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Posts posted by kalimeeri

  1. I suspect it's mostly about distraction and making yourself vulnerable. She doesn't like either of the choices, but seems dead set against Visas, maybe because of her strong tie-in to the Force and her relationship to Nihilus.


    I fell victim to Handmaiden's wrath this last time around, wasn't expecting her to turn on me. Never did get to make her a Jedi. Meh. But no matter how many times I play, it seems like I'm always finding something new.

  2. So what your saying is that you knew nothing of the KOTOR saga before you bought K2?


    No. I bought K1 when it came out because Bioware's name was on the box. They do story-based rpg. (As did K2's team before they became Obsidian Ent.). I generally liked what they brought to the genre in terms of character, story complexity and player involvement. Preview material for K2 was available.


    Any number of themes or theads can be picked up from a complex story, depending on the angle it is viewed from. What you propose is your opinion. All I'm saying is that it doesn't have to be so; and I may not be the only one who hopes for something less generic.

  3. Hey, why was Kreia exiled by the Sith Lords. I know her word was not law to those ambitious blah blah blah. But what about? Did she finally say, okay, we're gonna go past the outer rim and find Revan, and they said, "Hell no, I'll meet you at the Trayus Core and we'll kick your butt for saying that!"


    Or what?


    I think Sion and Nihilus rejected her 'grayside' teachings, and disrespected them as a sign of weakness in her. Sion fully embraced the dark side and seemed to feel she betrayed him. And I'm sure she wasn't exactly kind with that sarcastic tongue of hers, either, reminding him he wasn't 'as great as her first'. The fact that she went after a Jedi as her next pupil probably just reinforced his feelings of betrayal and hate. I don't recall him mentioning her intent to help Revan; it's possible the 'training' didn't make it to that point.

  4. I didn't buy this game (or K1) because it's Star Wars or I particularly wanted to sling a lightsaber or become a Jedi. Nor are the latest and greatest graphics and animation enough to earn any game a place on my hard drive.


    I don't think I'm the only gamer who bought K2 sight unseen for one simple reason alone--because Obsidian promised to continue a story I liked very much. It was a challenge to meet Bioware on its own terms, and they did very well for themselves. The story--REVAN's story--had value, and they exploited it as well as enhanced it. That was not wrong. If there are no writers capable of seeing and calling the bet, no designers creative enough to make K3 work, then this industry isn't just drifting, it's already dead.


    Unless anything that bears the Kotor name upholds the standards of the first two games, there is no more 'series'. That means playing fair, not having some unknown padawan in another galaxy far far away spewing five minutes of exposition in a history lesson. I'd rather listen to Kreia on Malachor. At least she's a character I care about.

  5. Awesome, thanks so much for the info!


    I just got off the planet I mentioned above.  After the "incident" in the bar I went outside and was promptly attacked by a mob.  I was supposed to by biding my time until the Jedi Master their contacts me again but it seems like everyone is saying we should leave, so I did but it dosent seem like ill be allowed back anytime soon and didnt really get to meet the Master.  Did I screw that up or is it supposed to play out that way?  Think im on Nar Shadar now.



    Does kinda feel like you were run out of town, doesn't it? You didn't screw up. The Master did say he would contact you later...

  6. Honestly, I dont remember what stats I had for computer at that point.


    If I had to "guess" (and its a guess as its been quite awhile since I played) id say I was over 20 in computer/repair with ultra high influence on T3.


    T3 has a wealth of knowledge to share in K2 if you dedicate the skill points and time to get at that knowledge.


    I guess I should ask if you chose Revan as male or female. The last conversation I ever got with T3 was

    a holorecording of Bastila asking T3 to come back for help if Revan was unable

    . In my game, of course, Revan was male. Were you saying you got an additional conversation after this, or was I just reading it incorrectly?

  7. 2.) Yes, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Obsidian left the story WAY open to keep us 'wanting more'. The sad thing is they made the story so open (unfinished tongue.gif ) that any sane writer wouldn't touch that mess with a ten foot pole.


    Sane meaning the ones who would rather ghost-write Luke Skywalker? Lots of those out there.


    Jumping forward a hundred years is hollow and empty, and it's not what anyone can call satisfying. We need a proper ending to this trilogy, and I'm sure there are writers who aren't afraid--versus those who just want to make money from a 'formula'.

  8. I think this problem only happens with the European versions of the game. Anyways, once the autoUpdate downloads the whole file, and it says "Download Finished", disconnect from the net, without exiting the autoUpdate program. Should start patching immediately.



    Actually, no it doesn't. My English updater keeps doing the same thing, even though it installed the updated files twice now.

  9. It's 15.  With modifiers, though, not just the base, so you can use force valor (and items like the Ossus Robe) to get your INT up high enough to access it.

    Really? Cause I had an INT of 16 or so with modifiers, and I could still not get it until I boosted my INT to 13.




    Oh well...


    Kinda strange. I have 98 INF with T3, 18 Computer and 14 natural INT, and have had but one option to update his memory core. I can repair him all day (actually, no I can't because I suck at Repair) but no 'computer' options show up.

  10. I think the color of the lightsaber Atris had depends on what your answer was to Atton's question about what your saber looked like. Mine was white/silver, because I said it was unique.


    You should find the parts for the lightsaber on whichever planet you choose first, whether it be Nar Shaddaa or Dantooine or Onderon/Dxun. The colors of the crystals you find are random. For some reason my game loves to give me lots of green.

  11. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/file/s...i_influence.txt


    You really only need to gain influence about 3 times (maybe 4 in a couple cases) to get them to open up and start blathering about being a jedi.





    Sorry to open an old thread/topic, but in this latest game I sparred with Handmaiden one time and decided I'd wait on the second (well, okay, she kicked my butt) ... and when I came back she was all mad and won't even talk to me. It was kinda funny for a little while, I even asked for advice from my buddy Atton--but it's not any more. Kreia and she are plotting against me. Not that HM isn't a good fighter as is, but she's boring and now I'll never know her name or who her mommy was. Meh. I've heard this happens if INF with Visas is more than that with Handmaiden, but it's hard NOT to get INF with Visas. She was 100% almost instantly, and she arrived at the end of my first planet (Nar Shaddaa).


    I guess this seems a more natural reason for HM to run off with Kreia to fight Atris later, but... do you ever find out about her Jedi background? I guess it wasn't critical to the story, but it was interesting in the Kreia vs. Kae angle. This was like my 6th playthrough, and I never had this happen before. I'm building INF with her again, but I've got the feeling that it isn't going to help. And I'm wondering if I just condemned Visas to death.

  12. I think T3 was on the Ebon Hawk the whole time, abandoned by Revan when he went to the Unknown Regions. It's not entirely clear who was actually in control of the Ebon Hawk though. If you have a high Intelligence attribute and get the message from Bastila/Carth, it reveals T3 was ordered to search for someone to help. However, Kreia also had reason to seek out the Exile as she was seeking the death of the Force.


    When you explore T3 memory core you find out he wasnt abandoned but sent (with the Ebon hawk) back by Revan to find the Exile!


    What computer stats did you have when you got that info?

  13. Sounds wonky to me - ie, it should work, if you got the blaster and then went pretty much immediately to Grenn. Unless there's some trigger about having to ask him about all his other stuff first, or something....which I don't think there is.


    And you don't actually have to ask Chodo about it at all.


    try completing the rest of missions for the iltorian then do that side quest that i got it to work



    I remember one of the NPC's I showed it to suggested that it be taken to Grenn. I don't know if that's what triggers the line in his dialogue or not. I never took it directly to him.

  14. Replica lightsabers!  Replica lightsabers! :thumbsup:


    Already got one, either with K1 or Jedi Outcast, can't remember which. Bonus merchandise would be a good incentive if they decided to release an updated director's version of K2. Personally the only thing I'd really be interested in would be a poster--of Revan, with Exile in shadows in the background. But of course that would depend on too many factors, I suppose: gender, what you thought they looked like, etc. Masked figures might be too generic.

  15. Hmm.. not very impressed with KOTOR2 soundtracks.....

    but really loved the music that first starts when you and Kreia walk into the Enclave, and she sits on the fountain. Then, this theme is used almost all the time till the end.

    Really beautiful.


    Otherwise, everything is too backgroundish.


    I liked the Jedi Outcast soundtrack much more.


    I agree with the 'backgroundish' description. However well done the tracks are, they don't impress, except in a few instances; whereas in Kotor1 I stopped the action several times just to listen to a particular piece. Maybe that's personal preference, or maybe I just felt K2's was a bit too 'traditional'. It wasn't annoying--it just wasn't something I paid much attention to, even when I replayed just for that purpose.

  16. I love playing Sentinel/Watchman. However. I believe Exile changed from one character type to another during the course of his life so far. He always had the ability to lead and influence others, but was in general (bad pun) unaware of its full extent, and was an 'average' student of the Force. He ended up leading the assault on Malachor V, but that was a straightforward offensive action, more what I would attribute to a Guardian.


    Kreia's teachings seemed to favor the Sentinel. Stealth, manipulation. That's how I see Revan. But Exile ends up fulfilling the Master role, whatever class was chosen, by teaching and influencing others.

  17. annyone wanna take a crack at Bao'dur. His age seems the hardest too put :huh:


    Part of the problem is that he was obviously very smart, but if he got annoyed with the other techs and got away with doing something about it, possibly he was on a par with them or slightly older/higher rank. My guess is that he is a little younger than Exile, because of the hero worship thing going on, but probably not by much.

  18. Hi All,


    Ive scaned these forums for help and I see a few others have seen this issue before.


    I have defeated Visas Master and returned from the Ravager Bridge, to place the final Proton charge. The Journal says I have the 4th core (I got it from the missile bay).

    However, whatever I do, I cant get the next trigger to work and place the charge.

    Ive revisited all 4 bomb sites, and nothing.


    When I go to the shuttle, it tells me I havent placed the 4th core. But I cant - there is no option to do so.


    I have installed Patch 1.0a (UK version) and 1.0b wont install manually or automaticall or with Azuths trick (it tells me I have no internet connection and stops). I have a feeling the patch wont work anyhow.


    I do NOT have a nocd or hacked version - I paid for this game.


    I dont want to start again because the same thing could happen.


    Can someone please tell me how to get past this?

    Ive also tried a savegame editor to change the quest to its next status (you have placed the core) and I still cant board the shuttle. That was a last resort !


    Can someone help - or give me a savegame thats just passed that ?


    Many thanks



    I don't know if this is much help, but I've always placed all the charges before I went to the bridge and confronted Visas master. Then Mandalore's 'we have to get OFF this ship' makes a whole lot of sense, and we just run for it. I'm wondering if that is the bug. Anybody?

  19. Then remember that every option listed must take male/female appearence/lines into account. From every conceivable production point of view, it's a nightmare.


    I really doubt that whoever helms K3 can afford to use both characters and leave their gender/alignment undefined.  :thumbsup:"


    The complications decrease considerably if you leave a new PC out of the mix. I would prefer they did. Combine the working/against and then working/with together into the same story line, and it's even less. We've done the new padawan routine so many times it's getting boring, and I don't think they need it.

  20. After the patch, I got stuck on/under the platform on Telos surface. Couldn't get out, although I could walk through some walls and stuff into another area behind all the action. Pretty soon the whole party was stuck there with me. I was able to Force Lightning all the baddies with mega damage, though. Woohoo! Easiest time I ever had with those mercs. I quit and reloaded, and Bao was just on the outside edge, and I managed to run him into the last area to pull Exile and Kreia out too.


    Save early, save often, folks. Not like me. That was a close one.

  21. As purely a bad guy, Calo Nord. Very tough, tended to show up at the most inconvenient times, and there's just something 'cold and inhuman' about him. Malak was very traditional, so slightly less interesting.


    Can't consider Kreia, because while she was easily one of the best characters I've seen created, I'm not so sure she was a 'bad guy'. That goes for Revan too.

  22. This may be a point where the game is looking for a specific outcome and won't let you proceed until it gets it.  You have to kill the Kreia aparition, either through siding with your friends or through being apathetic.


    Either that or the Kreia aparition should disappear when you kill Atton, Bao-Dur, T3, and the Disciple/Handmaiden and this is bugged.



    Siding with Kreia the apparition finally disappears after the third time. I've been trying to figure out which is the 'correct' response, according to what this apparition was supposed to 'test'. I'm thinking maybe there isn't a correct response, only that you side with someone, or realize that 'apathy IS death'. Exile turned away from getting involved with people, too. That's the only thing I can come up with.

  23. A little OT, but the relationship between Revan and Exile sets up some very interesting possibilities for K3. If it follows and concludes the story so far(doesn't go off on a tangent), these two PC's might not instantly hit if off when they finally meet. Maybe their goals are the same, but Exile didn't exactly exhibit loyalty toward Revan when he turned away, regardless of LS or DS. And I'd doubt LS Exile would appreciate Revan's tactics and manipulations with regard to the Jedi and himself, if Revan truly didn't 'fall' to the DS.

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