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Everything posted by witchzenka

  1. I abhorr misandry as much as misogyny.
  2. Bao's story makes a lot of sense to me. This may not be a great place to discuss that, with the OP requesting as few spoilers as possible.
  3. I'm interested in knowing your opinion of my theory, Shadow Paladin. (it's on the page before this one.) *edited because I'm interestED, not interestING*
  4. Just to add a minor correction - women do not need more training than men to hide stress. LMAO
  5. Can someone give me a link to "Revan is a man!" officially? Because I can't find it.
  6. LMAO! But this is true of pretty much every fictional villain.
  7. I don't believe they "spared" her. They wanted her to suffer, and living without her power was worse than being killed. As for Sion not killing her, see my post above there.
  8. A Celtic history fan? Nice breed, those. Yes - there are rare but quite interesting females throughout history who have overcome enforced gender (at times violently) roles. Boudicca is one of my favorites.
  9. I don't believe Sion ever intended to kill Kreia. Whether it was to increase her suffering by letting her live or because he simply could not kill her because she had such a psychological hold over him, I haven't completely decided. I'm leaning toward a combination of the two.
  10. I thought you made it clear you were joking, Laozi.
  11. You have a point, Eisu. (a couple really.) Perhaps that scene was so powerful to me because of my personal experiences? But back on topic: Aimo, I adore your stuff. The Exile/Mira picture is simply wonderful in the way the emotions are expressed.
  12. Thus you reveal how simple it is to conceal information from you in books.
  13. Another side to look at is that females consume less resources and take up less space, making them more useful in space travel/confined close quarters. In our society (though it may not be true in a society with less defined gender roles) females also tend to have better social skills. These are the reasons why females should be considered better suited to submarine duty, though we lost out in the end due to higher ups just being more comfortable with men in active duty.
  14. I always thought that was a subtle "on the rag" bit of misogyny. LOL
  15. That may be a very silly reason to play Revan as male.
  16. DS Luke, yes, I really believe that, having tried and failed to save a sister in real life. (turns out she is a sociopath and there's nothing anyone can do. LOL Sister is a sociopath, not Bastila.)
  17. I know two female Logans. The name suits them beautifully.
  18. Revan's a great female name. That however is entirely subjective. There are many names that work well for male or female (Devin, Logan, Zared...)
  19. Now that's a more realistic argument, though it is some what irrevelent in a time of stims, implants and blaster pistols, esp when the Force is brought into play.
  20. I disagree. Works wonderfully as a female trying to save someone considered a sister.
  21. No, it's concealed because it's only available to the literate, leading me to assume it's somehow possibly beyond the reach of certain people. One of the greatest Celtic warriors of all time was a woman, for instance. Did you know the Celts were/are a people with an amazing and rich mythology and culture, and not just a basketball team? Well, now you do. This is just an example of the treasures you might find concealed in books.
  22. Pathological escapism is never pretty. LOL Me, I love adventure, and as a Midwestern mom my adventures run more in stain removal than whipping out my lightsaber and schooling thugs. Luckily there's games to provide balance.
  23. Actually, it is. "That information is concealed in books."
  24. Second stupidest post on the subject. I'm hoping you are deliberately pot-stirring.
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