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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. Yeah right KOTOR was supposed to be 80 hours if you did everything and at the most you got somewhere in 40 hours if you did everything. Obsidian has already said that the lenght of TSL would be the same as KOTOR. So expect a 40 hour RPG game if you do everything.
  2. See this is really pissing me off now. Not at this but what could happen. The game is coming out REALLY soon and Obsidian has failed to put out a spoiler forum. WFT I mean come on whats the delay? I'm still going to wanna talk TSL but I won't get the game til X-Mas maybe earlier if PMC sends me a review copy. Just cause I don't have TSL yet that should not stop me from visiting these forums. They just need to get on the ball and have a Non-Spoiler and Spoiler forum. This is the official forums not some fansite. We should not have to put the {spoiler} tag on threads that are spoilers. There should be two seperate forums.
  3. The best setting for the fight would be Mustafar. The lava planet that Vader and Obi-Wan fight on in Revenge of the Sith.
  4. ....bye....
  5. Yeah I see some great opinions here. Remember I'm not trying to bash TSL in any way. I think it will be a great game, probably the best game I played since KOTOR of last year. I'm just a bit upset about how they are handling the advertising this time around. With Halo 2 you saw plenty of commercials and in-store posters and such. With GTA: SA you saw plenty of commercials and in-store posters and such. With Metroid Prime: Echoes you saw the same thing. Notice these are all sequels to already great games but yet they recieved the same exact or even more advertisement as their prior game. Hell NFSU2 is getting a fair share of TV time....again another sequel to a popular game. Then we switch to KOTOR2 which is getting nothing but a few online ads here and there nothing to really bring in those casual gamers. Hell Battlefront got more marketing then TSL and BF wasn't even their supposenly more popular games. I just don't get it. If TSL doesn't do good in the sales bracket, it was cause it isn't a worthy title it is because it wasn't marketed right. Again you can goto GameFaqs and KOTOR 2 is nowhere in the top 10 of message boards. Why? Cause there is very little interest in TSL. Why is that? Because not everyone knows about it and such. Again when less then 10 days before the KOTOR release KOTOR was the #1 message board on GameFaqs above Morrowind and Halo. This time its nowhere in the top 10. This is just the beginning stages of showing how TSL is going to sell nowhere near as much as KOTOR did. That is sad cause Halo 2, NFSU2, Metroid Echoes, and GTA: SA all sequels all sold just as much or even more then their prior game. Its going to be embarrassing for the sequel to the 2003 GOTY to not do the same. Geez I wonder why......::::Looks at Obsidian's/LucasArt's marketing/advertising people::::
  6. The other day I contacted Lucasarts to see if I could get 3 copies of TSL to give away in a contest. The representative I talked to said that they aren't doing any contest with TSL cause TSL is one of their more popular games and they rather get those extra sells rather then just give them away. They did however offer to give me 3 copies of Republic Commando when that comes out though. Well later on I goto Gamespot.com and TSL is not in the top 10 of overall games. Funny cause when there was less then 14 days before the KOTOR release KOTOR was the #1 overall game on GS.com. Hold on there is a point I'm getting to here. Then I head to Gamespot: Xbox to see where TSL stands....it isn't even in the top 3 infact it is #4. The point I'm trying to get to is....TSL is supposed to be LA's more popular games but yet they aren't giving it the treatment that a more popular game would get. When I say that I mean advertising and marketing. 40 days before KOTOR came out I could walk into Babbages and see KOTOR posters **** like that here we are with less then 10 days before TSL comes out and I don't see that when I goto Babbages. Less then 10 days before KOTOR came out the KOTOR TV commercials was hitting peoples living rooms with TSL there has yet to be a single TV commercial. My point is either Obsidian or LucasArts or both is assuming that just cause TSL is a sequel to a game that one over 150 awards, they don't have to put as much as money to advertise like how they did with KOTOR. They are probably believing that the Knights of the Old Republic name alone would sell the game. Well I hope Obsidian or LA comes down from their dream clouds and look at reality cause that isn't going to happen. Normally more marketing is put into the sequels that goes with videogames and movies. LA should be throwing it into peoples faces that KOTOR is back and better then ever. They should be making it known but they aren't. TSL is my most anticipated games of 2004. Hell it is my most anticipated games since KOTOR and that came out in July of 2003. But I must say from a standpoint that TSL isn't going to sell like KOTOR did and probably won't win 1/4 of the awards KOTOR did. Thats just being realistic. When it is all said and done, Obsidian or either LucasArts should have marketed TSL way better. Cause what they are doing now is just sad.
  7. If that does happen that just shows lazyness on LA's part. And how they fail to put effort into marketing TSL which is the sequel to a GOTY game.
  8. Your kidding, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No I'm not.
  9. I must say that I didn't like the way the KOTOR commercial was done. It used false music and when I mean false I mean music that wasn't even in the game (Imperial March). It had nothing to do with the story other then you could be DS or LS. This time around the commercial should feature music that is actually in the game. I mean the Bastila Shan theme (Music you hear when on top of Temple talking to Bastila on Rakata Planet) would have been perfect for the KOTOR commercial. Also the commercial should focus more around the story instead of a game option/feature of being DS/LS. This time the commercial should let it be known that the Sith are back, the Republic is on the verge of collapse, the Jedi are near extinct, and you are the last known Jedi. THEN it can add some extra things in like party member alignment and such but it should get the basis don't first. What do you guys think? Also when will we start seeing TSL commercials? Or will the sequel to a 2003 GOTY even have any commercials?
  10. To the people at Obsidian. So far you all have did a great job with KOTOR 2 and it is probably my most anticipated games of 2004 thus far. However when I played KOTOR I was promised 60-80 hours of gameplay if I did EVERYTHING in the game. I could swear that I did EVERYTHING and only got like 39-42 hours of gameplay. About half of what Bioware promised if we did everything. In some recent previews/interviews it was said that if you do everything TSL would be about 40 hours. I just want to say that if that is true then I am TRULY dissapointed. For a RPG that you do everything on 40 hours isn't enough. I don't want to start complaining or anything but I just hope that the gameplay lenght is that of a true RPG like Final Fantasy where it is about atleast 60 hours. I logged in about 40 hours of FFX and I was only 2/3 through the game and I wasn't doing everything.
  11. Someone just mentioned something about the PC. That is another reason why we really need a Spoiler/Non-Spoiler forum. Cause the PC version doesn't come out til Feb and those fans may still want to discuss TSL. But like someone said, the moderators has already stated that there will be one. As for me, I'll be getting my copy for X-Mas.
  12. When there was around 2 weeks left before the launch of KOTOR, the Bioware forums created a Spoiler/Non-Spoiler forum. I know that the game isn't out yet and there is no way to leak any spoilers out. So there is no rush to create one now but by launch there should be one. I probably won't get the game at launch but I'll still want to discuss it and I don't want to run into the forum only to be spoiled by a topic and you guys know what I mean. I mean potiential topics like "Revan revealed in first 2 hours of game!!!!" or "I had no idea female sith was[insert random name]" and so on. I'll probably end up getting the game for X-Mas. So just to give you guys at Obsidian a heads up on this.
  13. You are right, there is and was temptation to be DS in KOTOR cause you could be the ruler of the Galaxy to Darth Vader or Darth Sidous type so to speak. But it was how you went about it that wasn't so tempting and stuff. Like I keep referring back to stealing credits, not helping those in need, and lying. Those are just basic simple things. Things should have been more deeper like the Manaan example I sold you all about when you had to choice to poison the water or blow up the generator what was what I like. Killing Juhani and not bringing her back to the light, another great way to be DS. Being power greedy and killing Yuthura and Uthar on Korriban another great way to be DS. So KOTOR did have what I and everyone else wanted out of the DS....the problem was it just wasn't enough it was only there at certain points. All the other DS points came from doing bully work. There was nothing bullyish about killing Uthar and Yuthura, poisoning the water, and killing Juhani. They were just all evil/easier way/power hungry deeds which is way ALL DS things should have been done. Not the bully way like helping kids on Taris make fun of a Alien species. No mater how evil Vader and Sidious ever was they never had to make fun of Aliens to prove themselves of being evil. Get what I'm saying now?
  14. Well there is many replies to this subject so on my side some against and some between. I know it doesn't HAVE to be like Anakin Skywalker but there has to be a deeper motive of going DS besides stealing credits and such. The darkside is supposed to be the quick and easier path. Take Manaan as an example. When you had to choice to either to destroy the generator thing (LS) or poison the water (DS). When you poisened the water it wasn't really anything evil but it was the quick and easier path. I like the way that was handled...you are turning evil without even knowing what you did was evil until it actually hits you. I know I talk about temptation like this is real life and such, I know this is just a videogame btu I just want things to be more balanced. When I played KOTOR as LS I felt like I had a purpose and I felt like I had something driving me. When playing DS I didn't really feel like I had a purpose to be DS other then just to see the 2nd of the two endings. When doing DS choices I didn't really feel like I needed to do that I was always like "I just did that so that I can get DS points." See where I'm going? Do you think Darth Maul turned evil cause he stole credits from people? What about
  15. I'm worried that there won't be any motives to be a DS person. I mean naturally there is a motive to be good. The Jedi is near extinct, republic on their knees.....there is a motive for you to be good and stop this. Just like in KOTOR. See my plan is for TSL the first time around is to play through it first as a DS person unlike in KOTOR how I went through first as a LS person. When I play DS I want to to be something similar to what Anakin Skywalker goes through. I don't want to be DS because I choose to "bully" a person **** like that. I want to face temptations. It was too easy to be bad in KOTOR. But for Anakin it wasn't easy being bad. In TSL I want it to be where Obsidian is almost trying to "force-feed" us to be bad with the intent of us trying to be good but just seeming near impossible cause there is just so much temptation. In KOTOR instead we were force-feed to be good and had to "try" to be bad. It shouldn't be that way. In college you want to get good grades and study but there is those temptations like parties and **** like that that gets in the way. Get what I'm saying. So in other words in TSL I want to be the "Tragic Anti-Hero" not the bully of the galaxy. I know Obsidian has promised that things like this has been fixed, but who else here sees the way I see?
  16. I'll put it plain and simple.....GET A LIFE!
  17. Hey everyone! Since KOTOR 2 is just around the corner I decided to go back and play KOTOR to re-live the experience and such and progress myself into TSL. I decided to play it like this. I'm a Male Jedi Guardian/Soilder. The face I have is that white guy with the scare over his right eye (ala Anakin Skywalker in EP3). I'm going to play through the game all Lightside. By the time I get to the Rakata Temple, I'll be uber LS. That is where the catch comes. At the temple, I'm going to side with Bastila and go DS. This is where things will get "Darker" for the Republic and Jedi leading up to TSL. So far I completed Taris and Dantooine. I do want to finish it just yet, I want to time it good enough so that I'll finish it 1 day before the release of TSL. If I'm almost done 14 days before release, I'll wait til that 1 day then finish it so it'll be a nice transition for me. Anyone else doing/thinking of doing the same thing?
  18. Hum let's see....... You didn't know that I just ate a burger from Mcdonalds.. hehe sorry had to type something <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't mind Tyrell. He very often loves to tell us all the vast amounts of knowledge he has as compared to us mere mortals <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What are you talking about. If you have Star Wars Hyperspace on Starwars.com you'll know that one of the early BTH (Before the Helment) pics was the lightsaber hilt of Darth Sidious. Also it was leaked that Sidious and Yoda has a duel in the cambers of the Jedi Temple. Of course though not everyone has Hyperspace and not everyone is into spoilers so I should not be that surprised that you are all shocked that Sidious is using a lightsaber.
  19. Wow, the Darth Sidious has a lightsaber. Tell me something that I don't know. I knew this almost 4-5 months ago.
  20. I just want to inform you all that I just got the Q&A back. I'm going to do some stuff to it and put it on playmoreconsoles.com. It should be on there by tonight.
  21. Well it was a long time since I sent the interview out. The first TSL interview I did didn't take this long to come back so who knows. I just sent LA an email to see if they are still working on this and hasn't forgotten about it. I for one has patience, so should you all. I know I keep saying this 1,000,000,000,000 times but its true. Just have patience. The kind of attitude you guys have will lead you to the darkside.
  22. I like how these sidequest sent you to different planets and such, instead of just keeping you on the same planet like the rest of the sidequest from others.
  23. Yeah, but from what I was told from a LA representative was that since there were so many questions and so many complex ones, they are going to need more time to come back with quality answers.
  24. Just because Lucasarts is taking a long time to answer doesn't mean it's because they're spending a lot of time with thorough answers. It could just mean it's a low priority and when they finally get around to it, they'll get the new kid in the mail room downstairs to spend 15 minutes replying. Lucasarts has shown it's not exactly "fanbase friendly" already, so I wouldn't be surprised to see half the questions answered with "no comment" or "we can't say". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well it doesn't matter. The simple fact is the interview will be ready when its ready and there is nothing that you or I can do about it. I wish I can just goto the LA HQ and make them answer the questions right in front of me....but I can't. So we are all forced to wait, we are on their time. You don't like it....well to bad, just don't like it. Sorry to be blunt but thats how it is.
  25. Guys, please be patient. It is going to take a while cause there was so many questions and some deep ones at that. Let me ask you all something, would you rather have had me sent the questions out, and have the LA team rush on them and just "blow-off" the questions and not put much thought into their answers because they were being rushed. Or would you rather wait so that they can take time and make sure that each question gets a 100% quality answer? Just be patient. Hell they don't have to do this if they didn't want to and I didn't have to conduct the interview if I didn't want to. LA and I is doing this for the core fans that wants to know more about the game. The game is going to come out in a few months so they are probably in a period where they are highly busy. Again, just have patience. You'll appreciate the interview even more when it comes out knowing that they put quality into these questions and just didn't answer them like any other old fansite interview.
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