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Everything posted by Shallow

  1. Unfortunately Libya is always used as an example of " look what happens when the West intervenes in regime change" when in fact they should be saying " look how the West can effectively implement regime change " The West gave the new Libyan government the opportunity to run there own version of Democracy and system of leadership. They can't be held responsible for the sectarian violence that now threatens the overall stability of the country. The West can help liberate countries but it shouldn't be also expected to now run the new governments Seriously? Really? Are you for real? I hope for your sake you're just trolling.
  2. Look at Libya, it went from one of the worlds most successful countries, to a glorious western democracy, now everyone there are happy.
  3. Her twitter was just briefly hacked like Wu, duh.
  4. That's got to be the single worst article I've ever read. Especially the portion where the guy claims the companies are bending to our "spurious claims" and that simply linking their articles and twitter posts isn't enough to make anyone sensible pull ads.
  5. Can't blame Valve for not wanting to work with the guy, sure the "deaththreat" was hardly something to be concerned about, and I doubt Newell is concerned, but there's still that saying about biting the hand that feeds you, if I was valve I'd do the same thing.
  6. I don't think anyone can really reasonably say GG has not been tainted, whether they believe the "original intent" was an attack on women or for ethics in journalism. I mean, just look at the mountain of **** that anyone in the pro-GG camp is lumped in with now. By this logic humanity is tainted and we should all just kill ourselves, people aren't responsible for the actions of other people, regardless of whether said other people share your views, your gender, or your race.
  7. Imo the worst tourists are Austrians, all their old men always walk around near nude and being extremely overweight.
  8. Once again, Germans prove themselves incapable of humor...
  9. Vladimir Putin. Does not care. About Russian people. At least he's not trying to intentionally infect them with Ebola, unlike Western governments. Pretty sure Putin hasn't put travel bans on Africa either...
  10. They certainly aren't beneath examination, such things are fun to examine, and can grant some perspective, but they certainly shouldn't be treated as proof.
  11. This style of statistics gathering works for a lots of things, it's just completely useless for things like happiness, as a measure of actual happiness (then again such a thing isn't really accurately measurable). For the record the UN isn't exactly the most competent organization ever.
  12. You can't properly measure whether they're happy, you often seem to use absolutely no critical thinking whilst analyzing something that supports the things you like, these polls are pretty meaningless and there are much better things you can find that supports your views than silly happyness polls.
  13. Bruce, you can color it up and act all superior as much as you want, I'm not saying things one way or another about happyness, because it's impossible to know what other peoples percieve as certain levels of happyness, but all these surveys show is how happy the people living in the countries think they are in relation to other people, it could very well be that said people are the happiest people in the world, but these things don't prove it, stop pretending they're worthwhile. I can't decipher what you were trying to say in the second paragraph. You said ideology earlier, culture isn't really the same thing, but no, it doesn't. As I said with China, if it behaved like a western country instead of tyranical anti baby policiesthe population would explode, western style democracies are absolutely horrible at dealing with something that requires long and hard oppresion of the people to prevent even worse disaster. All styles of government, have their ups and downs, western democracies aren't inherently better, they're nice enough when there is no imminent danger though.
  14. Believing you're the happiest person in the universe != Being the happiest person in the universe There is no way to measure happyness as what's 10 on a persons scale might be a 5 or a 2 on some other persons scale, this isn't measuring how happy someone is compared to someone else as much as it is measuring how happy someone thinks he is compared to someone else. This whole thing is bs, I'm not saying anything about western ideologies here, but the idea of measuring whether an ideology works by using an arrogance test is silly. How happy your citizens are, even if it could be properly measured, isn't the only thing that needs to be taken into account when considering how an ideology is working out for a state. Making the people feel in control is one of the primary advantages of democracies, and that should boost "happyness", but on the other hand, democracies are completely incapable of going through hard but necesarry hardship, which is one of the things the more tyranical ideologies excel at. Sure Chinese people would probably be happier with democracy, but China would decend into even greater overpopulation if not for unpopular and tyranical one child policies.
  15. You guys should check out berber architecture, it's some of the most amazing stuff you'll ever see.
  16. Bruce, again, the issue is that you want us to somehow deal with the harassment within our group, so I asked you for any good ways we can keep fighting for whatever the hell we're fighting for, whilst doing something about harassment, the reason I don't like your answer is because it's wrong, in that it doesn't fit the first catagory, it doesn't really fit the second either. Sure, when someone says something racist, homophobic, or sexist, I'll call them ****, but we're already doing that. Making a break doesn't work, because anyone can start tweeting death threats with the new hashtag, and either making constant breaks and reuniting, or making a break and scattering forever even though we're all pushing for the same thing, will remove all power, unity, and organization within the movement. You gotta suggest something that allows us to "take a stand against harassment", whilst allowing us continue with what we're doing, if you want us to fight harassment.
  17. To Bruce from like 5 pages ago: The idea that someone need to leave the room whenever someone enters that behave poorly (instead of just ignoring them or stating that you don't condone their actions) is ridiculous, again suggest something that actually can happen, cause no one can keep track of jumping from one hashtag to another every ten seconds when a random troll types "I'll kill you lol" or the likes. I said this before and I'll say this again, if you want us to deal with harassment in others ways than we're doing, suggest ways we can actually deal with it, I'm not even asking that you hold yourself to your own impossible standards, or whatever sane standards you could possibly come up with, I'm saying that you either come up with a way we can deal with the issue that isn't worse than what we're doing, and isn't just effectively us shutting up and waiting for all trolls to vanish from the face of the earth.
  18. Again, when we can do absolutely nothing to stop it, what the heck do you suggest we do about it? All suggestions that have been suggested that I've heard of are that we shut up and wait forever, or go with an official censored site which has about as many problems as the shut up and wait forever idea. It's not like someones gonna say "Oh look, Bruce is mad at me, I better stop telling women to get back to the kitchen, harassing people, or sending deaththreats.", if there is an issue that can't be tackled in any way, even if the issue is more severe than the issues you could easily deal with, the only sensible thing to do is ignore the big issue and focus on the things you can fix, all the smaller issues add up, and by the time you could've fixed the big issue without creating bigger issues (that time being in eternity, seeing as there is no solution here that isn't worse than the status quo), all the fixable things you've dealt with will leave the world a far better place than if you'd somehow been able to perfectly fix that big issue with no side effects. So, give us one way to deal with harassment (that isn't heavily flawed) if you want us to deal with it and believe it can be dealt with, otherwise move on to things we can deal with, and I'm not saying game journalism is near the top priority of things wrong with the world that could easily be heavily improved, but the whole waiting forever thing is just ridiculous.
  19. What? Isn't stating when the publisher has bribed the author one of the things we want?
  20. Want a reasonable debate, go to 8chan and talk to the people there, hell go anywhere but twitter, twitter wasn't made for reasonable debate, it was made for 149 characters worth of crap. There are also plenty of websites already trying to dissect all the information, and putting out what they find. If there is an "official site" when it gets highjacked (not if, when), it'll badly damage the movement as whatever comes out there will be the "official" gamergate statements, the movement will have to be rebranded and restructered again, at which point it'll either go from "official site 1#" to "official site 2#" and so on, or go right back to being a chaotic mob of anons.
  21. Bruce, when a movement is moderated and controlled, a small minority can easily take control of it and lead it in another direction, a freeform movement may attract some bad apples, but it can never be lead into directions that significant amounts of it dislike, and it can't be bought off. And proper links have been posted that have been verified, it doesn't need to come from some guy controlling the movement with an iron fist. The whole idea of allowing other people to speak for you is also against some of the general ideals of the movement, it'll also force you to have a big bloody schism if the movement shatters instead of just different people reaching into different directions. Finally, just because there is an "official site" that bans doxxing and threats and harrassment, doesn't mean people still on that site can't do all those things anonymously. All your suggestion does is badly damage the movement in order to put it in a structure normal people have an easier time understanding.
  22. My entire post (not just the tiny slip you quoted) states that it mustn't severely infringe on privacy, and threatening to shoot up schools (and doxxing for that matter) has jack **** to do with looking for corruption. Honestly, I'm slightly offended by you drawing what I said so severely out of proportion. Using any logic at all and not just tying unrelated stuff together, what the hell does doxxing and deaththreats have to do with looking into available information and looking for corruption? I think what he means is some people on GG claim there objective is tackle corruption but in fact they aren't concerned about corruption at all and have used the medium of GG to seriously harass people and basically engage in real bigotry and misogyny Yeah well that has absolutely nothing to do with my post or his post for that matter, if that's what he means, maybe he shouldn't go off trying to shove crap down my throat or apply my logic in nonsensical manners. It doesn't matter whether that's how he feels, it doesn't excuse such extreme levels of strawmanning me.
  23. Except what if that corruption doesn't exist? What if it only exists in your head because of your own prejudice? Then whoever is looking for corruption is wasting their own personal time, so who cares? So, using your own logic, it's okay to dox people, drive them from their home, and threaten to shoot up schools all in the name of "looking for corruption"? I mean, you cast a pretty wide net with your words. My entire post (not just the tiny slip you quoted) states that it mustn't severely infringe on privacy, and threatening to shoot up schools (and doxxing for that matter) has jack **** to do with looking for corruption. Honestly, I'm slightly offended by you drawing what I said so severely out of proportion. Using any logic at all and not just tying unrelated stuff together, what the hell does doxxing and deaththreats have to do with looking into available information and looking for corruption?
  24. Concrete jungles can look really stunning provided they're built by people with the least bit of artistic sense, unfortunately that is essentially never the case, and even if it is there'll be preasure that looks standard, thankfully night removes the ugly detail and just leaves the lights. Any style can be great or horrid, depending on whether they got least bit of individuality.
  25. You're forgetting maternity leave, and potential sexual harrassment suits.
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