I've gotten this bug several times now, so I decided to share it.
- Character sometimes get stuck during combat and cannot move.
- If companion is stuck and all enemies are killed, combat ends and I can save and load to fix the issue.
- If enemy is stuck and all other enemies are killed, combat doesn't end and I cannot save and load to fix the issue.
- In screenshot provided in dropbox file Edér is knocked down.
- I've had this happened with enemies as well. They get stuck in some sort of motion of knocking down or that archer skill they use in Raedric hold, where they somehow switch position.
Steps to reproduce this bug:
This is tough. I cannot reproduce it, but I have a feeling that some sort of confusion / mind control + knockdown seems to be issue. As seen in screenshot included in dropbox file, Edér is lying down on floor after spores "mindcontrolled" him and he ran down there and got knocked down somehow. He is normally frontline tank for me. I tried checking combat log, but I didn't have it in combat log since it happened mid fight and combat log was filled with other stuff. Next time it happens I try check the combat log if possible.
I have included screenshot and save game file and everything asked in Must read guide in zip form. Hopefully link works, I had to set up dropbox for this for the first time. Save game probably doesn't help much since loading fixes the issue in this case, since it was companion who got stuck.
(Note I am using IE mod to modify companion stats, but it has happened before IE mod, so I doubt it is the issue.) Not very common bug, so usually I can play without any issues. This has happened few times. In this patch and before patches.