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Everything posted by Shinae

  1. To above. I really like picking those accuracy talents. I feel like ruffian weapon talent is like mandatory and helps a lot. Also having paladin with accuracy aura is nice bonus as well. I rarely miss. Chanter I've been thinking about replacing. My Cipher is such a power house that fights end too soon even on hard that I rarely hit 3-4 chants, when I do hit enough chants summons are not needed anyore since I only need to kill 1-2 remaining enemies. Maybe I try rogue or ranger instead. Maybe they offer more utility. Or druid.
  2. No. Neither does it affect the paladins flames of devotion ability. I also tested in combat, the result is the same Damn. I've been using Scion of Flame for nothing on my paladin then. I guess I'll be using IE mod to relevel my paladin. *sigh* I should start checking things myself.. Good to know they work with spells. I probably pick them for me spell casters then.
  3. There's a mod that allowed the player to do that in DAO. So hopefully a mod will be made for PoE companions too. I like being available to manually level up my npc companions. I don't mind companions being a fixed race/class since it's part of their story and personality, but i'd at least want to decide what talents and attributes they get. IE mod has ChangeClass command. It can be used to relevel character with it's original class as well. So it does exactly what you want. If you use it on Edér to change him into Fighter, he just gets level 0 and you can do manual leveling for him until he is again level 2 or 3, or whatever his original level was.
  4. Blunderbuss Cipher is a power house. One shot and you can cast a lot of new stuff. It's actually more balanced with other weapons. Focus gain with Blunderbuss is just insane. I like the abilities tho. Both damage and CC. It's fun to play. I like Mind Blades vs small stuff as it clears it quite fast. CC on the other hand is valuable to keep lots of enemies in one place, so your wizard AoE gets the max value. Cipher works the best as support and CC character.
  5. If you get Edér at level 2 and level him up you don't actually get to pick talent. That Ruffian talent is total bonus you would not get otherwise. Also if you like leveling your companion by yourself, you can use IE mod and ChangeClass command to level them up by yourself. When you do, you just do all 3 levels at once if companion was level 3. No need to rush getting companions to maximize their talent potential.
  6. - Add unique weapons and armors to stronghold shops. Other Stronghold improvements as well. There's a whole thread about it. Stronghold could use some love. - Remove highlight from pet when Tab is pressed. I hate seeing that stupid box that read White Wyrm in it. Reason I don't use pets. - Add an option to game settings that allows altering companion attributes or level them up from 0 when hiring them. There are mods for this tho. - Make constitution more valuable stat for close combat companions and tanks. Maybe give it some DR bonuses or something. - Allow us to name our save files. - Some companion dialogue where they chat themselves or with each other doesn't appear in chat log sometimes. I would like to read what Aloth says sometimes when he curses etc.
  7. Loot is the reason I slaughter everyone in that famous early game keep. Even if you could avoid fighting. It's a lot of money for such early game. Other areas I do play more RPish.
  8. I used IE mod to change my companion attributes. I'm having a nice playthru with all the companions instead of using full custom party. Now I get to enjoy companion quests and comments while having a good party. I could change their classes as well, but I just did the stats. No regrets. And having Durance with 10 resolve instead of 18 doesn't ruin my roleplaying feeling at all.
  9. I also think botanical garden is nice to have and curio shop. Besides those two, other upgrades seem really useless. I wish merchants sold some useful unique weapons and armors, but I've not seen anything useful in their wares. I regret taking prisoners. No one has ever come to pay me money to release them... I think killing them during quests at least gave me the loot they are carrying. So apparently it's not worth taking prisoners unless you do it for rp reasons. I don't mind paying for the upgrades and spending money on stronghold, but it gives so little back. I understand it is supposed to be optional and not give any advantage if you wish to skip whole stronghold mini game, but currently all the money you save not having stronghold feels an advantage to me. At least you can buy lots of equips etc with that money you would otherwise spend on upgrades. I hope we could at least hire some people you meet in adventures and have them set up their trades and services in our stronghold. At least I like that they have endless path set up under stronghold. It's nice to have a huge dungeon in your home location.
  10. I've gotten this bug several times now, so I decided to share it. Description: - Character sometimes get stuck during combat and cannot move. - If companion is stuck and all enemies are killed, combat ends and I can save and load to fix the issue. - If enemy is stuck and all other enemies are killed, combat doesn't end and I cannot save and load to fix the issue. - In screenshot provided in dropbox file Edér is knocked down. - I've had this happened with enemies as well. They get stuck in some sort of motion of knocking down or that archer skill they use in Raedric hold, where they somehow switch position. Steps to reproduce this bug: This is tough. I cannot reproduce it, but I have a feeling that some sort of confusion / mind control + knockdown seems to be issue. As seen in screenshot included in dropbox file, Edér is lying down on floor after spores "mindcontrolled" him and he ran down there and got knocked down somehow. He is normally frontline tank for me. I tried checking combat log, but I didn't have it in combat log since it happened mid fight and combat log was filled with other stuff. Next time it happens I try check the combat log if possible. Files: I have included screenshot and save game file and everything asked in Must read guide in zip form. Hopefully link works, I had to set up dropbox for this for the first time. Save game probably doesn't help much since loading fixes the issue in this case, since it was companion who got stuck. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ql7h22j20ymfqca/bug.zip?dl=0 (Note I am using IE mod to modify companion stats, but it has happened before IE mod, so I doubt it is the issue.) Not very common bug, so usually I can play without any issues. This has happened few times. In this patch and before patches.
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