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Everything posted by ktchong

  1. P.S. Today is Daisy Ridley's birthday.
  2. Which movie thread? This one The title of that thread says, "Movies You've Seen Recently Thread". I have not seen Rogue One the movie. Have you?
  3. Which movie thread?
  4. I really like to watch videos of animals suffering. And I like to eat meat while watching the videos.
  5. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4d45tn/amber_scott_writer_for_the_new_baldurs_gate_has/
  6. Supposedly Apple wants the government to reveal how the iPhone was hacked, so Apple can improve the security of iPhone. **** Apple. Apple previously refused to help the government to hack the iPhone, and now that the table has turned, Apple wants the government to help Apple and tell Apple how the government was able to hack the iPhone? Really?!? Let me say it again: **** APPLE. Imagine you had an associate, and you asked him to help you with a problem. And he told you, "no, can't do." But you finally solved the problem yourself on your own. Now he asks for you help. What should you do? This is what you should tell him: "**** OFF."
  7. Donate $1 to receive a Steam key for Tomb Raider 2013: https://gamechangercharity.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donate.event&eventID=520 Not sure if it is legit but Tomb Raider 2013 was one of my top favorite games of all time, so it is really good.
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  8. This video completes me. IT COMPLETES ME.
  9. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has just been downgraded from "must see on opening week" to "maybe later". So this is my suggestion if you still want to see the movie. Disney's live-action The Jungle Book will come out in three weeks on April 15. When The Jungle Book comes out and gets decent reviews, buy the ticket to see that one, and then slip into a theater to see Batman v Superman after the Jungle Book. Or you can wait another two weeks for Captain America: Civil War on May 6.
  10. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/batman_v_superman_dawn_of_justice/ Based on the overall review score on Rotten Tomatoes and the reviews on YouTube, I will still see it... just not this weekend, or next weekend, or anytime soon. The movie has just been downgraded from "must see ASAP" to "maybe later".
  11. Source: The Hollywood Reporter: Daisy Ridley Confirms Talks About Playing Lara Croft in 'Tomb Raider' Reboot - 3/21/2016
  12. Spoiler: Sansa is... https://i.imgur.com/u6ECvuz.jpg
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42jpuXJPk0w
  14. So what is your solution to the the coming AI and robot revolution that will replace most every type of job with automation?
  15. It is already here: San Francisco's first automated restaurant is 'pure magic' So what will be the problem? Here is the problem: The current system favors people who own capitals and wealth. The top one-percenters will own all the automation that will replace human workers. They alone will benefit from the AI and automation revolution when human workers become obsolete. They and their robot workers will suck up and hoard all the money and wealth. Everyone else will be out of a job and broke. A lot, a lot, of people will be out of a job and broke. The only solution: communism, socialism, or a guaranteed basic income for everyone. If anyone can think of any other solution, let's hear it.
  16. Context for people who have not seen Ghostbuster 2:
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