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Posts posted by kalimeeri

  1. Exar Kun was a powerful figure in history, mentioned a number of times. Thematically, an extension of his continuing influence would fit nicely. I would expect some aliens out there, as there are in the known galaxy; maybe some real nasty ones like the Illithids. But not as the 'true Sith'.




    Remember also that Kreia hinted that Revan himself may have been born in the unknown regions.




    The last ones I want to see are Pearl and Brain Guy.

  2. Hi!  Weird question perhaps, but here goes...


    I'm on Korriban (this is my 2nd planet after Dantooine) and I have just come up against Malak's apprentice (after trying hard to figure out how far to take the whole 'fake sith' thing...).


    It's ridiculous!  I have absolutely no chance of beating him, and I have tried at least 2 or 3 different party combinations, and regardless I just cannot beat him, and whenever I come even remotely close, he pulls out a ridiculously strong force whirlwind or lightning and I get killed basically in one go...


    Any suggestions? or should I just forget all i'd done here, load a saved game and go to Yavin or Kshyykk (or whatever) instead?



    - Dan


    If I remember right, the planet you're on isn't the triggering factor. It's having fulfilled certain game requirements; I know of one encounter in particular that happens no matter where you go. That one I remember because I had to step through it turn by turn just to stay alive (it wasn't Bandon, tho). Yikes. I think my Sentinel's party focused on Darth Bandon and ignored his pals until he went down. They can hurt you, but he will KILL you. Your consular will have to rely more on Force Powers. Wave works nicely in this game, and so does Stasis. I don't think Stasis works so well on Bandon, but his buddies aren't immune.


    I know where you're coming from with regard to the cheats. I just don't like using them, and I won't unless I'm mired so deep I'm about to quit for good. Usually there's some trick to beating the battle, it's just a matter of finding it.

  3. and Mira? Well her situation is equally strange, seeing as she should have been following in your wake through the Trayus Academy (in the LS game).


    - Dan



    Well, my 2nd Exile decided to go looking for her after he put down the Greater Storm Beast. All the way back through the green stuff. He even climbed all over Ebon Hawk trying to get in. The only thing he was able to find was, believe it or not, Hanharr. The Wookie was just standing there where Mira left him, but he wouldnt respond or anything.

  4. Kreia tells the future of a lot of the characters, indicating that their stories are now complete. However, she says she cannot see the future of Bao-Dur or the droids. This may be because they play a major part in KOTOR 3 and so their futures cannot be revealed, or it would spoil the story of the next game.



    Kreia said she couldn't read the machines, but I didnt believe her reason for not reading Bao. She said something about his being an alien. I'd think it had more to do with Malachor V, and she didn't want to say so at that point. Or ever, as it turns out.


    I guarantee the droids will be back. Possibly Bao-Dur as well, or I'd hope so. He was a complex character, and I was not convinced that he'd really come to terms with what he'd done. Like you said, just the fact that we don't know what happened to him makes you wonder. It would be a very powerful twist if he was somehow forced to do a similar thing again.

  5. I don't mean to get off-topic, but why were there Koondah Troops at Telos?  How could they spare the resources?


    I would assume because Telos is such a critical world. It's a Republic experiment in rebuilding. Not only does Dantooine officially support the Republic, but if Telos fails, there will be no money coming to help Dantooine or any of the other worlds who may need it. The Senate will go thumbs down. So they're supporting the Telos project, in order to help themselves, really, even though they can't afford it. What if those few troops they didn't send were the ones that would have made the difference?

  6. * Not sure now, but i think he sent in some troops to Telos during Nihilus' attack to help with the fight, even though his intention is to break away from the Republic?


    That actually seems a bit contradictory, doesn't it? Talia would send troops, because of her Republic affiliations. But Vaklu's political stance would seem at odds with sending Onderonians to help, unless it was just a matter of honoring a gentleman's debt to Exile.


    That's a fairly thin supposition, but better than nothing to make Exile's intervention on Onderon mean something to DS players other than stat-building.

  7. some of the cuts like the droid planet and the droid factory i think should be added back. but i don't want the ones where the entire crew gets killed in some way or another because this would kill it for kotor 3 if there is going to be one.



    I don't understand why that ending would really affect K3. ?? All the party members don't necessarily carry forward, as we saw in K1 (except for the droids and certain personages like Carth and Canderous). Those few who did affected or will continue to affect the 'overall' story. I might expect a couple of the more influential ones from K2 to make a cameo (Kreia as Force ghost, maybe Bao-Dur as ?) but certainly none of the others. Whatever part they will now play (if any) should be off-camera anyway. Their stories are complete, any way you look at it.

  8. Don't compare them. Take them as parts of a trilogy, and the differences make sense.


    K1 could not AFFORD the luxury of introspection. It had to pull you into an epic saga and deliver enough backstory to build a foundation, all the while making it feel like an exciting personal journey with characters you care about. A tall order. And it succeeded, even though Bioware had to take into account the possibility that it would be a stand-alone game, depending on sales.


    K2 is the middle installment. Typically, it can take more time and go deeper, because the foundation is already laid. It only has to build on it. It can add a new character(s), if that is a critical part of the resolution; it fills in some blanks and adds a few complications. Just the fact that it doesn't significantly forward the original plot adds suspense and anticipation for the final installment.


    K3 basically only has to uphold the story and go for the gold. But that isn't going to be simple, by any means. There's a lot to live up to, from both prior segments.


    I don't care awfully much whether they adhere to the fictional Star Wars universe to the last detail. I think I lost most of my investment in that over time and the latest SW movie flops. Kotor can stand on its own, and I feel much the same about K3 as I did waiting for ROTK to come out.

  9. I thought this was about the musuem or whatever haha in the palace...


    I remember I was lightside and I killed the sith in the musuem, and saw the guy say if someone else tries to steal something there will be hell to pay and I was like hmm...so I killed them and took everything....


    and then after I help talia she's like I wish I could give u more, I was going to give you rare artifacts from the Musuem but some of the Sith must have stolen them...




    little did she know



    I was just wondering if there's anybody out there who DIDN'T loot the museum. Does Talia give you a trinket to buy you off, or the same stuff? Every time I play through, I 'intend' to do the noble thing, but I can't quite pull the finger off the mouse button.

  10. I would say there is even less chance of a patch than there is of an 'expansion' pack release.  I honestly don't think I could answer whether or not I would prefer a patch or a kotor3 that finishes it up and continues the story (albeit from a different new characters perspective)...


    I actually dont think I care, as long as whatever it is gets all the development time it needs to make it awesome.  From what i've seen I truly beleive Obsidian are capable of making a truly amazing game, should they allow themselves the proper time to create such a game.


    Bring it on!


    - Dan



    Seconded. Couldn't have said it better myself, although I'd prefer K3 not add another new PC to the already rich mixture. A patch might be a middle ground, a neg option for those who 1) don't want to part with more $, 2) think the game is fine as is, or 3) don't care because they play games on skim level. An optional download would cost less; possibly a full release would not earn the money back because it missed the hype boat. It's probably all in the realm of professional pride for Obsidian at this point, though, and maybe they're willing to just let it go. But I wouldn't.

  11. The random 'variables' (glitches?) in the INF system are almost as much fun as opening a locked crate. You never know what you will or won't get, in the way of cutscenes, etc. I never had to take Visas off the ship to have her 100% and LS all the way. And in some games she's been an awesome support Jedi, in others she sucked and stayed locked up in her dorm. Same with the others. It's possible their stats are rolled fresh each time, which is interesting.


    Right now, I fear for Exile's life if he tries to take on 'anyone' without Bao and Atton. It's been a challenge to make a Consular even halfway competent in various situations. He can talk anybody to death, but that won't help in a roomful of dark Jedi... gotta feeling I'll have to save a little bit of FP for the speed-run thing. How embarrassing.

  12. Why do you think that joining a Sith Empire retains individuality?


    That's just what is said. I never bothered to worry about it.


    IMO any ruler who believes his planet can be an island with no political affiliations (vaklu vs. the Republic) is just deluding himself. His choice to bring in the Sith to take control is a big gamble that he won't end up being their puppet, because Onderon has tactical significance.


    But if I were an Onderonian under Talia, I'd move to Dxun. Oy. She annoys me.

  13. it's like my 5th playthrough already but always this onderon thing drives me cyco.  Onderon is a "sweet" f ing planet but this feud.  who is truley better vaklu is a better ruler but talia is so hot and the rightfull ruler.  she looks like a isrealite.  i'm a dark side playa but i hate killing talia. who is truley better



    It depends on how you look at it.




    Vaklu allies himself with the Sith to get power and control. Under his reign (you're told at the end of the game) Onderon retains its customs and individuality because it never became part of the Republic. A lot of Onderonians were afraid of losing that. He is a stronger ruler.


    Talia's going to have a tough time, but she makes it. Under her rule, Onderon joins the Republic and eventually loses the individuality and customs that made them special. But they gain in trade and defense.




    Both their hearts were in the right place; they just had a different approach.

    But Talia tends to annoy me a little. I think it's her attitude more than anything.

  14. Handmaiden had a different father than the other Handmaidens, correct?




    <---> Just reverse that. Same father, different mother.



    Handmaiden would recognize herself in Kreia


    Possibly not. First off, she wouldn't be looking. She has always believed her mother is dead. Even then I think she'd have to look pretty hard to see beneath the combination of robes, age, and dark side to see any resemblance to herself. For instance, I haven't seen my family or any photos or spoken to them in 25 years. I live 2000 miles away. Would I know one of them if by pure happenstance we passed on a sidewalk in my town? Nope. (Not even without the robes. :) )


    There is really no way to determine how old Kreia is. She was an historian; she did not necessarily live through all of the eras she talks about.


    Second, the Jedi do know Kreia


    Yes, they do. They know her immediately on sight when they see her again on Dantooine, and so does Atris. And they're all pretty surprised. But the 'her' that the Council refers to in Exile's trial is never identified by name, although it's alluded to through the names of her padawans. And Atris laughs at the use of the name 'Kreia.' Because that is not her real name, and whoever she 'really' is, is someone Atris lords herself over and looks down on. Sort of like she does Exile...


    Interpretation? Yes. But I don't believe in that much coincidence, not with the subtle bits that are repeated throughout the game: in dialogue, in voice inflection and pauses, and even in what isn't said.

  15. Thanks for that!


    What i'm discovering that I love about this game now that I have finished it is that in general (and not just KOTOR2, but also the original), there is so much that is left for you to decide what you beleive, regarding the characters and your relationships with them...


    Of course some of it relates to how you play the game, but its obvious that some people view different characters in totally different ways to others, and they actually beleive in them and read into their actions, especially with it comes to their force orientation.  Its just great to see... and its food for the mind.


    Games that do that are getting very rare. And that's why I thank Bio-Ware and Obsidian, and hope for their continued success. Brave souls. Many small developers with promise are being forced out of existence, and larger ones are digging their own graves. What is not so evident is that Microsoft is slowly gaining ground. Notice that Dungeon Seige II has a much 'deeper' storyline proposed. There is money to be made, and it's not in continuing to produce 'mindless mass market what sold last year.' And I probably just condemned myself to a full system crash.

  16. After the learning Kreia was the betrayer, I no longer believed (or at least fully) the idea that Kreia was herself Exiled. So Kreia could've been "planted" as all part of the big plan. I also do accept a fair chance that Kreia/Sion were not allies at the start too, and that it really may have been a race to the Exile, in which case I think she would've used Stealth.


    I'm not a big fan to the Revan was a Sith Lord (in K1) acting to ready the Republic/Sith Empire for the True Sith. Yes, all that stuff about leaving installations intact and stuff is all supportive, but well, if I wanted to have the Sith as good guys, I'd rather go play Tie Fighter and help the Emperor restore peace and order to the galaxy.


    hmm, if Kreia was exiled, she could've snuck onto the Ebon Hawk herself...although from where, I don't know.


    No one is pure good or pure evil, and Sith/Jedi are just flip sides of the same coin. Revan fit neither category. He 'used' both, but he stopped just short of letting it use him. He was cold, calculating, and vicious if it served his purpose. And the term 'good' only came to mean adherence to the Jedi power structure that was in effect. A much more interesting character, one that sticks with you, if you're into that kind of thing.


    I believe Kreia was exiled ... as Master Kae. There is no evidence at all that the Jedi Council or the databases had ever heard the name Kreia. As Atris said, 'That is not her name.' Yet Kreia was a Jedi. She knows each of the Jedi Masters personally, and they know her on sight.




    Atris in particular blamed a particular female Master as the reason Revan, Exile and others turned from their teachings to fight at Malachor. 'Kreia' admits to being Revan's master, and one of those is named as being Master Kae 'before she went to the wars.' The others mentioned are pretty much dead (Vandar, Zhar...) I believe even at that time she was teaching some gray mixed in with the blue and shiny.


    There is no mention where this Master went, that I can recall, but she ain't around no more. If their memories were tampered with, Kreia is pretty darned good at that. She even hints at it, in a convo with Exile.


    Kae, as we know, had Yusannis' child. We don't really know if this is before or after she went to war, and I'm not sure even adding up the numbers will help. But Jedi are forbidden, and that alone would be sufficient reason to exile Kae, even if she HAD been well liked and trusted. Someone betrayed her secret to the Council. I thought at first it might have been Yusannis himself, since Revan made sure to toast him crispy brown in the Civil War. But possibly Atris discovered it.


    We do know Master Kae went off to fight with Revan, and allegedly 'died'. I think that death was figurative and symbolic. Nobody saw it, and nobody ever found a body, and nobody can ask Yusannis any more. She went darkside, but eventually came back to a modified version of her former teachings, with a new identity.


    No one as powerful as 'Kreia' would have escaped notice by the Council. And as she says 'true coincidences are rare.' It's all in the motives. Kae had a powerful drive to show that her teachings were not flawed, as Atris alleged. To vindicate her life's work. And Kreia parades Exile in front of the Council, as proud as can be, thinking they surely can't miss the significance of what she's accomplished.


    It is possible that Kreia was hiding aboard Sion's vessel, I suppose. T3 may have sent the distress signal to Harbinger prior to the attack. But I can't see why Sion would attack a ship that had no sentients aboard, or even be attracted to it in the first place. And that 'playing dead' scenario has a distinct 'Kreia' flavor.


    It is fairly logical that T3 might have stopped at Malachor. That Sith academy was Revan's. It just got out of control after he left, because Kreia was not the leader he was. Anyway, that's why I believe she hopped on there.



  17. Being forced to survive with a character whom you've ignored stat-wise is actually kind of humbling. I mean, Exile has all the best stuff, and the others get the leftovers. It's the way of things. But it was interesting all the same, even though Atton got creamed and didn't really know what hit him during my first game. In subsequent games, he was able to hold his own, because I tended to level-ups with a lot more care.


    It does spice things up a bit to 'occasionally' play a party member for a short segment that contributes to the storyline. I don't mind. But longer segments lead you to believe that member (or what they're doing) is particularly important, above the others. If it isn't or they aren't--sorry, it feels like 'filler'.


    If a particular NPC has special interest in an area or a quest to complete, I don't mind being forced to take him/her along at all. It shows they have personal tale to tell and motive for being there, and it makes you pay attention to someone who might otherwise end up in cobwebs on the ship.


    I don't care to be separated from my PC for a long time, though, or to play a game that routinely swaps multiple (more than 2) viewpoints with abandon. Invariably I identify with one character more than the others. An example, I guess, is Suikoden 3 (PS2), where there were three and sometimes four PC's in separate segments. I grew to hate some of them, and those parts of the game dragged horribly. On the other hand, Gabriel Knight 2 handled 2 PC's very well, even though each had a different approach.


    Of course the scope of these stories is very different. But I don't believe it really necessary, even in a galaxy-wide conflict, to switch to controlling a lot of ancillary characters. If all that is needed is information, a cutscene can be just as effective (as K2 did several times), and it doesn't tend to fragment the game so much.

  18. As I've said before, these are both great games. K1 was incredible, and still is. One of my favorite games ever, and I've been a hard-core gamer since the 1980's. K2 takes a different approach, but is a worthy successor--a very ambitious project that I admire for its subtlety. I await K3 for the story, and hope that it maintains the excellence of the first two.

  19. On a similar note though, can you tell me if I am understanding the events of Malachor V?  The way I understand it now is that obviously the exile caused a lot of death and destruction there, and the suffering caused this strong echo in the force...  is it right that of the force sensitive, some embraced the suffering and therefore embraced the dark side (eg: darth nihilus and many others... but nihilus obviously was more powerful than most because of it), and if you would not do that you would either be overwhelmed and die, or if you were strong enough (like the exile was) you could turn your back to it all, but the pain would deafen you from the force.  Is this fairly correct?


    One thing, and I think this might just about be my last question (;)):  Kreia said at one stage (almost as if it were a revelation to her), that she finally understood why the exile did what he/she did on Malachor V (im assuming she means withstanding the dark side and power and turning away), and she said it was because the exile was afraid... and that was it - i was assuming that was the precursor to something but it didnt seem to turn out that way... does anyone have any insight into that?


    Thanks again,


    - Dan


    I don't think the Jedi on the surface embraced the dark side so much as they 'bonded' with each other, as soldiers do in times of extreme stress.

    This scenario was brilliantly engineered by Revan, to shift the balance of power away from the Council.

    Orders and teachings meant less, because the Council was far, far away and didn't know what they were going through. Revan did, and so they followed him instead. Those who refused, died.


    Except for Exile ... but it cost him.


    In reference to your last question, there are two possible responses that Kreia gives, and I'm not sure which is the 'proper' one. 1) you were afraid, 2) you had no choice. But neither one seems to ultimately make a difference.

  20. Spoiler warning!!


    The 51 questions that were posted made me think of something I never quite figured out in the beginning of the game...


    The Exile is taken aboard the Harbinger for the purpose of being brought to Telos without the Exile's knowledge. Ok.



    This area has always been a bit murky for me too. My hypothesis to date:




    I'm assuming that T3 and HK were the last to see Revan. Revan wiped HK's memory banks and ordered T3 to navigate the ship back and then wipe his own. Perhaps that is all he wanted done; he wanted to be totally on his own.


    However, before Revan departed, Bastila had introduced a subroutine into T3's programming--the go-for-help message. T3 brings Ebon Hawk back to Malachor V, where Kreia has set up shop.


    It's possible that in the meantime Kreia has been attempting to train others like she ends up doing with Exile (Sion and Nihilis), but again, she has more failures than successes. Because of her loyalty to Revan and her ability to see the future, particularly on Malachor, she knows Revan will need some help even if he doesn't think so.


    Enter T3, first stop Malachor V, which was Revan's last pit stop in the known world. Kreia may find references to Exile in what's left of T3's memory banks, and/or she may simply remember him on her own as her padawan, just as Revan was. Maybe she's been looking for him all along as a candidate, but hasn't been able to detect him.


    I am unclear as to why Exile boards the Harbinger in the first place, though. I doubt Exile was coming back on his own; he has not dealt with any of his issues with his past.


    Since this Republic ship is not generally a passenger liner and was enroute to Telos, there was some intervention that occurred--and I believe it may have been Admiral Carth Onasi.


    Carth has obviously been looking for any sign of Revan since he disappeared. He's been marshalling Republic defenses like Revan told him to, and waiting. Republic forces (or spies like Disciple?) may have come into contact with Exile, and notified him. It's a long shot that Exile might know something about Revan, but Carth is fairly desperate, so he orders Harbinger to pick up the Exile and transport him back to Telos, where Carth intends to be waiting to talk to him.


    Here is where Atris' plan kicks in. Atris finds Exile's name on the Harbinger's passenger list in the coreward databases. She then decides a little payback is in order, and that she will use him to draw the Sith threat out of hiding. She spams his name and location all over the records.


    Kreia picks it up, grabs T3 and the Ebon Hawk, and beats feet to intercept Harbinger before it gets to Telos. SHE voice-locks the computer, because if she's successful, she doesn't want Exile running off too early, and because if she fails, she doesn't want anyone messing up Revan's plans or getting killed.


    But Sion is already enroute. He recognizes Ebon Hawk and/or the fact that Kreia is aboard, and he thinks he knows her intentions. Alternately, perhaps he already knew her intentions when he left Malachor V, and it's a race to see who gets to Harbinger first. In either case, he attacks it. Both ships end up severely damaged and dead in space.


    Harbinger finds the wreckage soon afterward, and assumes that the Sith warship is empty, since they can't see anyone. When the commander radios for instructions from Carth, Onasi gets all excited because this is Ebon Hawk. So they stop to look for survivors, and to try to figure out what happened. And the cloaked Sith take over Harbinger.


    But the HK unit has another agenda, possibly is one of those Go-To hired. HK50 is to keep tabs on Exile until he can be taken prisoner, and to protect his life until that happens. Sabotaging Harbinger affords time for Exile to be freed from Sith control. T3 takes his opportunity, and Ebon Hawk ends up on Peragus.




    As I said, just a hypotheis, but it makes sense to me.

  21. I've played enough that I only want to see what different interpretations other folks may have.


    Playing a game of this type, I avoid the forums altogether unless I have specific tech issues. That's because those blacked-out sections are a huge draw. And even with an extraordinary Will Save, you really can't count on the tags being used uniformly, even avoiding the obvious SPOILER section. That's common to all forums. I just like to make up my own mind first, then go see what others thought. If I really like a particular game, and the discussion is intelligent and civil, I'll post. (And try very hard to discern what a spoiler actually is, besides a very subjective and emotional issue. I do find it hard to sympathize with those why cry and complain they were spoiled after reading everything in the SPOILER section. Duh.)

  22. Yes, I was wondering if maybe my Audigy II soundcard was to blame for the audio artifacts.  But then I also read about this audio loop splicing flaw in an game review.  So I'm not so inclined to blame my hardware in this case.



    I'm not saying your hardware is to blame. :) I run an Audigy2. I just don't think blaming the game is the answer to this particular question; there are way too many other variables that come into play to make a blanket statement. This goes for reviewers as well. They're as bound by individual system setup as the rest of us.


    The problem I have with the sound is that it is not a big enough part of the game. In an ideal world, when I shut it down for the night, I want to find myself humming the strains of the music in the shower the next morning, as I did with Morrowind and Dungeon Seige. I replayed K1 and commented to my daughter how beautiful the music was, and she protested that K2 had good music, too. But all I remember is a few passages, even after multiple replays--and those weren't as full as I'd have liked, even with CMSS2 enabled. It wasn't used to advantage.

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