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Everything posted by Cerebus

  1. You wouldn't be referring to a certain Jedi Master being reduced to a bouncing clown by any chance?
  2. I was joking, of course. Although it could be possible: They might add some Ewoks.
  3. For the same reason, I will probably go and see "Revenge of the Sith", despite the fact that I was immensely disappointed by Episodes 1 & 2 and swore to skip the 3rd. Anyway, given the "quality" of the revised DVD editions of the original SW movies, we should think hard before asking LA for a "content-patched" version of KOTOR 2's ending - they might actually make it worse "
  4. ... who will buy the sequel anyway, regardless of their threats.
  5. As far as I know, you can only get the Juma Juice after overhearing the thugs. Therefore, the only way to get to the Hoard (and the Hoard quest) is through them. As for the dancer's outfit...no clue. I remember a dialogue option with Vogga about a job as a dancer. But I never used it, since I had already taken up the job the Twilek had offered.
  6. I had some problems finishing this quest, too. After I returned from Goto's yacht, I went to Vogga, who was still asleep. I let the Twilek wake him up, talked to him and he would still rant about the raids on his ships. All I could do was to promise to deal with Goto... again! At first, I thought I had stumbled across a major bug, but then I returned to Vogga and talked to him again. Now he congratulated me for getting rid of Goto's blockade. I assume I got a different result because the Hutt was awake now from the very beginning....
  7. Actually, I would like to see following dialogue options during the "Bum"-Episode on Nar-Shadaa: 1. "I see your point, Kreia, and I have no illusions about my actions. This poor sod, though, is f**kd anyway, so I would rather "steal" one of his chances to proof himself up to the challenges of the urban jungle than letting him fail in the attempt of solving his problems on his own, thereby wasting a valuable opportunity for struggle better left to pros like me. Perhaps he was some kind of Sith agent during the war, a torturer and killer, and is now in search of atonement. In this case, my showing him a little kindness and sympathy might actually help him to get back on his feet. See, I like fixing stuff, just for the fun of it. It's like this whole city is a giant machine to me, and I'm replacing a few gears here and there - I LIKE this city, by the way. Or you could compare it to an Echani duell: I confront my opponent and try to perfect my stance. Did I mention that I would always risk my life for my friends? Not because I'm still attached to Jedi morality - just because I want to and like the challenge it involves." [LS points gained, Influence +: Kreia, Influence +: Atton, Indluence +: Bao-Dur, Influence +: Mira, Influence +: Handmaiden, Influence +: Everybody] 2. "Gee, you are right Kreia. Please don't send me to bed without dinner."
  8. Perhaps I could persuade some socio-linguists to analyze the structure of Jedi-Master Fancy-Talk. There is no wrong grammar when you're in tune with the force. Grammar follows your lead. "Here, between you... me... syntax... morphemes... everywhere!"
  9. Hey, we are talking about "galactic basic" here and should stick to the descriptive approach. You mustn't apply the rules of English grammar to an ancient foreign language (probabl[l]y dead, too) EDIT: Guess I should hire a proofer myself.
  10. Of course...se whole point of sis stratagem... is lost...if you keep it a secret, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL SE W
  11. Aaaah! I get it. (Almost, that is: What are shoots? ) Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out. Was that panda entry from a real guidebook or was it made-up?
  12. By the way... I didn't get this topic's title. Eats, Shoots & Leaves? What does that imply?
  13. Hmm, being a foreigner and all, I'm probably not qualified for advanced spelling discussions... But my dictionary lists 'discrete' as well as 'discreet' (if you were reffering to the fact that the latter one is correct and the former not) EDIT: "reffering" indeed... see, I told you
  14. Kid, could you step outside with me for a minute? I would like to have a word with you in your little kennel. Thank you.
  15. Of course it could have been done. But it would have made the workload even heavier! To really "get" the ending of Kotor 1, you would have to ask for more variables than "light/dark" - "male/female". And it is hard enough to design a branching future without having to worry about a branching past. Personally, I liked the in-game questions as a measure to define Revan a little bit. And it also made possible that new players with no idea of game one's content could make a choice, even if they didn't really understand what it referred to. Better than being confronted with it at the beginning: "Welcome, new player:" "1) Should your 'Revan' be : a) male b) female "2) Would you like him/her to be a) light side b) dark side" "3) If you don't know what a 'Revan' is, then LA strongly suggests buying KOTOR 1 (available through mail order) And now, enjoy the show!
  16. Weird. Could it be Visas? (I don't know if Miralukas have eyes under their face-curtain but there is a certain resemblance)
  17. Oh man, if you weren't actually funny, I would really hate you.
  18. SHUT THE F**K UP, KID! Nobody wants to hear another word from you! I built you a nice little house in the garden. Now go outside and play!
  19. Be honest: You enjoy this a little bit, don't you? I think the kid is already addicted to public bashings. But you ought to be careful or the two of you will become friends in the end. At least give him some credit for his stamina.
  20. Yeah, it was OK. But after Kotor 1, there was a certain feeling of Deja Vu(supported by Telos~Taris, etc. ), at least in the beginning. I think that the whole mystery-main-character theme is a nice idea, but it is also a little overused. And since we had the "big ?" in game one, I would have chosen a completely different angle for game two. Not because it was a bad idea or badly executed - just for variety's sake. What happened to the boy who, leaving a burned-down village and clutching his dead father's sword to his breast, travels to the big city to become the greatest wizard/warrior/whatever of all time, marries the princess and lives happily ever after? Guess he was slain by the mysterious stranger with the defective memory in the course of one of the latter's covered operations conducted during his shady and moraly ambivalent past.
  21. Yep. You nailed it. THIS is the point this whole discussion was meant to lead up to from the very beginning. OK, folks, we're done here. Let's get the equipment on the truck and go. They have found the perfect answer - and that, amazingly, without getting off the topic. AT ALL.
  22. By the way, guys .... Wouldn't it be better to control quoting a little bit? It is not necessary to repeat a whole (long!) post on the same page! You should always give a link to what you refer to, but it is not required to provide text that could be easily accessed by following the link, in my oppinion. Just a thought. I just hate to scroll through superfluous text and would like to have as many posts on one page as possible.
  23. Well, that is the challenge of making good multi-path games. And it can be done. Fallout 2, for example, lets you choose many different paths, not one of them containing an amnesiac, if memory doesn't fail me. Of course, I don't know if you would describe FO2 as a protagonist focused story, so maybe I might be writing this without knowing the proper context ... But multi-pathing has been achieved in the past, and in a more complex way than KOTOR. It certainly involves a L O T of work and might not be the most profitable endeavour for a software company, but it is possible to provide different layers of story for different player reactions. I just don't see why it is necessary to complicate things by always giving the Main Character a complex past in addition to a complex future. Your Shaw signature, by the way: Is that from Man and Superman?
  24. Perhaps it might be better, though, to let them make this choice in a different way. I find this whole LS/DS point-system really inadequate. Impossible? Why not simply give us a character without a past? Must we always have an experienced veteran with lots of stories to tell that he then has to forget about since they would also have to depend on the players preferences? Why not play a young Padawan that still has all the choices ahead of him? Why not play a young Jedi Knight that has to choose sides in a war, like Revan's initial decision? Why not have a Force Sensitive who has the freedom to choose a teacher? I was really afraid that Kotor 2 would be "The Return of Revan" and was glad that they chose another Main Character. But the Exile was very similar to Revan in a lot of ways. Just because everybody loved the whole "You are not a mere recruit - You are the Dark lord himself"-twist, I don't think it's necessary to conclude that a simpler approach couldn't lead to a great game. Despite the ongoing trends, I really believe that people can and like to adapt to change - at least occasionally.
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