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Everything posted by Shallow

  1. The way religious freedom works in the US (and the rest of the west) is stupid anyhow. I don't see why allowing someone to go through a bunch of loopholes to be able to be a discriminating jerk is any better than just allowing him to be a discriminating jerk btw.
  2. What? Just because something is the law doesn't mean it's right, it's just plain silly. The law may be the law, but the only thing the law means is that some people will punish me if I break the rules they set up. I know a lot of people also hold up the constitution and consider it holy, they worship the law too, and as far as I'm concerned, besides the fact that the ideas they're pushing are far better, they're still just as bad as the side that pisses all over it in that they're trying to uphold the immensely outdated governing system the US is run by (a unitary republic is also just as bad if not worse, that's not what I believe in, although unitary republics tend to behave in slightly less outdated manners).
  3. Seeing as you don't seem to be a person who'd be doing discrimination should it become legal you're probably not the kind of person who would feel oppressed by it. I do not consider discrimination laws high priority stuff to knock down (the things we should hurry up and tip over are the simple super obvious issues like for example marriage, which should be severed from government as quickly as possible), I still don't like them though, but I can see why some people do.
  4. We desperate need a generation of paranoid and skeptical people to tear down government and corporate spying programs and the like, so if that's what we get I'm happy, it's also great that we're getting to the 14 year olds before they're brainwashed in college and the likes by SJWs, it's very important that this generation will be properly skeptical though, looking careful at what evidence is presented instead of just disregarding anything "the man" says and embracing hillbilly loons shouting about how evil lizard spacejews did 9/11 as a ploy to destroy western civilization. The way many portions of the world are structured leaves information as well as control extremely vulnerable, it would be good with some appropriately paranoid people to try and deal with this. Also it's already confirmed that mainstream media is almost as corrupt as games media, suppressing negative stories about people they support, lying to their audience, and the likes. It seems very likely they're also more than willing to bs on foreign affairs, the question is how much is bs from one side, how much is bs from another, how much is bs from a third, what's corruption and what's just ignorance. We've already accomplished one of three goals I care about within the video game portion of gamergate (crashing the mainstream media being an unrealistic and only slightly related 4th pipedream), you keep on saying that we haven't accomplished anything or that we won't accomplish anything, well, we're accomplishing the portions of the movement I care about just fine. So why do you keep on insisting we're never gonna accomplish anything when we already have?
  5. So what you're saying is that a big dev on our side cares more about historical accuracy in his game than rewriting history in order to please sjws? This isn't saying he's sexist, this is just saying people who aren't social justice hitlers are more likely to not side with other social justice hitlers... it is completely to be expected that someone on our side isn't as big on screwing over his artistic freedom and his attempt to portray his video game world as he sees it in order to be all social justicy as someone on your side would. Also, that studio had a stretch goal for including a separate intro that'd be realistic for female characters according to the devs view of the timeframe, so it's really just bs for you to go off implying they're sexist and not just not a social justice hitler.
  6. This site has a list of what it deems alternatives, I don't know about all of them, but the ones I've looked at seem alright. http://gamergate.me/approved/ I haven't been keeping track about which advertisers have dropped, so I can't say who, we've gotten a decent amount of advertisers out though. I'm sure someone here has been following that more actively than me, to get a quicker answer I'd advice asking at the 8chan gamergate board if you're able to stand the general atmosphere.
  7. Very impressive, how much weight have you lost ? I've lost, uh...lost? Replace lost with gained and I might be able to answer your question! That's strange, it sounds like you are eating very healthily....and weight loss is 70-80 % diet? There are two important things to remember regarding diet and weight. How much weight you'll put on from eating stuff is mostly genetics. It's not just about eating the right things, it's about how much you eat. Sure eating poorly will have bad effects on your general health, but eating more than what you need is what will make you put on weight, which isn't necessarily bad.
  8. Personally I haven't visited most of those websites ever, I've been to a couple of them one or twice though. But reviews still have power, think of that stuff with New Vegas and metacritic, granted I doubt New Vegas got bad reviews for not being progressive, but it still goes to show that reviewers hold some slight power. Besides, if you don't know other gamers and don't like to hang around forums, without reviews you'll have no way of finding out what the chances are that you'll like a game before buying it.
  9. We've made our people aware of better alternatives, which means even when this ends we'll never ever be looking at reviews from the sites we're fighting now, we've gotten a few sites I expect we'd otherwise be fighting to adapt acceptable ethics policies, though we've yet to see if they follow them, and we're bleeding the sites we're fighting of advertisers by showing the advertisers what terrible people they are. We've accomplished part 1 of the 3 things I said we needed to accomplish regarding games journalism, we're well on our way with part two, I haven't seen much work on part 3 yet, but part 3 is the hard part.
  10. There's a difference between words hurting you, and words making you think "Yeah, **** those guys who said that.". There's a difference between personally not going somewhere because you're unhappy with the code of conduct at the place and getting government to force the place to change. The issue with the games media is that it writes out biased reviews, either filled with sjw bs or corporate bribery, that's it's crowded with arrogant aholes like Leigh Alexander who deserve to be dethroned and left in the mud, that it's floating in corruption and lacks any form of standards, that it has far to much control on which indie titles make their way into the greater public. The gamers are dead articles are an excellent example of arrogant aholes like Leigh Alexander being hypocrites, a great example of collusion, I personally don't feel they're a great example of gamers being harassed though, We're promoting better alternatives to the horrid games journalism sites we're at war with, that should help fix problem A, we're showing advertisers how horrible these people are, that should quicken the fall of the people I want to see fall, I haven't really seen much to better the communication between the indie scene and the regular gamers, but that'll come along eventually I guess.
  11. Most people realize that is a ridiculous adage. If you go through your life never getting hurt by words, you are quite likely a sociopath. If you know the words uttered aren't true they themselves shouldn't hurt you, the fact that some person you respected is uttering said words may hurt you though. Truth however, even someone you have no respect for will be able to stab you in the heart with a good bit of truth, for there's fact and there's opinion, opinion in itself solely reflects on its owner, fact reflects on all that it touches.
  12. Seems to me this guy is just some guy who maybe isn't that racist anymore, but still enjoys hanging out with his pals having fun wearing white ropes, sure the KKK name screams racism, but as long as this guys charter doesn't behave in a racist manner I don't see much of a problem with them, besides, he probably really annoys real KKKs, so that's entertaining, I'm not gonna blame people for avoiding them like the plague either though. Also Bruce, while there are people around here who I suspect might have a view alike to what you mentioned, I'd still be interested in seeing you list some names.
  13. The key to sharing power is simple really, it's never ever, not for one second, giving anyone, regardless of how qualified they are, a representing role. Also, Bruce, communism and other forced wealth decentralization and isolation based ideologies can be very useful in third world countries, provided the leadership doesn't get overly authoritarian or corrupt.
  14. The only reason we care a tiny bit about those comments are that they're made by someone who goes on to have influence on judging stuff, and because she's clowning around like McIntosh which is always amusing. Making us sympathize with how women feel about people with microphones in online games spouting sexist crap also doesn't seem like it's working here, because the women and sjws who speak out against that stuff make it seem like it's the evil patriarchal oppression-machine rolling over them, whilst I personally, and from the looks of it, most other people here, just think "Oh look, someone is spouting stupid and slightly amusing stuff, that's a bit funny, that someone probably shouldn't be a judge in any contests though.", if anything this would make me less sympathetic to women playing online games, because this would make me feel they're overreacting dramatically.
  15. Now that I think about it I can't name a game that felt really magical that didn't have an immensely amazing introduction.
  16. I'm not on any crusades. Nor am I jumping to or from bandwagons. I don't mind SJWs as long as they don't try to force-feed me their gruel. Over when we defeat the game jornos? What about the mass media outlets that demonized gamers? They lied and created a witch hunt - should they get away scott free. Game Journos are only one head of a hydra, so to speak. No, no conspiracy or anything...just interest, money, power and incompetence mixed You are aware when you cut off a hydra head two more will emerge, right?
  17. I think that rest icon should be right above the clock. Overall it's great. Even if Obsidian doesn't want to consider BG-like HUD option, I see how it could be a popular mod. Yeah I really hope someone that's well versed in modding(I'm not ) will do something like this. Here's with the camp supplies above the clock. Just a minor unimportant thing, but your UI lacks the attack and dialogue icons
  18. A. I'm pretty sure she's the one who has to provide irrefutable evidence she was abused. B. Regardless of what abuse she may or may not have suffered the law does not allow someone in her potential circumstances to behave the way she did, nor should it.
  19. I think merging the clock and Battle/Message Log is a genious idea and looks absolutely great I'm worried about the gain in overall height though. What do you think about merged Clock and message log on the left side, then portraits in the center and buttons on the right side? I think this satisfies lots of requirements at once, including Obsidian's (and all this with a solid background preferrably) How about this? http://i.imgur.com/urZO2ks.png It's still slightly taller than vanilla, but it's only got half the added tallness of my last one, it leaves the right side empty, has a small hole at the leftmost bottom that needs to be filled with background filler, has larger portraits than vanilla.
  20. Personally I'd prefer something like this in the lower left corner. http://i.imgur.com/h054qlk.png
  21. Whilst let's be honest here, OJ did it, and there was pretty good evidence that he did it, there wasn't a recording of him getting it done, and he was judged not guilty because the jury was retarded, not because "Poor OJ has been through enough with his wife allegedly hurting him even though there's 0 evidence.". Don't insult honorable institutions!
  22. For the record I don't condone it, was merely saying that there was more to it than just trans shaming, well honestly, I wasn't, for a brief moment before reflecting on it I was to focused on "Person I dislike who's on the other side of a heated debate and is sort of an ass got their credibility thrown into the mud." and the irony of the whole thing to see the obvious; what matters isn't whether you've been wearing a straight jacket, what matters isn't even whether you're insane, the opponents body and general character is irrelevant to a debate, his argument is the only thing that should be taken into account. However, gamergate isn't just one goal, it's a million different people with different ideas trying to achieve stuff, some want ethics and forgive and forget, some want ethics and the heads of the guilty, some want patriarchal oppression and enslavement of women (a very small minority, but let's be honest, in a big enough crowd there will always be someone horrible), some want ethics and the people they feel are spreading lies about them punished or at least stopped. Everyone there will be doing different stuff, whilst your kinda gamergater has no sensible reason to waste time on this the last kind listed does, the same way the one who want patriarchal oppression has reason to waste time staging third world military coups and running shadow governments. Essentially this portion of the post is me saying TrueNeutral, your goals aren't the only goals of people who call themselves gamergaters, they're probably some of the most sensible and shared ones though.
  23. The important part of that thing is that she's allegedly behaved like an extremely insane person before taking on a new identity, it probably sucks having large amounts of personal stuff dragged out from the past and shown to the world. I do believe she deserved being outed, but I'm also a firm believer that an eye for an eye is just, with her going around making a big deal out of gender whilst the people she's fighting are generally saying what matters is the content of your character, not the content of your underwear. Nonetheless just because something is just doesn't mean it isn't cruel, and justice is a worthless hollow principle created to mask sadistic desires.
  24. I remember some article in the gamersgate thread saying check your privilege just means men are intruding into a female only safespace, how come people were so pissy about the male only patriarchy safespace?
  25. I'm surprised you have such contempt for the Canadian legal system. Two courts held the same judgement that she was a victim of sustained abuse and then the Canadian Supreme Court decided she had suffered enough and ordered a stay of proceedings, effectively exonerating her from these charges Yet you and others think all this other evidence was somehow overlooked and she " wasn't really a victim of abuse ". Wow she must be really clever to con the entire Canadian legal system so thoroughly....at least you guys can see it And people think I'm arrogant It's a very wellknown fact that women can often claim whatever the hell they want in relation to male-women abuse in court and be believed. Gorth, what does equality have to do with this?
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