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Posts posted by kalimeeri

  1. I personally think the parts that computer vendors put in their pre-made machines (at least the mainstream ones) are minimal or sub-standard. Either that, or they're 'tweaked'--f'rinstance Dell might have a major manufacturer like Creative make a 'special' version just for them. We had that problem with the SBLive that shipped with aforesaid machine--and it turned out neither Creative NOR Dell would support it, both pointing fingers at the other. A stock Audigy 2 ZS now resides in its slot. The same thing goes for the Radeon 9700 Pro that came with it. Semi-proprietary.


    I tend to be picky about the hardware I use to put together a machine, endlessly researching compatibility, reviews, etc. prior to any purchase. And I think that dollar for dollar, I get a more solid machine, one you just don't throw away after it's outlived its ability to run the new software and games. Which is why computers outnumber the 'organics' in this house. :p

  2. I buy the parts separatly and put em together myself, never had any problems..





    Normally I do too, but my daughter wanted Dell because she loved the old Win98 machine she'd bought from them several years before. (I'm still using it for older games--what a sweet machine). I'm tech support :ph34r: and I've come to the conclusion this machine is evil incarnate--it hasn't beat me yet, but it takes its pound of flesh, every time. If the window was closer, it would be sitting on the front lawn many times over. She'll never buy another one.

  3. I personally quit trying the swoop races after seeing the changes Obsidian made to them. Just wasnt fun or interesting to me.


    I loved Swoop raceing (well not loved but was entertained for most part) in Part 1.


    Just a case of someone trying to fix something that wasnt broken, KotOR1 had better swoop racing. KotOR2 was still the better game over all though.


    I'm not generally a mini-game player, but I actually did like K1's swoops; and in that game I really needed the $ to go to Yavin station to buy stuff. In K2, money was never much of a problem. I tried out the swoops on one planet, but they weren't much fun. Definitely something missing.


    Did anyone else have the prob in K1 where if you reloaded multiple times (to avoid spending too much on entry fees) that half the booster pads didn't work? LOL, first time it happened, I thought the Hutt was fixing the races ... and managed to win in spite of it. Turns out, it's a memory 'glitch'; if you quit the game and come back, they work again.

  4. Dell Computer. Top of the line machine shipped with a faulty DVDRW (the whole batch was bad, which was well documented on their own site) but their tech support now resides somewhere in Ubekiquistanski... and their only response was 'reinstall Windows'. Lord I hate that catch-all excuse, and having to explain the difference between 'hardware' and 'software' to fifteen different people who don't speak the same language. Ended up giving up (buying and installing my own replacement), even though it was a matter of principle after buying a 3-year service contract. Guess they'd rather lose a customer than replace a bit of hardware that probably cost them all of $5.

  5. The vision in Korriban may mean something, or it may be a red herring. Oh well, I likes me some complexity.


    Revan had already been through (or close to) the fall-to-the-darkside thing, and he'd seen what happened to Bastila. So I think he'd be fairly prepared, having done a lot of research on what he was likely to find. Knowing the kind of person Revan is, he would have some kind of plan.


    If this is not a war that can be won with conventional methods, then the enemy has to be attacked insidiously, from the inside. In other words, the same thing he did at Malachor V with the Jedi; and that's where Force bonds come into the picture.


    In the next game it will likely appear that Revan has taken his spot among the true sith as a high one.


    Appear, yes. But it would be far more in keeping with Revan's character to attempt to turn the enemy against each other, or get close enough to the leaders to kill them if he couldn't swing the balance of power. This creates the opportunity for all kinds of new party members. But if one of these betrays him, he could be in real trouble; and in that case Exile's ability could come in handy, once Exile finds out that Revan isn't what he 'appears' to be. Exile's the key to extricating Revan and finishing the task, if the two can get past the 'trust' issue.


    Canderous and Carth (and probably Bastila) were making preparations back in known space, so it's possible Revan expected to be pursued back if he was successful. Major battle, all previous companions involved. Threat ended, for now. Nice tidy bow.

  6. :( but most 20yr olds would have a pretty firm idea though.


    Not really... I think the educational system imposes pressure to 'decide RIGHT NOW what you're going to do for the REST OF YOUR LIFE', when that really isn't the case. IMO most young people aren't ready to make that kind of decision, if it's ours to make at all. Life has a way of throwing a few curves into the best-laid plans. :wub: The only guarantee you get is that nothing's permanent; keep an open mind. You just never know what might come along.

  7. I think it would enhance the story to see initial character conflict, eventually working around to cooperation.


    As far as Exile is concerned, Revan's past actions and intentions are still up in the air--perceptions of what happened after Malachor were formed on what people told him, and the general consensus was that Revan became a very evil Sith Lord. It was Kreia who suggested there might be other possibilities (such as 'the end justifies the means'). But I'm sure that any meeting between the two would be quite tentative and uncertain from Exile's point of view. And from Revan's--well, Exile did turn his back and walk away after Malachor. Revan has no way of knowing whether it was out of cowardice, betrayal, or whatever; Revan respects loyalty (i.e., Canderous, Carth) and according to Kreia, he 'grew to despise weakness'. I doubt he'd trust Exile much, or want him around in any case. In addition there is the matter of pride, if Revan is unable to finish what he set out to do. Until these matters are settled between them, there would be some highly-charged interaction. But in the end it would take both characters, working in concert, to get back to known space, where some of the past party members defend the galaxy.

  8. Your missing one thing though. The characters are Obsidians this time around and they havnt yet completed their journeys. Only taken their first steps as Jedi.


    Plenty there to work most of them into a new game if you wanted to.


    I disagree--they pretty much have completed their journeys. Either way you look at the ending, cut-content or Kreia-speak, except in a couple of instances the companions were full circle. Their paths diverged, mostly toward already well-trodden ground ... which is not where the main storyline was headed. As far as a separate game(s) based on these companions, meh. I really didn't care about them that much. The only one with any real spin-off potential was Jolee Bindo from K1, and there again, you're writing someone else's creation.


    I'd say it might be time for some Bioware/Obsidian collaboration. Yeah, I know, dream on. :o

  9. Another vote for GO-TO, but in truth none of the droids have ever made it off the ship. Even though the battles aren't all that hard, it's a pain to restore their health because 'heal' doesn't work on them. GO-TO had the honor not only of being ugly but being an unlikable, annoying character with no purpose.

  10. I would most like to see the story come together into a whole, the way Obsidian intended and envisioned it; but I believe wanting and waiting for an official patch for that is pretty silly at this point. I am looking forward to the restoration team's release, because just the few fixes they have already implemented make a BIG difference in my frustration quotient.


    For an 'official' patch, I'm most interested in the music quality, since this is a big part of any game. One of the restoration team had done a little work on it before the patch announcement, and the difference was amazing. The low-res movies don't bother me as much.

  11. 1. Is it possible to convince Serroco to attack the Exchange on Nar Shaddaa? I always get *failure* when trying to persuade. And then they attack, but im going DS so that isnt what i want. Shouldnt i talk to them?? Want to make refugees conditions even worse!!



    Even as LS, it would be interesting to pit both gangs against each other and watch them wipe each other out (avoids those pesky DS points), but so far I haven't been able to do that, either. The script seems to indicate that you can--has anyone been able to convince them?

  12. especially considering you only explored a tiny part of them in KotOR.


    I suspect the rest of both planets looks pretty much the same...


    Tatooine: More sand.


    Kashyyyk: More trees.


    Trees are nice but sand gets ... everywhere.

    Honestly, seeing worlds I've already seen is kind of cool, but mostly because of changes that may have occurred due to the intervention of our heroes. But I seriously doubt Kashyykk would have changed in the short time since Czerka was run out (Wookie tribal structure would revert, and they might not allow visitors); and Tattooine was a dead, tapped-out world blasted to dust eons ago by the Builders (even Czerka wasn't making any money there).


    I'd think the bulk of the K3 story lies outside the known galaxy. The 'Unknown Planet' might be interesting, as this would be a natural pit-stop in Exile's journey, and Revan caused a major upheaval there. But as for the rest of the Republic planets, they are in the slow (boring) process of rebuilding, at least until the upcoming invasion. Until that happens, returning to these worlds holds minimal interest (just more of the same) ... unless Czerka could be neatly tricked into contributing to the common good.

  13. FWIW, I found that the Disable Vertex Buffer line in Kotor 1's .ini file works very well for that game too, better than putting the 4.11 dll in the game folder. While the game was developed with these earlier drivers, it wasn't real happy with them on my WinXP machine with a more advanced video card than I originally had.


    (Make sure your game folder has been instructed to show you 'all' the files in the game directory, then use 'open with' and select Notepad.)

  14. IMO Kreia may be telling the truth in that she doesn't know 'exactly' where Revan is, but I'd think she has a pretty darned good idea. However, she'd be going against Revan's wishes, maybe even breaking a promise, if she said anything definite to anyone--not to mention possibly endangering him further if the conversation was overheard or repeated. Nor would she want to take the chance that Exile might say 'HELL, NO!' like anyone else in his/her right mind, if she told the truth about the danger.

  15. I don't really care if a game character is 'fixed' with name and gender, and I don't feel it's all that important. Just deliver me a good story, and I'm happy. The Longest Journey, Jedi Outcast, etc. are not lesser games because the dev's hardwired the characters. I realize many people do like to create their 'own' characters, but this causes many complications in an ongoing story (as we've seen with Kotor), and in extreme cases gender might influence the outcome. I guess I'd rather see a game do one thing very well rather than try to do too much; and my 'created' characters tend to be mirror images of one another anyway..

  16. The only problem is that some folks don't really like the turret games; I remember getting caught three times in succession in Kotor 1, flying from planet to planet, and of course the game wouldn't progress until you beat them. Not that it was exceptionally hard or anything, but even boosting mouse sensitivity wouldn't turn the turrets fast enough, etc. Those mandatory battles were probably my least favorite part of Kotor 1, especially if I'd forgotten to save before takeoff. I'd think that providing upgrades for the ship turrets, guns, etc. would lead to needing to use them in some type of arcade sequence ... I'd rather see upgrades for a swoop bike (which is an optional activity).

  17. And Im sure its not "user bug" with her as you say. For example in dialog with her there is "I want to talk about Atris" text. If I try to talk about Atris JUST RIGHT AFTER HM got on my ship then she talks about her. And here is a bug:

    When I *GAIN* (GAIN!) Influence with HM she dont want to talk about Atris at all and the game states: not enough influence.


    So tell me - is this a user bug?


    More a 'bug' of more human (female) nature, I think. Since HM is obviously enamored with Exile, the absolute LAST thing she wants to talk about is a RIVAL. She doesn't even want to think about Exile being with anyone else but herself. The 'not enough inf' is a misnomer--once she's totaled out on Exile, she will NOT talk about Atris any more. Period. Hopefully that helps clear things up.

  18. If you replay K1, the theme of Force bonds flows through it, just not as pronounced as in K2. Revan and Bastila had a bond--what she dreamed, so did he. And according to Kreia, Revan studied force bonding extensively.


    Much was made of the 'bonding' in K2; it was what made Exile special. Kreia could have gone after any other remaining Jedi she wished--but it was that unusual ability that made Exile important enough to sacrifice her own life for.


    The bonds are the key to what Revan went to fight.

  19. Didn't like Atris, and don't know what Exile saw in her. She was a small-minded, scheming woman who caused him all manner of trouble--don't forget she was the one who made sure all the baddies knew where to find him, and that she wanted him hung, drawn and quartered at the Jedi Council that exiled him. It wasn't enough to see him dishonored, she wanted him dead--she just wanted someone else to do it for her. Maybe she is strong enough to get over herself (even if she wasn't killed), but I doubt it after nursing that big chip on her shoulder for so long. IMO, it would not have been believable for her to go after Nihilus for any reason than arrogance at being the 'only' Jedi left, so she could pen her own name down in history. That's not a saving grace.


    Love interest? Ya gotta be kidding. She had her chance, baby. I don't care what she looks like or what the box art showed--good riddance.

  20. Anyone catch the article in the latest Computer Gaming World about Microsoft working on enabling game disks to work on either XBOX or PC? They're not talking about the next OS, either--they said it worked for Need for Speed Underground 2. Now that's an idea that seriously roxx.

  21. Liked both characters very much, but given an either/or choice, it's Revan. Bioware built in a certain irrepressible sense of humor in spite of the gravity of the situation. You know he really wanted to say some of those smartaz comments. Exile was darker and more serious, probably from the beginning, but certainly more so due to the past. But it was interesting to watch Kreia's manipulations bring out the repressed qualities which made Exile a general and a hero. Witch or not, she brought him/her back the only way possible. Bottom line is, though, that these two characters are linked; you can't think of one without the other. And I'd really like to see how the two sort out their differences.

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