destroy other peoples' enjoyment, because they can feel none of their own.


    A problem, it is. But either they will get tired of flaming each other, or their threads can easily be deleted or locked without losing someone worthwhile.

  7. Well ... that's interesting. I now know why I've played every game a couple of the writers have created, and NONE produced by one of the interviewees in particular.


    But at least the article answered one question I had: why certain people haven't chosen publishing fields rather than video games for their talents. I'm not complaining, mind you. I love my games, and some of the stories that have been told are irreplaceable. But from what I've seen, book publishers are a pretty desperate--or a pretty sad--lot any more.


    Maybe it also sort of explained why Jane Jensen's novelization of the GK series was an abomination. Sigh.


    Keep writing, Mr. Avellone; and keep publishing for PC.

  8. LOL, oh Im not saying I need the stuff.


    For me I would turn off any profanity anyways,

    nudity is whatever, if I want nudity I can (looks at GF) goto a strip club :lol:


    Just saying that it seems modern day players just dont get it with out these slap in the face items to whack them over the head with. Subtlty just doesnt seem to work on todays gamers sadly.


    I don't believe that it's necessary to be graphic, and I don't believe that the industry would embrace an 'R' rating, in any case. Their demographic still slants most games toward males of the younger set, without regard for females or the folks who were hooked on computer games when the only way to get a game patched was a long-distance download from the dev's BBS.


    It might be a very bad idea, in fact. While few parents pay attention to what their kids are playing, there is a lobby that alleges that all the violence in the world today is caused by video games. Okay, you can kill people with a 'T' rating, but OMG--sex? That lobby was strong enough to get the ratings system applied in the first place.


    I like the more mature feel of Kotor, and appreciate it all the more for the fact that it doesn't hit the player over the head. It's frustrating that so many don't pay attention to the thought behind what is said and done, or recognize the artistry involved in pulling it off. They just diss the game because they didn't listen or haven't tried to understand it. But we shouldn't have to bow down to that level. (Not like TV has--LOL) Hey, maybe we should teach our kids to think instead.

  9. question Kali?


    Why is Carth important for the story?


    Bastilla is the tie to Revan, Carth was to part 1 what Atton was to part 2.


    Seems to me, if you dont bring back all the characters and only those important to story, Carth wouldnt be in the list.


    T3, HK, Canderous, Bastila (even Bastila questionable as Revan left her behind for a reason). Bastila is to Revan what Visas is to Exile after all.


    Not following your logic here


    He is an admiral in the Republic Fleet. If a defense needs to be mounted on Revan's return, as was implied by Canderous, someone in charge needs to coordinate it on the Republic's end. Candy, of course, was told to gather the clans and wait. There's only one reason Revan would need every Mandalorian Canderous could lay hands on... whatever Revan's plan was, he/she and Exile quite possibly will be chased back by some pretty po'd Sith folks.

    T3 and HK are fixtures. I somewhat agree with regard to Bastila (if Revan was female), but we don't really know what she's been doing in the meantime. Her appearance in K2 kept her in the picture, at any rate, and I'd expect at least a brief cameo if Revan was male.

  10. No new PC.


    For story flow, K3 has to start with Exile's search for Revan, although I'd prefer both Exile and Revan as PC's, their storylines growing closer together until they either merge or their goals do. A chapter approach would work, even after that point. That is a lot of ground to cover in one game, what with NPC's and sidequests. Splitting off into three PC's gets too schizophrenic.


    Again, Exile and Revan are both very experienced in battle and life's lessons--and any new padawan logically doesn't stand a chance. I don't want to see a midichlorian-laced superAnakin swooping in to save the galaxy. Please. Developing any new PC, along with his/her attendant backstory, will shortchange the conclusion we are all waiting for. That energy should be spent on fully finishing the story in a dramatic fashion. It isn't sufficient to tell me what happened--I want to be there.


    I really don't care much about seeing old party members come back, with the exception of those who are important--Canderous, Bastila, Carth, HK47, and T3 ... BaoDur's ability could be a useful plot device (if he didn't die). The rest, like Mission, Juhani, Jolee, Handmaiden, Mira etc. are done--I know all about them that I need to know, unless they can contribute in some way besides eye candy. The more important NPC's can be shown through video sequences; they can't join the party unless/until Revan and Exile get back to the known galaxy, where more conventional weapons are required. Otherwise, you just invalidated every reason for going alone into the Unknown Regions.


    In short, I'm not willing to settle for a generic SW knock-off, or to see this series fall into the well-worn RPG rut. Eventually you get tired of the same pattern, over and over; what I like most about these two games is that they offer something different. That difference is the depth of the story they tell--the one that is not yet complete.

  11. First of all, while making KotOR3 bigger and larger sounds great, it will require a lot more programming etc. from whoever gets to develop it, and while I'd like that, it's just not realistic to expect it.


    Besides, given the choice between consistent story and bigger landscapes to explore, I'd go with the plot every time. Exploring huge areas on many planets isn't nearly as important as a fulfilling storyline with a good flow toward the resolution.


    What you suggests sounds a lot like a mix between Jedi Academy and X-wing to me. Those are great games, but they're just not KotOR.


    I totally agree--the story is the central focus, the most important part. I've seen wonderful storylines fall into ruin because of the 'need' to make a new engine work, or because the game tried to encompass too much 'action' just to please the killers among us.


    The K1/K2 engine is showing its age and its limitations have been pushed, that's true. But it is an elegant thing, especially in K2's character movements. Newer is not always better. New bugs WILL be introduced.


    Personally, I don't really care if K3 is a 2d sidescroller, as long as they do the story and the characters up right. A new planet or two, okay, but grounding in the known universe is essential. Action/fighting elements need to be there, but in an appropriate mixture to maintain the focus on plot. Bioware had this right, as did Obsidian until time ran out. And either one of these dev's has my vote for K3. I'd definitely think twice about others.


    Anyone who watches the progression of the first two games can see the direction a conclusion needs to take. But whatever dev is chosen, I certainly hope they are up to the task. This storyline is a gem among the rocks; I'd hate to see it destroyed.

  12. I would think most of the damage and deaths inflicted by the MSG would have occurred on the surface, as the ships slammed into it. Trayus Academy was close to the core of the planet, so it's possible some were able to take refuge there, even though it brought them very close to a concentration of dark energy. Kreia did say that Trayus had existed for a very long time; Revan merely converted it to his own uses.


    Judging by Sion's appearance and medical data, he was probably in one of the ships; I don't see even Kreia doing something like that. He was only able to survive because of the old Sith technique he'd learned ... only his mind kept him going.


    If Revan was on Malachor, (and I think I remember seeing something about channelling dark energy too somewhere) I don't think he stayed for the fireworks. Kreia suggested that he may not have served the dark side in the generally-accepted way, which implies choice rather than succumbing, as she did. So either he was resistant to it, or he wasn't there when it all hit the fan.

  13. This is a tough question to answer, because you are asking two different things.

    Was I satisfied?

    Yes and no.

    Was it what I expected?



    This game was less--and much more--than I expected, in some ways.

    First, I did not like being shunted off to a new character, but it was soon all right, because Exile was interesting, his background was believable and fit in with the general theme of K1. It deepened the story, and it built anticipation for the next installment. And the game became much more than I expected, with Kreia and the fact that it didn't hit me over the head with the points it was trying to make. Very deep, intriguing view into what a video game could be, if someone cared enough.

    But it was frustrating and disappointing that after Dantooine-redux there really wasn't much interaction except endless fighting until the end. I could watch a movie or play Diablo for that. And this wasn't Diablo. I played that already. This wasn't that kind of game.


    I like it. A whole lot. But I wish it had been polished and finished, the way it should have been. So I guess that's the answer to both questions. I'd spend the money again, no question. But I think I'll wait to hear some definitive word on K3 before I buy.

  14. The true sith empire waits on the edge of the galaxy, ready for the war to come.


    Revan may have been drawn by the call of home. Which could be the old Sith empire. He is there to fight.


    Perhaps Revan will be the main character. It's quite a good fit. You find out that these new planets where the real sith live is where Revan came from. You either continue the fight, or you destroy the leaders and take the empire for yourself. Of course they would need a way to make Revan weaker. Perhaps the Sith have agents that are solely devouted to a form of the force which can blind the force completely to a force user but not their masters. Your first goal is to destroy these agents or find their source and remove them. Or find out how their masters are shielded.


    This would also work for the exile.


    Or maybe not.


    Revan obviously came up against something he could not handle alone.


    Possibly significant is the fact that 'this is not a battle that can be fought'. I read that to mean that 'conventional' methods will not work. So even possessing such feats as are normal for a Jedi or a Sith may mean little. That opens up the field for new Force powers or abilities to be learned, while the old ones may decay from disuse. The only limit is the imagination.

  15. then why does the Disciple not recall the 2nd master.. and why does it even matter? And what if Kreia and Kae are two seperate people... where does Kreia fit in as one of Revan's masters?


    Argh! the answers are so elusive :)


    - Dan


    Just my 2 cents, but people are usually remembered for doing someting notable, whether bad or good. Kreia remembers Zhar as a fool, Vandar was probably respected by all. But whoever this second master was, he or she was just 'good ol' whatsisname.' Kae was notable because of her actions during the war, her exile, her love affair, and her controversial teachings. She was as infamous as Nomi Sunrider.


    Listen to the inflection in Vrook's voice when he sees Kreia. To the profound disturbance Atris displays when the handmaidens mention an 'old woman', and her disdain when she says 'That is not her name.'. They knew her, and knew her well. And they thought she was dead.

  16. I have also heard that if you gain too much influence with Visas, Handmaiden will not give you some dialogue options.  I *HEARD* this and haven't tested it.




    I 'tested' it quite by accident. If this happens, you will get NO dialogue options with her. She just tells you to go away, she has nothing to say, when you click on her.


    I have found that at some point HM refuses to talk about Atris any more, with her INF maxed at 100; but again, it doesn't say INF:Failure. She just tells you she's not going to talk about Atris. Period. I figure it's because she doesn't even want to think about Exile having a previous relationship.


    Possibly, since this is so early in the game, there is some dialogue that needs to be opened up/triggered by something someone else says (Kreia?) Just a thought. I've also noticed that sometimes HM doesn't get INF at certain points if anybody else is in your party. If I'm specifically working on her, I kick them all out but her at those points. It seems to give the game a kick in the pants.

  17. I worry about people who express no doubts ... :-


    Seriously, this means that The Force is acting to create synchronistic joins between events according to some agenda ... "I don't believe in luck." (or at least this is what Kreia believes to be true, or wants us to believe is true, or wants us to believe she believes is true ... ;) )




    Nope. None. I live to worry people. :p

    'The Force is acting to create synchronistic joins between events according to some agenda?" You mean it doesn't?

  18. I "get" subtle.

    I work games methodically (game theory, probing for weaknesses whether logic or otherwise that might give me a winning advantage).

    I had Tobin, for example, dribbling and whining out his pathetic story first time through (high persuade, high charisma).

    As GB Shaw said of a book he reviewed for a man, who noticed the pages hadn't been cut past the first few (an indication that the book hadn't been read past that point; books were printed on folded paper and, more recently, the pages cut before sale) complained: "I do not need to eat an entire apple to know that it is bad."


    This game could have been incredible (operative word, "could", past tense wishful thinking): it had all the foundations for a bigger, better game that K1. It wasn't. And the flaws, to me, inhibit re-plays so much that I have been playing Half-Life 2, Rome: Total War, NwN and, indeed, K1 instead.


    I agree and disagree, I guess. I do think K2 would have blown the sox off anything else on this sorry market, had it reached its full potential. K1 was the first game in many moons that I couldn't stop playing until I'd finished; and this was much the same, in a different way. But K2 has something more compelling for me than NwN or HL2. I will replay it many times, just to listen and enjoy the characters, the slow realization of what each step of the journey is all about.


    Bad decisions like LA's refusal to fully support it (as well as Valve's ill-conceived steam engine) make me sad, and they hurt the whole industry. But my money was well spent, for Obsidian's sake. They rock.

  19. "True coincidences are rare," says Kreia.


    I have no doubts. Obsidian's writers don't devote a number of lines to a topic for no reason; they lead you to make a conclusion rather than telling you what to think. It's subtle, but it's there. I just don't think it was a cut, because it made no difference in the end. It only provided depth to a wonderful character.

  20. I know the entire story didnt truely fall togather for me until about the 6th play through. After that you should have pretty much explored all the paths and learned all there is to learn really :blink:


    Was just wondering, though, who you think stripped Kreia's Force powers. Was it Sion and Nihilus? Or was it the Jedi Council after all (who were mentioned more than once in dialogue and the loading screens). Some believe that the Jedi only did it once, in the case of Nomi Sunrider. But Atris definitely told me that Kreia's powers were stripped, although she did not say by whom. It would surely explain Kreia's hatred for the Council, and how else would Atris know? Did you get anything on that?

  21. The cut content with regard to Droid World is one thing (they admitted in official interviews that this was cut because of time constraints).


    HOWEVER, has it ever occurred to anyone that some of the stuff may have gotten cut because it sucked?


    I mean, really, Atton dying, everybody ganging up on Kreia and STILL have a cliffhanger....no, they handled the ending right.


    It was not a *satisfying* ending but it was *supposed* to be a cliffhanger--having beaten a non-traditional enemy (who was not the real threat).


    It is worthy of some thought, yes. If you take a wider view of theme, and how they intended to portray Kreia, the published ending fits better. She told Atris that 'Sith' was a title, and that was not who she was any more. It was not what she taught. So killing the party members might prevent them from becoming liabilities to Exile, but that was a decision I feel Exile should have learned to make on his/her own.


    There is no doubt the ending feels artificially rushed. But it does show that Exile made a difference, just by influencing his party members ... who went on to influence others. It validates the journey, whether it ends on a cliffhanger or not.

  22. heh Kali,


    Thats what drives me nuts about the complaints regarding storyline and influence.


    If people paid attention and played through more then once they would see and find out they missed alot.


    I know the entire story didnt truely fall togather for me until about the 6th play through. After that you should have pretty much explored all the paths and learned all there is to learn really :thumbsup:


    Yeah, this is about my 6th time around too, just finally realized why Kreia saved Tobin because he opened up and told me. I'm impressed and appreciative of what Obsidian was able to do, rather than focusing on what they couldn't. I suspect that it gets criticized because it is so subtle, and that's different and unique, not at all the norm. But wow, it's my kind of story.

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