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Everything posted by bubblyofart
bubblyofart replied to Vash Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
for K1 I used 'Lonewolf' (those damn books just stick in my mind) because my dude was a soldier and I didn't really know what direction the game would ultimately take, so I (rather sadly) imagined it was the name on the dude's dog-tags, if he had any. for K2, real simple, 'Logan'. It just sounded outlandish, a rebellious kinda name and I thought it suited someone who was in Exile. -
Geez I thought I hated Taris, after playing through Peragus the second time I realised this new planet was something all together more horrid. I only suffer through them, because you always know that the games get really good after you leave those planets behind, in the case of Peragus, eating your space dust
Which is the coolest opening crawler?
bubblyofart replied to Sabahattin Dere's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Has to be ROTS Okay the opening was rather crap 'War!' I mean what was GL thinking?! But otherwise it got the tempo going. TPM opening just seemed to want to cram too much info into such a small amount of time (which is an achievement in some respects i guess...) Also there should be a poll for the best opening 10 minutes to a Star Wars film. Probably every1 would for ANH or ESB For me it would be ROTS, sure the space battle was a mess, but the opening couple of minutes before that with just the two Jedi Starfighters and the thumping music did it for me. -
In Kotor 3, Who should be in power?
bubblyofart replied to Benjamin Korr's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I would love to see the full might of the True Sith Empire I mean it better be sumthing bloody spectacular otherwise I'm gonna kick Kreia up the ass Besides the Jedi have always been in power, sure the Sith may have seemed more dominant in KOTOR 1 but the Jedi were still in power. In Kotor 2 neither were in power and I think it's bout damn time we had the might of the full Sith Empire come to light Besides otherwise the only time we'll see them in power would be a game set during the Movies period, and we all know how those games turn out. -
Favorite Star Wars Movie?
bubblyofart replied to Dark_Raven's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
What do mean the fights had no point to them????? Okay, AotC was a load of crap I admit that. But the whole point of the fight between Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Darth Maul was that this fight sealed the Fate of Qui-Gon and possibly Anakin. If Qui-Gon were still alive Obi-Wan would never teach Anakin and this whole bloody story would neva of happened. Qui-Gon would of understood Anakin, hell even Qui-Gon believed there were flaws in the Jedi Code. The fight between Anakin and Obi-wan was never over choreographed and I thought it perfectly emulated the feeling of the movie at the moment, that both Anakin and Obi-Wan were fighting to protect what they thought was the right cause. Pointless? No as I've already pointed out. You could see that they choreographed it so Anakin and Obi-wan were a perfect match for each other, and just goes to show that power isn't everything without some skill. -
Favorite Star Wars Movie?
bubblyofart replied to Dark_Raven's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I must respectfully disagree. I found it completely ridiculous. "Help me save my wife!" "Sure, but you must convert to the Dark Side!" "Okay, I'll go kill some kids now." In contrast, ESB was filled with excellent character development, cliffhangers, plot twists, and more mature treatment of good and evil (in an imperfect world, should one let one's friends die in order to ensure victory for Good later, or save them now, and risk Evil triumphing?). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't whole-heartedly disagree, ESB was everything you say it was, but to say Anakin's seduction was completely ridiculous is slightly over-the-top. Firstly, Love is a strange thing. It helps people to have a purpose in life, being loved by someone brings people comfort and knowing the sense that if anything were to go wrong that person would be there for you, to hold you up as the world crashes down around you. There are a lot of people who give anything to hold onto that connection. Sure most people wouldn't kill children to save that connection. But for the same reason why mankind isn't perfect, there are people who will do just that. I'm not going to be racist or anything, but you can drew comparisons to today's world. There are people who are willing to become martyrs, and kill people, children even perhaps by accident, to protect their beliefs but most importantly for those they care about. And when you see Anakin in that light, I realise that his just another one of those people who are willing to do what they think is right for their loved ones. Now being a martyr doesn't mean you have to turn to the Darkside, because remember even in the Star Wars Universe, 'Good' and 'Evil' is a point of view as said by Palpatine in the Opera house. Anakins view was that the Jedi were Evil, and what he was doing was Good in order to protect the ones he loved. Lucas has been known to draw his ideas from myth and legend, but also from today's society. His not brilliant at it, compared to perhaps the Wachowski Brothers (dudes behind The Matrix), but he knows how to get an idea across. What's your point of view? You have to ask yourself what would you do to hold on to that connection? knowing that possibly you could never find it again. -
Favorite Star Wars Movie?
bubblyofart replied to Dark_Raven's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
1: ROTS 2: ROTJ 3: ESB I'm not sure why, there's just something about ROTS that appealed to me. I mean ROTJ had more of a feel and impact in its closing space battle than ROTS opening battle. I guess I just felt that Anakin's seduction was quite believable, mainly due to Ian McDiarmaid's great acting (until his face turned into the one we all know and love...). The duel between Anakin and Obi-wan has to win, hand's down. It was fantastic, unbelievable fast and emotional as far as one was willing to believe in Anakin's corruption. The duel in ROTJ had to be the only other one which felt short but carried a huge impact, Luke had no choice but to kill his father to save his sister but turned away at the last second. That's what carried ROTJ just slightly above ESB. Sure the acting wasn't great in ROTS, there were some plot holes, and how in the world can they send men into space with faster-than-light travel and not save a woman whose lost the will to live????? Can't leave without mentioning the music, you need music to have a good movie. ROTJ used the same old stuff, ESB brought us Vader's famous music, but ROTS brought something on par with the music from ESB and that was the piece between Anakin and Obi-wan. The music score was fantastically written and was even able to incorporate a piece of 'Duel of Fates' from Maul's fight. 'Battle of Heroes' just had that more emotional edge over it. -
I was just wondering, since all u people seem to be so far into Oblivion and I have yet to get my copy from Amazon, lol, could you tell how well it'll run on these specs: Windows XP Intel Pentium 4 2.1 ghz processer 512 MB of RAM 256 MB GeForce FX 5900XT I'm not sure about the stats for DVD drive though So what do you think? What will the draw distance be like?
Has to be KOTOR episodes, not that I don't love the movies (EPIII kicked a**), but the KOTOR just seemed grander on scale. I don't know maybe cos we could interact with them. Also the idea of the Star Forge and huge war seemed intriguing and the idea that beyond the Outer Rim perhaps something more vast than the Republic awaits. Who knows have to wait for KOTOR3. Though we can't forget at least KOTOR2 talked so much about the Force and never once brought up the words Midichlorians. Obsidian's idea of the Force is far better than anything Lucas came up with in the Prequels.
I personally hate the way Lucas screwed up Sidious DS characteristics. I always thought he looked that way due to long-term corruption. The whole lightning thing with Mace Windu was idiotic at best, I mean why in the world didn't Sidious just use Force Push to shove Windu out the window? Or simply stop using lightning, being the Dark Lord of the Sith he must be able to think of something else. Anyway, on the case of the KOTOR games I have to agree that they look like zombies or even worse clowns with too much make-up. I much prefer the plain simple look with the deep-yellow eyes that Anakin showed when he turned to face the camera (one of the best parts of EPIII). That I think should be the characteristic of the darkside, not the damn zombie-look.
What is your favorite Star Wars Movie?
bubblyofart replied to Gray_Jedi_Knight's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Actually I always thought it was better if you compared Palpatine to Bush, of course Bush would never be smart enough to do what Palpatine did. It's just that Anakin in EP3 says, 'If you're not with me, then you're my enemy'. Right from the mouth of President Bush himself. My vote has to go to ROTS. 2. ROTJ or ESB and so on I think ROTS is better than people give it credit for. I admit it's more for the Star Wars die-hard, but my mum who detests anything Star Wars was totally converted by this movie and the same goes for my friend (who is also now totally hooked). Sure the acting was wooden, but I could live with it. General Grevious turned out to be more rubbish than I thought, but I could live it. Though even I have to ask how does one die from a broken heart (Padme)? The fall of Anakin Skywalker does tug at my heart-strings. The end battle between Ani and Obi-wan was terrific. Sometimes I wish they put as much effort into it as they did with their acting. But it perfectly evokes the emotion and their differing characterisitics. Does raise another question, why the hell didn't Anakin just jump to the right or left of Obi-wan instead of jumping over? Credit goes to John Williams as well who created a wonderful score for the end battle as well, 'Battle of Heroes' I think it's called. Best Star Wars music since the music from Empire Strikes Back, you know Vader's theme. -
Simply put, The Star Forge. I mean come on, it took the whole damn Republic Armada to take down the Star Forge, even then they were losing if it wasn't for Bastila. The Death Star was destroyed by a few measly fighters and Luke Skywalker...twice Also the Death Star would have to find the Star Forge first, which will take some time to find those damn Star Maps. And another thing, the Death Star would fall onto the Rakatan Planet due to that Magnetic shield-thingy that made the Ebon Hawk crash. Which would not only get rid of the Rakatans but the Death star too....cue evil laugh. And to stop that damn Death Star laser from hitting the Star Forge is all u have to do is keep spawning ships and plumping them in front of the laser, lol.
TSL Restoration Project: The Phantom Deadline
bubblyofart replied to Aurora's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
just wondering, this has probably been asked and anwsered, but how big do you reckon the final, end product will be? cause some of us may not have huge bandwith and it may take several hours to fully download. (like Half-Life 2 " but that's a different story...) -
a review no one has mentioned yet, shame on you ppl from the UK, is from PC Zone all bow down before their might. Well anyway they gave it 88% and I love their opening paragraph: It's been overstated by press and publisher alike that Sith Lords is KOTOR's The Empire Strikes Back. They said the same thing about Attack Of The Clones too; the prequel sequel that was supposed to lead us bleakly into Episode III. In truth, Spaceballs had darker moments. Here though, the comparison between game and film is apt, for not only is Sith Lords the chronological centrepiece for a planned KOTOR trilogy, but as the last of the Jedi, you're joined by a leathery-faced old mentor, entrusted to relearn the way of the Force, only to eventually stumble into one of those dank caves that exist only so young Padawans may face their fears (in this one, your weapons you will need).
"Post Mortem: KotOR2" at Game Developer Mag
bubblyofart replied to funcroc's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
1.Which guy on which cover? 2.You know Jesus and what he looks like?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> u know the cover, hit the link magazine go to page on the top, go to page 30 - 31 and you'll see a Jedi. A jedi who looks like christians/catholics stereotypical jesus -
"Post Mortem: KotOR2" at Game Developer Mag
bubblyofart replied to funcroc's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
great post mortem, random generator will forever continue to annoy me, hey any1 else notice the dude on the cover looks like jesus? -
Is the swoop bike racing amazingly hard or what!
bubblyofart replied to dt1000's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
bug? wat bug? i never came across a bug, of course it took bloody ages to beat the trackrecord on Telos... all that for 500 measly credits, i wasted more just trying to win the damn race. Nar Shaddaa was the next one that was hard, until u remember where all the other swoop bikes **** from. Onderon by far was the easiest. -
KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
bubblyofart replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
right from the mouths of the gd ppl at PC Zone so wat do u think? possiblity of it being in KOTOR3? one can dream can't they... -
I just visited pczone.co.uk and came across an interesting article about LucasArts and its IP's. Lucasarts info Just hit the link it'll take ya to a site, it doesn't delve deeply into Star Wars but by the sounds of it were going to have to wait a long time as these games become scarcer.
fantastic story, well done to the author
You are most like Darth Revan. Revan was considered charismatic, confident and a brilliant strategist who bore a strong connection with The Force. Though he fell to the Dark Side, due to several specific actions he undertook as the Dark Lord, some speculate he became the galaxy's greatest villain to protect the Republic from a powerful Sith empire thought long extinct. You train in the lightsaber form Niman X which executes usage of dual lightsabers, an unorthodox style that while difficult to master can easily throw off many opponents. Whether Jedi or Sith, your actions were influential. Darth Revan 82% Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pre Death of Qui-Gon Jinn) 68% Luke Skywalker 68% Qui-Gon Jinn 68% Obi-Wan Kenobi (Post Death of Qui-Gon Jinn) 64% Anakin Skywalker 64% Yoda 57% Exar Kun 57% Mace Windu 57% Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus 57% Darth Sidious 54% Darth Vader 54% Bastila Shan 54% Darth Maul 39% Oh yes! Darth Revan ! just like Kreia said staring into my eyes is like 'staring into the Heart of the Force' = pure power.
There are games out there that have a compelling story and great graphics, for instance Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (and considering its an action game their not really known for the story), or even way back to the time of Grim Fandango (when LucasArts was churning out decent games) and that didn't exactly ave the greatest graphics but still sold millions more or less.
Okay so lets sort this out, 1. by the look of things the majority of us want either Revan or a Newbie, so if any developer is listening the Exile can pretty much go out the window or better yet be the one hu rebuilds the Jedi council. 2. Most likely Revan won't be reprising his role as PC, so in which case most of us seem to feel that he should be an important NPC. Why? well just as the PT and OT r about Anakin, this trilogy (and we all know this should be a trilogy, though the money-grabber that is Lucas will probably make a 100 of these) is about Revan. So it should begin and end with him, even if it means he goes down in a blaze of glory - more so than Vader (i'd cry if the leader of the true sith is killed by being thrown over the edge i mean poor palpy after all the sh** he went through). 3. And for the Newbie. Well as long as he isn't another bloody amnesic I'm happy, i mean no wonder the Jedi and the Republic collapse if half of 'em aint got a clue hu they r. 4. Now that i think about it, 3 important characters strong in the force is going to take the piss slightly. oh well.... do u lot agree with this? obviously i do, lol. COME ON LA, WHERE'S OUR RETURN OF THE JEDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Upload Saved game option for KOTOR 3
bubblyofart replied to Worsin's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Then that too would be killer <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I second that! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just like the gd old days of the Baldur's Gate series, instead of importing characters, importing info - although won't that be kinda difficult? How do u extract info from the previous game and put it into the nxt 1? unless of course u have options at the start to choose hu all the characters r and wat they look like?