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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Since when should stupidity make sense?
  2. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/hillary-clinton-tech-guy-asked-reddit-for-email-advice The sheer ineptitude is mind boggling. Guy goes to public forum to ask how to screw emails with an account that can be linked to his real name. And he's their "IT guy". A new congressional hearing would be in order.
  3. TL;DR-version. The guy who deleted Hillary's emails was granted immunity by the FBI was apparently asking Reddit on how to do it
  4. How many bombs are there in NJ alone? five now?
  5. How point to and three get so little attention is quite interesting.
  6. Your capacity for self-delusion never fails to amaze me. I work outside the bounds of dialectical materialism.
  7. Interesting that you omitted that the media was taken for a ruse to show how incompetent they are and how they now have to admit the following instead: Please do a little research before saying " Hilary started the Birther Obama controversy " Its has been debunked many times now, Hilary Clinton did not start this malicious rumour http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/sep/23/donald-trump/hillary-clinton-obama-birther-fact-check/ http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/09/16/no-hillary-clinton-did-not-start-birther-movement/90500762/ Bill Clinton, is that you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYnl6GMOBIA Kate Bolduan is a very astute political commentator, she has the daily show on CNN " State of the Race " and yes the various CNN commentators are right. Trump not only wasted peoples time but he horribly flip flopped on this issue This is something we should all be condemning as it shows how Trump uses the media when it suits him but then whines about " the media is biased and has horrible people working for it " when the " media " doesn't comment on what he likes Why should we be condemning him for using something that is against him and benefiting from it doing what it thinks it should be doing? Normally we praise people for that. So what is it then as I am confused? Is the media as many people on this forum suggest biased against Trump Or is the media not biased when Trump decides to use them? Because as I keep saying the media is not fundamentally biased, the media reports on what candidates do and what they say Let me throw you an analogy on what is going on here. There's an old man of the greatest generation watching Jimi Hendrix playing the national anthem at Woodstock on the TV. The man is wondering what the hell that black guy is doing with the guitar? Why is he playing with his teeth? Why is he making such horrible noices while playing the anthem, and most of all: why is he making such a mockery of it? And what are the kids liking it even talking about? The old man is you and Hendrix is Trump.
  8. Interesting that you omitted that the media was taken for a ruse to show how incompetent they are and how they now have to admit the following instead: Please do a little research before saying " Hilary started the Birther Obama controversy " Its has been debunked many times now, Hilary Clinton did not start this malicious rumour http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/sep/23/donald-trump/hillary-clinton-obama-birther-fact-check/ http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/09/16/no-hillary-clinton-did-not-start-birther-movement/90500762/ Bill Clinton, is that you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYnl6GMOBIA
  9. Interesting that you omitted that the media was taken for a ruse to show how incompetent they are and how they now have to admit the following instead:
  10. That rant in the end, she really has no clue at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1PzWKd2sHo
  11. Trump is the nicest counter-reaction to the current cultural climate of self-flagellation of a dying western civilization. I still find it funny how people are flabbergasted by the support he has, so lets put it this way: In a world where sexual liberation and rock 'n roll is the established norm, how else are people going to rebel as the human condition hates stagnation and sameness?
  12. The only appropriate answer:
  13. Spoken like someone who's never really experienced racism personally. How the hell would you know at all what I've experienced? Course, I'm not going to compete for a place in the victimhood hierarchy, so if you want to make assumptions, all good. You silly, what you are being told is that: <snip> and you should read studies under the guise of "criticism"...found behind university paywalls of course, you pleb. In other news, the Hillary campaign overcharges its poorer donors: http://archive.is/6Al15
  14. She has to go back.
  15. The latest DNC leak, a nice compilation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD7Q5sa_xHo
  16. I have to say that the level of incompetence has surprised me. This is worse than the home computer security of my parents...who are retired...and who are computer illiterate.
  17. Probably because to me (and other like me) it wasn't specifically a giant Icon of 'Murica! I was young enough that "Two Big Buildings" was all they were. And there was no specific thing within that building that contained something that I would relate to America specifically. Empire State Building, Sears Tower and the Statue of Liberty (and to a lesser extent the Chrysler Building) were each a larger icon of 'Murica to me than the Twin Towers ever were, because they were more utilized as a "This is American City!" buildings than the twin towers. Thank you. The Twin Towers were though very strong symbolic significance, bigger than the Empire State Building actually, because otherwise they wouldn't have been a target. The plan, according to Bin Laden himself, was to strike into and undermine the very foundations of western power, namely - Financial Power: The Twin Towers - Military Power: The Pentagon - Political Power: The White House (failed as we all know, and crashed into a field) Not of course to mention how ingrained they were in the classic New York skyline and in pop culture as well. Still though, i appreciate that you told me about you and your friends view, it was interesting in how different people percieved them and the attack at large.
  18. *sigh*I wish we had a government capable enough to partake in conspiracies. Right now they have trouble getting as far as to agreeing where did all the money mysteriously vanish, let alone where to build a new highway or how to chip all the people. Well, you can't fail them for trying their best and effectively ruining public trust. Such things actually takes effort! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWVmG5X40ic
  19. If the Internet would've voted, then Ron Paul would've been president long ago.
  20. It really makes you think.
  21. I thought ancaps went to /liberty/? They are the most annoying though. Debating the merits of child slavery and matricide is quite boring when everyone agrees with you.
  22. A smug frog will bring down the Hillary. What an election. //edit: speaking of 4chan and edgy racism at large, i always picture this when it comes to their /pol/ board: Largest userbase is the trolls and the ancaps are the most obnoxious.
  23. That was interesting. In what year were you born? I am curious since i've noticed that the emotional attachment seems to be more dim in the younger generation, while for older ones, like me and even older, it was a world-changing event. 1988. And also not American - in fact because movies and tv shows always said the Empire State Building was the biggest, I didn't know what the twin towers were until they went down. Thanks for the info, it's appreciated.
  24. I am not trying to guilt trip people into feeling something that they never did. I am genuinely interested in the correlation between people not having the same emotional attachment to something abstract (as the idea and symbol of The Towers of New York was something greater than a couple of big buildings, but an extension of Americanism and western civilization at large) and age. The answers in this thread seems to point in that direction.
  25. Let the speculations begin.
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