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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Marcus Phoenix, oh please. Let me give you a lesson on the finer arts of homo-eroticism I there has to be a prefab, i would choose: A little of Indy A touch of McLane A spoonfull of Bond And finally a death-stare of Rambo Done, and done. Obsidian! Take notes.
  2. My guess is they're using voice acting and having the voice actors constantly refer to the PC as "superspy," "hey you," or "that person" just doesn't have the feeling they'll be going for. Spy villain: AH HA! Mr or Ms. FILLERNAME, I have you in my trap! There is a point in that, yes. But considering the amount of games that has handled that issue pretty well in the past, then no, i am not convinced.
  3. Hey Joseph and Mr. Sawyer! Stop lurking and start posting, pretty please?
  4. Come on now. I will not say that Alpha Protocol isn't an RPG because of a set main character, since it's just a trait of an RPG, not the very definition of one. I am however, interested on why Obsidian has constrained it to one character.
  5. That's actually a legimite point IMO. I would really like to hear on why you have to play as a Sean Connary/Roger Moore-alpha-male. Why can't i be a 5ft 3" italian with a Rocky-complex? Or a 6ft 6" blonde dyke who hates men? Or a black "Leeeeeeeeroy Jennnnnnnnnnkins"?
  6. As long as my character actually can pat the female love interest on the back and say "Run along now. Man-talk", then i am content. For those who wondered about the silly comments about female NPC's, remember that The Witcher sold 600 000 copies in Eastern Europe alone. These things are the norm nowadays Also, the main character's mentor or senior superior should be voiced by Sean Connery.
  7. I love that Kaftan refuses to acknowledge that the story of Mass Effect is a rip-off the anime "vandread". The times are changing man, east meets west and vice versa, man.
  8. Just wait until the release of 1.0c1. This place will party like it is 2004.
  9. John Rambo. Best movie of 2008 so far.
  10. Excellent choice. Several different endings and alot of strategy. The story is ok as well. Took me 80-90 hours to finish it though.
  11. Of course, other option is being swedish **** so life is crap anyway Don't be so hard on him. The girl of his dreams ditched him for an emo-kid, who loves anime and jRPG. IIRC, he accidently caught them in the act, meaning them singing together the karaoke version "Eyes on me" from Final Fantasy VIII. He was never the same. "Well atleast, i'm manly", he sobs while playing his manly copy of Mass Effect.
  12. Interesting, considering Team Gizka hasn't done anything to the Peragus module
  13. Huh? I've checked the mantis repository and the main page as well. No Major ones found.
  14. Eh? Its a JRPG which you spend more time watching FMVs than actually playing the game. Um... No thank you. Try harder. The "too many FMV's destroys my gaming-experience"-schtick is old, buried and proven falsified ever since the first Final Fantasy years ago. Admit it, turn-based combat with strategic elements sounds interesting, right? Partymembers can learn skills from each other. Boss battles that actually are difficult and where a carefully planned strategy matter. I know it sounds interesting for ya. I know you want to play it, or atleast, try it out
  15. You guys are too cute with your segmentations CIV 4 >> Halo(s). Opeth >> Coldplay. Gummi Bears >> Chocolate. Golf >> table-tennis.
  16. Stop talking and go buy Lost Odyssey, you mugfugs. After the dissapointments of Oblivion and Mass Effect, there's finally a RPG worth playing on the damn brick.
  17. PC: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with "Realism graphic MOD 2.0". Xbox 360: Lost Odyssey, damn fine game. It really feels like a Final Fantasy game with it's music (Uematsu, yay!) and storytelling(Sakaguchi, yay!). Much better than the abomination called Final Fantasy XII. P.S. Lost Odyssey >>>>>>>>> Mass Effect, it's so much better that it's not even funny.
  18. The last iteration before the public release. I bet another 4-5 months to get all the bugs squashed. Still nice though.
  19. Linky.
  20. I think your $100 is safe Tarna. As I've stated before, Hillary is a machine politician. She is the safe choice, the known quantity. The party hacks that make up the superdelegates WANT to vote for her. They want a reason to vote for her. If she wins in Pennsylvania (as seems likely) she will have swept all the big populous states. She can not catch Obama in pledged delegates but she is close enough that her wins in Florida and Michigan would have made the difference and the majority of the supers will use that as the pretext for voting for her. A fresh face like Obama riding a populist groundswell scares the machine democrats half to death. I agree, the convention will be where the nomination fight ends and it will be ugly. And Hillary will come out on top. Sadly, i think you're right.
  21. Because it suffers from the same syndrome as Ninja Gaiden: Excellent combat, and a really, really bad story.
  22. I am terribly sorry. On the behalf of every non-american that's out there, i hereby pledge that we, as a people will trouble you no further. We have been fooled by our own systems, that there was somewhere, sometime, a country that was established on the principles of "Freedom, liberty and justice for all". Again, we deeply regret causing you this inconvenience from our ignorance.
  23. I have several reasons on why the US politics interest me: - I have relatives in Montana and Arizona (In Canada as well). It's a family thing. - Our economy is completely dependent on the US economy. It's a economy thing. - Rock n' Roll, bubblegum, musclecars, hollywood and all that. It's a culture thing. - The last thing, speaks for many people, i guess. Very young in school, you read in history class about the american revolution against the british, the declaration of independence and creation of the constitution, the best piece of paper ever written. "Damn, that country sounds like the best thing ever. It is paragorn of freedom and liberty", you think. Add everything from the above statements, and you have created an image, closest thing to an utopia. Then you hear something about that they have to pay for healthcare. But you think: "Well, they're so rich and prosperous, it's like buying a set of shoes for them. Hardly any deal for them, i hope." Then, you hear about having to pay for college or university. But again you think: "Well, they're so rich and prosperous, it's like buying a set of shoes for them. Hardly any deal for them, i hope". Then you hear from your relatives that "that's not exactly the case". Damn, maybe they just need to some time to fix it. They are smart people, and with that enormous wealth of theirs, they can surely afford the best education that there can be, and think things out, you think. Then you turn on american channels on the TV, and let's say for the sake of argument, the FOX news channel. Then your blood starts to boil. You cool yourself down a bit, thinking: "Well, not everyone can be like that, shallow without any substance or integrity". After all, they won the cold war right? You fondly remember Reagan telling Gorbatjev: "Tear down this wall now!". Yeah, can't be that bad, can it? So you go nostalgic and read a bit american history, you know, to ensure that this is just temporary, right? As you read more, you start to wonder: "In the last 100 years, only two parties have had congress, senate and presidency. That doesn't sound like there's enough diversity in the public opinion". Ok, ok. Let's say that they are the only ones with interest of free speech, free press, freedom of religion and so on, and the rest of them are commies or nazis. Then you start to read about the Cold War. Naively thinking that, The Soviets were the supreme being of evil, going into Aghanistan, Hungary, Czeckoslovakia, the whole iron curtain and so on. But then, you read about Guatemala, Iran, Iraq, Nicaragua and start sniffing more about Vietnam. And that's it, the final nail in the coffin with another tour to Iraq. You want to scream: "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! HOW CAN YOU ELECT THESE BAFFOONS?! WHY CONTINUE WITH THIS MADNESS?!" Then you calmly debate on the forums.
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