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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Ok, can someone please explain the last posts in Eurofag? I have no idea what you are talking about.
  2. They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ? More and more people are seeing this as a mistake and wish to decentralize, return to old currencies and work as partners instead. People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration and people are getting fed up with it. A soft democratic process of removing political power from Brussels, abolishment of the multicultural project (which is ironically enough destroying our cultural differences), forced integration, enforced borders and a sound policy of return of refugees will alleviate the worst of sociatal grievances and ensure a calmer future for all europeans nations. Then they can finally make the necessary structural changes to make sure that their central banks are not privately owned and controlled by their governments instead in order effectively destroy the cancer called 'globalism' (for more information on the last part, i would like to refer to the documentary 'The Princes of the Yen'). If not, then we will be heading into a manufactured crisis with a resulting war and a final death in the vein of the poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot. You raise some good points that are relevant to you and your personal experience which I'm sure is shared by many others in the EU In the past I have been a little condescending by these types of comments and said things like " you think you want this but you dont really " ....but I'll explain in more detail what I really mean When you say " People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration " what if you gained these things by leaving the EU but the consequence was the crash or utter dysfunction of your economy? You see basically every person on this forum who lives in the EU has probably only known about life in the EU, its not anyones fault but you guys all live in first world countries where the EU and your governments are functional. You are use to this and unintentionally take this for granted You complain about lack of sovereignty and immigrant quotas being enforced and I understand these things matter but imagine a failed healthcare system, broken government institutions, high unemployment or a government simply not caring what its citizens think. This the reality many countries and there citizens face outside the EU I am not fearmongering but I cannot see how any current member state , outside the UK, could in this current reality of such tight economic integration leave the EU and gets it old currency back and somehow be able to sustain its economy outside the EU....the economic impact would be so severe to the average citizen it would almost unimaginable So imagine a failed economy outside the EU but you have your sovereignty back ...would it matter ? Countries in Europe in recent memory have been utterly destroyed in wars, famine and have had economic depressions. Despite all that, the people in those countries have survived, thrived and risen again thanks to the people inhabiting the land, namely families, traditions and each other at large. That's what kept society together, it was the very foundation of their society and people were ready to die to protect it. When an economic crisis starts anew, it will be a lot more violent if there is no such underlying foundation or if it has been heavily subverted into something meaningless. It was the same thing with empires of older history, as then the legitimacy of the state came from the sovereign and the nobility. They were the foundation of those states and once that was removed, oh boy. An economy in itself is no foundation for any society.
  3. With a ****-eating grin like that, prepare for endless, endless of material for Conan and any other comedian in the following years.
  4. Forced and "forced"; as in no material or expressive privileges for your previous cultural identity and it will be expected of you to join celebrations of local festivities. That is the temperament of a good guest.
  5. They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ? More and more people are seeing this as a mistake and wish to decentralize, return to old currencies and work as partners instead. People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration and people are getting fed up with it. A soft democratic process of removing political power from Brussels, abolishment of the multicultural project (which is ironically enough destroying our cultural differences), forced integration, enforced borders and a sound policy of return of refugees will alleviate the worst of sociatal grievances and ensure a calmer future for all european nations. Then they can finally make the necessary structural changes to make sure that their central banks are not privately owned and controlled by their governments instead, in order to effectively destroy the cancer called 'globalism' (for more information on the last part, i would like to refer to the documentary 'The Princes of the Yen'). If not, then we will be heading into a manufactured crisis with a resulting war and a final death in the vein of the poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot.
  6. I would say that it is better idea than let one country decide who has right to have root name servers and what kind domains there can be. But I have my doubts that things will changes to any direction, as there is already Governmental advisory committee where there are representatives from most of world countries and observers from lots of international organizations. Considering the decentralized american infrastructure, it's constitution and the system of checks and balances, i would say that ICANN is operating at its least lousy place and any move is for the worse.
  7. Wait, what? The organization for handling DNS root name servers and domain names is given to the UN? Who in the blue **** thought that it was a good idea?
  8. Russian Empire exterminate them almost all in XIX century Well, what are you waiting for? Contact your buddies at the Kremlin and have them initialize Project Beauty, a.k.a. the Circissian female revival breeding program, pronto!
  9. Reuters camera feed less open and exlusive about Trump than the Obisidian Mod team: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/09/03/hot-mic-reuters-intentionally-cuts-camera-feed-during-positive-bishop-jackson-remarks-to-trump-in-detroit/ "SHUT IT DOWN!"
  10. Here are all the 58 pages of the FBI investigation: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/article/2600906 Some interesting comments: https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/771869351083474944/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/771870532769869825?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/771875675133337600?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Apparently there's an USB device somewhere with all the archives.
  11. http://www.dailywire.com/news/8876/new-fbi-documents-show-hillary-was-obviously-ben-shapiro lol
  12. Coffee anyone?
  13. Vote for nobody, rise up as men and shape your own destinies with pride over your achievements.
  14. Tell us more about those Circissian girls, oby.
  15. Speak for yourself. You don't speak for me. He speaks for the collective. You are we, we are you. Well as long as we are alike in one very strong way. I speak of course of our hatred of Jose Mourinho. I think everyone on this forum should share my views on politics and support my general sentiment on matters like SJ, this would make debates much less complicated and then we really would all have similar views and get on like that much debated but allusive and metaphorical " forum family " objective we aspire to achieve
  16. ^Somehow i think that it would not have the same success as Avatar.
  17. lol And what are we to do with this? We? Are you surfing this forum in a joint effort with your family? We as in the people reading the forum. Not sure what the family remark is about but oh well. No remark at all, just genuine interest. I am always curious about for whom they mean when people claim to speak for others.
  18. lol And what are we to do with this? We? Are you surfing this forum in a joint effort with your family?
  19. In case you didn't know, the racist ones were originals altered by a troll to become overtly anti-semitic, which ironically enough, was a jew. http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2015/12/22/ben-garrison-how-the-internet-made-a-fake-white-supremacist/ https://ageof****lords.com/meet-ben-garrison-the-internets-most-trolled-cartoonist/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Ryne_Goldberg
  20. Turbo Kid. It was great.
  21. lol http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/28/german-army-wants-security-checks-for-recruits-after-admitting-m/ Even if we don't take to account that multiculturalism and policy importing immigrants to replace population decline effectively undermines social cohesion, public trust in each other, creates ghettofication when the host culture differs too much with the one who is immigrating, should we still be surprised that when you allow thousands of people from countries where women are treated like ****, where moral particularism is expected and adhering to a religion that embraces violence in an expansionist way, that you will see an increase in assaults, violence and rapes? Opening the gates to the third world invites third world problems at your doorstep. Oh, and men are always tribal and will never stop being that as long as women will be the ones giving birth. A small hint on the problems ahead.
  22. Uh, the naked statue of Trump in Central Park? And you have to consider the source here. Is it an accurate comparison if we Have a naked statue of a man, Trump in this case but the statue is just him naked. Its an artist impression.....it means nothing Juxtapose Hilary and Monica with some stupid caption. But Monica had an affair with the husband of Hilary and she was humiliated when it all came out....imagine how Hilary felt? One insult is real and caused real life pain ....and one isn't. How can they be the same? Bruce, i don't know how to tell you this, but Hillary will never love you. Ever.
  23. Words are necessary to explain our thoughts and emotions. Narrowing the amount of words and you narrow the amount of thought. Before you know it, you cannot think of anything because you lack the ability to express it and you have come full circle to yourself and as a new-born child.
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