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Posts posted by kalimeeri

  1. The review I read was from a no-holds-barred movie critic who went into the theatre with a feeling of dread. She came out feeling relieved that it didn't suck so bad as Episodes I and II. But she said the lightsaber showdown at the end was no match for the sequence in Episode I.


    She believed that SW fans will reject/forget Episodes I and II, and regard Episode III as the entire prequel. What was interesting was that she indicated that GL tapped Spielburg and Coppola for input, and actually hired one of Coppola's dialogue coaches--so that in itself might make it worthy of a Netflix rental.

  2. If that was true it could have been the best planet by far.


    Anybody else think so?


    Um, no. Going into the tombs, as someone else said, was already done well enough in K1. Korriban was basically a desert planet that had been razed by bumbling archaologists and angry Sith; sort of like the upper levels of the enclave on Dantooine, everything that could be found was removed or destroyed. So it strains credibility that you might find even a 'secret' area in the tombs. A bit too similar in feel to the situation at the sublevel on Dantooine.


    I think the opportunities for exploring Korriban as a planet are limited because it's dead--there is no NPC interaction, nothing to make it interesting. Using the Shyrack caves as an area that exploited and tested an individual's weaknesses was creative, but it was sufficient, along with Kreia's history lesson.


    I agree that it did feel fairly small, just as the Yavin area did in K1. But I don't think the game would have gained anything by expanding it--anything more would have been a dungeon crawl. Kill monsters, get loot.


    I'd say leave it in K2, but add another planet or moon--or simply expand Telos station or the surface of Onderon. If Exile is somewhat following Revan's path, showing the effects of war, there is also Manaan, Tattooine or Yavin itself. Or how about Kashyyk, after Hanharr got done with it? (I'm not a Wookie fan, but Czerka might not be able to resist going back there. Or we might even find some trace of Jolee Bindo's past.)

  3. I can't say graphics absolutely don't matter, but they are not the most important aspect. I like seeing expressions on the characters' faces, but I still do replay some 8-bit sidescrollers, for their stories. Yes, my PC can now run all the way around structures and objects. So? A year from now I will not remember a minor tweak to graphics. I will only remember whether the game was a royal B888tch to run, and whether the story was worth my money and my time.


    NwN was one of those games I could take or leave--a big deal was made of the graphics detail and camera work, but it ran really really crappy for me. Nor did I think the story was anywhere near as good as K1 or BG2, for that matter. Seeing every blade of grass wave individually was not enough to float that boat.


    I would hope that whatever graphics are used in an upcoming sequel, they look and run halfway decent on a mid-level vid card. That's all. I prefer/have to stay one generation behind on the latest and greatest hardware, due to cost and other factors. Forcing a video upgrade (or more) for a new graphics engine is not a popular choice. What does it really gain overall?

  4. You seem to view personality as something absolutely firm .. Revan was programmed with a new personality, but that doesn't make the new Revan invalid .. he is still able to make independent decisions just like the old one was .. so if he chooses to go LS, or DS, it is his choice, not the councils, since you (as the player) represents his free will ..

    I don't understand why you think he was forced to do anything .. you made the decisions!


    I agree. Maybe Revan was 'reprogrammed' with a defined set of memories/circumstance, but where he goes from there is up to him. (I use one pronoun out of lazy typing habits). Personality is not all a matter of a person's past, it is a work under construction. Life and experience (and love, too) changes people. That cannot be foreseen or programmed.


    Playing this newly-formed PC, many of the opinions expressed by NPC's about Revan were uncomplimentary. As LS, it was not such a good revelation to find out you and Revan were the same. But while that is who you 'were', it isn't who you 'are' any more. They can name you what they like. You have to integrate and accept what Revan was, but that is all.

  5. I don't think Lucas is up to making the Kotor story into the movies they could be. It would sicken me to see such a fine story corrupted by poor casting, lame dialogue, and complete reliance on special effects (and endless sequences of landing struts). I'd rather he left it alone, and just allowed a professional game dev to finish the tale a la Kotor 3.


    The sad truth is that Star Wars is Lucas' cash cow. I expect there will be Star Wars: The New Generation, etc. because the SW universe has taken root much like Star Trek's did. If there's money to be made, it doesn't matter if Enterprise is spiraling in flames toward the ground.

  6. The whole Jedi Council hates Kreia because they felt that she was responsible for Raven's falling to the darkside which caused the Jedi Civil war.


    It could also be possible that the Jedi masters used the force to cut Kreia off, I got that idea when she tells you how they can never really ever cut you off from the force permamently.


    The Council hates Kreia because her teachings strayed from their hallowed Jedi code. Instead of seeing her philosophy as 'enlightened', they viewed them as a threat, possibly to their own power. Revan and Exile didn't follow the Council's orders and therefore Kreia was blamed, for teaching them incorrectly. Kreia is doing the exact same thing, pointing fingers back at them, only she's saying the Sith are wrong as well.


    IMO the Council did cut Kreia off from the force, although this was not publicized or even stated by Kreia in so many words. She knew first-hand what it felt like to be cut off, and she'd managed to survive and come back, so she knew it was possible. That bitterness in itself would be enough to turn her to the dark side. But when she tried to train Sion and Nihilus, they turned on her too. So in the end, she was just herself.

  7. As for the feedback, whats the point? Isnt it all fake anyway? Almost all the sellers have 99 or 97 percent positive reviews or something.


    There's more than a few feedback posts that I'll guarantee aren't fake--they're my own. Anyway, don't do anything you're not comfortable with. Ordering online, I'd just rather deal with Amazon than eBay, here anyway.

  8. I've ordered from Amazon sellers before here in the US, I'm just careful to read the feedback buyers have left about their transactions. A lot of the same kind of complaint, and I'd rather pay a few cents more to buy from somebody else.


    My experience has been good 99% of the time. The nice thing about ordering from them versus eBay is that Amazon actually does stand behind these people, and they make good on their guarantee. They do refund your money if your stuff never arrives, etc., and they regulate how much can be charged for shipping and handling.

  9. Sorry, but it is probably a graphics problem. Check this forum for specific problems relating to Ati Radeon cards ... you should find a line to insert into Kotor2.ini that will solve most of your problems. Radeon 9600 here.

  10. I could never get the sound in Freelancer to work on my WinXP machine for some reason, had to load it up on an old 500mhz Win98. It kept yelling about Fraunhofer codec, but even when I installed that, it wouldn't talk, and there are NO subtitles. Maybe it's just the difference between Audigy and SBAwe, I don't know.


    X3:Reunion looks promising.


    I was looking forward to Nexus: Jupiter Incident until I read the reviews. Conducting a slow-motion ballet of cap ships isn't my idea of fun. Has anybody played that?

  11. A lot seems to depend on how the game plays out. I've had one or two where Bao and Atton were so good all Exile had to do was sit back and watch. In others, they could barely lift a lightsaber, let alone swing it and hit something. Same with Visas--sometimes she's superpowerful on support, and sometimes lame. Mandalore is good ranged or melee. Mira as Jedi seemed useless until I made her support and let her keep her blasters. Handmaiden is just okay, pretty average as Jedi or melee. But none of the droids have ever left the ship. I didn't need them; the machinery noises are annoying, and it's too much of a pain to keep switching to heal them up, because Force Heal doesn't work.

  12. I sort of wonder if my CPU isn't already melted.


    I'm beginning to wonder if there's something weird about the power outlets in my house...  3 out of 5 computers have had serious issues, now.


    If the CPU isn't toast, you have the A8N mobo to thank. I own three of them, and the only problem I've ever had is a failed DIMM that prevented one machine from starting. Because of the architecture, that's a system-stopper.


    A processor sizzles within seconds without proper cooling. I'd try replacing the CPU fan assembly and invest in a good UPS/line conditioner if you suspect problems with your AC power (electrical power is prone to constant power drop-offs that can seriously affect the life of your components). Also be sure your machine's power supply isn't overloaded or failing.

  13. Wouldn't be the first game dev who was drawn to the big screen, and I'm all for trying something new. But movies are completely different, and sometimes it's better to count your blessings. Remember Chris Roberts and Wing Commander. Or rather, let's let that movie remain forgotten.


    Is it better to produce an excellent video game, or just another mediocre movie?

  14. I think her entire character is meant to explain Revan for the next game. He will appear as an enemy. Look at the Ludo Kreesh tomb, he was an enemy of the future. However, he is not sith, but not Jedi. If anything, he is more jedi than sith in the way that he wants to save the republic. Since he has no real title however, you must see that he is no enemy.


    IMO Kreia had a pretty good idea where Revan went, maybe even what he was planning. But she couldn't risk telling anyone. There was always a chance Exile wouldn't choose to follow, although that was always her intention.


    But your post just brought me an idea... Kinda disturbing, but Revan took nobody with him, and needed no ship to get back. That's been bothering me. What if he intended to 'convert' the true Sith forces, take control as their 'leader', then lead them back into an ambush comprised of Mandalorians and Republic forces? That fits Revan to a T. He knows the Mandalorians' and the Republic's style of fighting; he knows both leaders are loyal and gave them fairly specific instructions. While the Republic might be at a disadvantage numbers-wise, a couple of tactical 'errors' on Revan's part, and no more Sith. Cool, but scary.


    Exile's bonding ability might certainly come in handy, if Revan was having difficulty gaining control. The Sith would never know what hit them.

  15. The ATI card isn't the only one that has this problem.  My nVidia card does the same thing.  I'm running on the lowest settings that I can right now. 


    I also notice that it only lags like this when the PC is the lead character.  When you use an NPC in the lead, the lag is not there.


    If you continue having problems try having one of the other characters in your party take the lead for a while and see if that clears it up.



    My daughter has nVidia and does report lag problems with foggy/steamy areas like Malachor and around the main building in Dantooine. I haven't really seen what her machine was doing, but when she looked at what my poor Radeon was going through, even she as a GeForce owner felt compassion. I tried everything else--switching characters and inching the party along, changing graphics settings (it didn't matter which one, it only helped flush the problem out for a few minutes), reverting to other driver sets... This was my last resort, and the only thing that worked.

  16. Well, yes and no. While I certainly feel the game should begin its plot in the established parts of the Star Wars galaxy, I also feel that the significance of confronting the true Sith must inevitably bring the plot to worlds outside the known universe. After all, both Revan and the Exile have gone to the unknown regions, so the third game must do the same. If done right that certainly doesn't need to be a bad thing, though. I'd set the first part of the story among some of the more established planet and then move to the unknown Sith empire when going closer to the finale.


    That's a possibility that would work. But so would the reverse. Start in the Unknown Regions, and return to known space. If the Sith are in hot pursuit of our PCs and their party(ies), there is the possibility of an epic space battle to wrap it all up, bringing Canderous' and Carth's forces to bear. I'd love to see the Mandalorians redeem themselves, and Exile's fledgling Jedi order band together.

  17. So does that mean that kotor didn't appeal to you? It was a battle Jedi and the Sith..


    The starmaps was just to find the starforge which the sith were using.

    Well, no. It might seem that way, I suppose. I appreciate the thoughts and ideas that went into this game's storyline and I do at least slightly prefer this game's storyline to the original's because I think it'll stick with me more (mainly due to its complexity). I'm more quick to defend this game during debates and whatnot than I am to defend the original, however, simply because the original already has enough people defending it. Heck, usually the ones "defending" the original are doing so by being the ones to start criticizing the sequel.


    But no, I enjoyed both games very much, quite possibly around the same level. I appreciated their differences, too. I just don't at all see how it hurt anything for the sequel to take a different (and fresh) approach in exploring the Star Wars universe and mythology, rather than simply reproducing the exact same sort of situation that the original offered.


    I'm also just getting so turned off by the generally-negative reaction complex stories in videogames always seem to run into nowadays and the fact that so many people constantly express that they would prefer another story about "the battle between good and evil", where the villains are clearly "evil" and whatnot. I'm really enjoying how a lot of videogames lately offer stories where the villains are morally ambiguous, are sympathetic and even relatable (in certain cases), and so on, where the lines of "good and evil" are more blurred. Yet, so many people who play those kinds of games seem to complain that the villains in question were "pointless and boring" because they didn't automatically "act badass and evil" or something. I don't understand why gamers just can't seem to handle some complexity now and again.


    I agree. The best villains are those you can't quite hate. One of my personal favorites is Von Glower in GK2.

  18. Okay, guys, a question.


    The fact that Kreia was a Sith Lord is a given. But the operative word is 'was'. She wasn't just exiled and cast out, she changed her beliefs. Throughout the game, her alignment is neutral, and this is what she teaches, right?


    I was just wondering what might have happened that changed a bitter Sith Lord so much? It seems logical that her experiences with Sion and Nihilus might just send her further down the dark path, if that was possible. Was it a personal revelation? Or was there some outside intervention--maybe even Revan?


    Just curious what ppl think.

  19. AS soon as I get of the Ebon Hawk, and I begin to walk to the "offices" the screen seems to freeze.  Then next thing you know I am on the other side of the map!  It only happens in the landing pad screen and right after I get out of the cave.  It's like it skips and lags.  I am getting very frustrated with all of the bugs I am finding in this game and it is ruining my perceptions of this game.  What happened?  KOTOR was so awesome compared to this?  HELP!!!! :angry:


    You have an ATI card, don't you? My PC spun in circles, as well as transporting himself.


    If you do (or have an onboard ATI chip) find the thread in this forum that specifically tells you about a line to put into Kotor2.ini. It will make you much happier. >_<:blink:


    BTW, strange things happened on Dantooine in Kotor 1 too.

  20. So,  you have a quick cameo of him and thats that.


    Still doesnt warrant Carth as a party npc if only selected old npcs used.



    Oh, no, I wasn't implying that they would be party members again. Not at all. I don't expect--or even want--any of the old NPC characters to be playable. I was just saying that those particular characters have an ongoing part in the story. Through video sequences, they can show what's going on in other parts of the galaxy, which will help the conclusion all come together.


    I agree with you on the scripting. My Exile and Revan are always LS males. But others' mileage varies, which is a game convention that probably will be upheld. :wub: .

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