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Posts posted by kalimeeri

  1. My first time through, I had a 'typical game' mindset, not paying a lot of attention or knowing what to expect. I think that added to the WTF moment; and I really thought I'd messed up somewhere. While the story still has a rushed and incomplete feel, I replay to listen to the subtleties and pick up information I may have missed; it seems like there's always something. I also like messing with the influence system, to see how fast I can make Jedi party members. I think after 6 or 7 playthroughs, though, I'm done until the restoration team's release, so I can make a fresh judgment on the game as a whole.

  2. All kittens and puppies are cute--even if they're homely, they're adorable. I grew up with an endless succession of kittens (two adult females wandered in and stayed the course); and we always had a dog. As an adult, I've never owned a cat as a pet, though. I suppose I was put off by my father (hated cats) and by the incessant 'Arias to Love' in the middle of the night. But without a dog, the house feels really empty.


    Cats that live in the neighborhood come to visit, and that's sufficient. They have a good home somewhere else. I have a dog who would never think of wandering away from his. That's what makes the biggest difference to me--loyalty and true friendship. But it has its downside, too: I had to board out a dog once, and she refused to eat until I came back (a week later). I think cats generally focus on #1 first, and are better suited to people who spend less time at home. Dogs are higher maintenance, but to them, you are their world.

  3. Yeah the default is a bit "busy."  In your profile you can change it to something else; the most popular seems to be sub-silver.


    I've changed the default to bluetabs. the reason the whatisreal theme flickers is because of all the alpha blending.... if you don't have a machine that's smart enough to use hardware acceleration for it, it'll use software which is wholly dependant on your system specs.


    hadn't thought that through when I set it the default.


    Has it been tested in Firefox? The reason I'm asking is that I can't log in, and when I use the "forgot password" option, nothing happens. I tried IE this morning and it said it was generating a new password, but nothing ever arrived in my e-mail. Not too sure what the problem is...

  4. K1's characters, in general, had specific abilities/duties and seemed to have more personality. I liked how they chimed in at (in)opportune moments with comments, instead of having to interrogate them for all of their input. In K2, as Jedi they started to become essentially the same--which was the point I guess with the whole 'bonding' thing, but what personalities they had faded. I can also count on one hand when a party member actually had something relevant to say when he/she accompanied Exile (Kreia excepted).


    I think that K1's personalities added a lot of sparkle and replayability: for instance, take Mission and Basila on Tatooine (when Mission asks whether she's ever used the Force to get even with someone) or Canderous on Dantooine (I thought he was going to get us lynched with his comments). But it can be argued that K2 had a much more serious tone and was narrower in scope; it centered on the relationship between two characters, Kreia and Exile.

  5. I won't go so far as to say mini-games should not be included at all--some games show remarkable ingenuity (I think it was Day of the Tentacle that included an arcade machine where you could play the full version of Maniac Mansion--who can turn down a classic two-fer?). But I've played games where they feel 'tacked on', and in that case the programmers probably should have spent their time developing more real content.


    I generally dislike card games; puzzles are okay. The only arcade-type diversion I've spent any time on was swoop racing in K1--because I had to for a quest--and I was surprised to find it's become an enjoyable part of the whole. (Not to mention earning enough $ to do more than window-shop at Yavin). But as for K2 and most FF (et al), I usually ignore the mini-games, and resent being forced to participate in order to progress. I'm a patient and determined person--I'll beat the thing--but that frustration can make me lose track of why I was playing the game in the first place.

  6. Does anybody know how Valve collected these results? I'm asking because I dislike their Steam Engine idea intensely, and for days it's been sitting down in the tray 'updating' and I can't close it out. I don't like thinking it's sending as well as receiving, and soaking up my bandwidth besides. Maybe it's 'msconfig' time.

  7. Well, a bunch of others have mentioned Fallout 1 and 2, the KotOR games, Planescape: Torment, etc. All decent games.


    I also like The Summoner (the first one). Trouble is it doesn't seem to run on Windows XP, so I can't play it anymore ;)


    Yes it does! When installing it gave me a stern message about Win2k being a non-supported platform, but I pretended I didn't see it. The game runs beautifully on WinXP pro, Athlon 2.4, ATI 9600xt. It also correctly identified my Win98 machine's Nvidia card, no graphical worries there either.


    Don't know if it has anything to do with it, but the game has a huge patch to v.1.40 still available through auto-update.

  8. Music isn't 'everything' when it comes to immersion, but it certainly can make or break a game. The best soundtracks evoke emotion, and set the mood for specific scenes or the tone of the whole experience. Decent voice-acting is imperative; and every once in a while you come across 'great' (Kreia). I particularly like games that give only audio 'clues' to character situations--it shows someone was paying attention and using every resource at their disposal. When it all comes together, it's sweet; and as has been said, there are memories of music drifting around long after the graphics are sadly outdated.


    Bad sound, particularly bad music, detracts horribly from an otherwise interesting game. When I spend more time thinking about how much I hate that lousy, repetitive music than I do actually thinking about the story, it's time to walk away. Yes, sometimes you can turn it off; but I think it reflects badly on the developer. Like they need to spend some time playing their own games, until they figure out what could have been improved. Guaranteed, it wouldn't take long--it's much more obvious and more of a killer than many bugs.

  9. And note how Zez-Kai Ell describes the consequences of breaking a force bond - it would leave a wound...


    But she also talks about triggering echoes to cancel the spread of others. So by her death, especially on Malachor, does this weaken or change anyone else? We don't have any idea how many Sions or Nihilous's she may have helped create before she found Exile. Or does it send a message to Revan, who would certainly feel it? She could have bonds with a number of students.


    Kreia also has to find a way to resolve the bond issue with Exile, one that doesn't undo all of her hard work. In this way, her becoming Darth Traya forces him to distance himself from her, to disbond himself from someone who in essence is a 'new' master. The impact is much less than her dying for any other reason (inevitable).

  10. The master/apprentice statements are telling ... but I believe that Kreia was Exile's master (as it was strongly implied that Arren Kae was responsible for his deviance from the norm--and I know that's a can of worms, sorry).


    That would explain why the bond is strong enough to punch through the resistance in his mind--I don't believe it happened overnight, and I don't think anyone else could have done it. I doubt, though, that it is as strong as she says. The masking technique has its drawbacks in that Exile really has no reason to take her along, no personal loyalty or affection. So she has to create one--the threat of possible death if something happens to her.


    I think she has blocked that memory in his mind (she lies to him when he asks if she has used the blocking technique on him). If she'd told the truth, he'd have been angry with her, and she didn't want to get into an explanation. She says "No, but if I did, you would never know."


    Obsidian left a lot of the game open to interpretation--but in a game, where every line of dialogue counts, the master/apprentice thing is mentioned a number of times by different masters, putting emphasis on it. I don't believe it was by accident--they were trying to tell us something without actually saying it. But that's just my interpretation. :o:thumbsup:

  11. My daughter has been throwing fits about her Nvidia card--it seems that after she updated the drivers for the sake of Vampire: Bloodlines, NWN and Icewind Dale would not run. Games that have the 'Nvidia' logo on the box would not run. Pretty sad that an ATI addict would immediately think "drivers"; but she uninstalled/reinstalled just about everything and nearly came to the point of buying another card, thinking hers was toast. Methinks a little more driver-testing is in order before general release.

  12. I use a Netgear router and wireless access point, because my machine is still hard-wired and I don't feel like changing it (too much trouble stringing the ethernet from one end of the house to the other to waste). The daughters and my laptop are on wireless. I think ethernet is steadier, but aside from occasional minute drops, the wireless works better than I thought it would. So far as security goes, we're good, but the youngest was complaining about slowness ... and when I checked her DLink wireless card had decided to change networks to someone else's in the neighborhood. But yeah, MAC address, high encryption and hardware firewall ... plus to be on the safe side a good software firewall running on each machine.

  13. I find it strange that the Jedi Masters didn't say anything about Kreia espcialy Master Vrook. He would have usually been the first to mention anything like that. Including Atris when she captured Kreia and the exile Atris acted like she didn't notice her at all.


    As for Atris not noticing Kreia--she didn't even see any of Exile's companions. Remember she picks up on the words 'old woman?' from one of the Handmaidens, after the confrontation with Exile. Kreia is able to mask her Force ability, so Atris had no clue. The mention of an 'old woman' also set off some kind of alarm bell in Atris' head--it upset her greatly, as if she had a premonition or an idea who this person might be.


    Likewise, Kreia was outside in the enclave courtyard when Exile met with the three masters; they didn't see her until she stepped in, and they couldn't detect her through the Force.

  14. K2 completely ignored Bastila as a character--she was 'a woman' to Exile, and nothing even suggested she was or had been a Jedi. If you hadn't played or read anything about K1, you wouldn't know who she was, either. (At least none of the conversational threads I followed explained it.) That omission seems odd. Given the importance of her actions in Revan's history she should have at least been identified or connected to the Jedi order. I don't think it was an oversight, but rather an unanswered question for the sake of K3.


    Just speculating, but if no in-game character thought of her as a Jedi (especially Vrook), then she most likely turned away from the Jedi Council and was flying under the radar during the five year span between the two games. It's also more than likely Revan gave her a task to accomplish, just as Canderous and Carth were, if only to keep her from becoming a target or chasing after him.

  15. I read somewhere that Malachor was originally composed of several large pieces; and in that case, the mass shadow generator originally pulled them all together, causing the destruction to ships and combatants during the war. So if deactivating it reversed the gravitational process (you see Malachor disintegrating as you fly away) then Ebon Hawk would no longer be wedged into the crevice. Both T3 and Bao-Dur are unaccounted for, so one or both would have started repairs after the crash. This makes the most sense to me; although they are talking about 'activating' the generator, if it was disabled all those pieces of ships, etc. would be floating around instead of lying on the surface. So what Remote was actually doing was 'deactivating' it.

  16. I've been watching this one; glad to see some early feedback on it. Dungeon Seige was not so hot on story, and that was one of the things the devs said they wanted to improve. (But I still play it just to watch the trees sway and listen to the music) With DS2, I'll wait for the price to go down, but I'll still buy it. So, graphics aside, would you equate the story depth to Icewind Dale?

  17. I always wondered why Exile didn't recognise bao. In the beginning he's referred to as a lowly tech. but at the end you learn he's the one who was told to set off the Mass Shadow Gen! I think you'd remeber sombody who was that important, unless Exile was blocking his entire experiance of the war which seems unlikly given some of the lines in the game. :ph34r:


    The only logical reason for this is that he was unconsciously blocking, and had avoided thinking about anything related to the war for so long, that he forgot. I believe that the idea is that memories are resurfacing, triggered by people, places and situations. But you're right ... there are some conversational responses that he should not have had--or at least not without showing how he got from point A to point B.

  18. Regarding the Exile being aboard Harbinger, I've come to believe that Carth had something to do with it. The Harbinger is not a passenger ship; it is carrying a few diplomats who are important to the Republic. Onasi obviously had people out looking for Exile--Disciple for one--which is possibly why Exile thinks he looks familiar (although they may have met before at the Jedi Academy). Either some type of subterfuge or a very non-specific summons had to be used so as not to 'spook' Exile into thinking it had something to do with his past. Remember that the Captain had orders to keep an eye on him in particular, but not to let on.

  19. You all know them, we saw them on crappy cable channels. Baywatch, Jake & the fatman, Acapulco H.E.A.T, Tropical HEAT, Magnum P.I and many more


    What's really scary is that many in that time frame (and earlier) are being released on DVD (when they weren't worth the airtime in the first place). Magnum was actually not too bad IIRC, but the rest ... oy, where's the humanity?


    There are a couple (not so Tropical) I have been rewatching, though--Moonlighting, Remington Steele, Columbo, Miami Vice--which are still pretty good stuff. And a lot better than current TV programming. What I'd really like to see (out of simple nostalgia, I suppose) is even older--Adventures in Paradise.

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