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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Ohpleasepleaseplease start burning. Satan's castle cannot be destroyed soon enough. KaineParker: I heard that as well, please start a new thread about that if you haven't already.
  2. Well, I'm glad we know why you say these "good things" against #GamerGate it is so "people" will "like" you. But when I fight for better rights for homosexuals, transgenders, differently abled, women and even goddamn animal rights it is because it is in accordance with my values and also THE RIGHT ****ING THING TO DO you totalitarian two-faced nazi ****. As a European, I can say that I laugh at your totalitarian puritanical horse**** in the same way as I laugh at tea party members, you are the worst of the right wing extremist mother****ers on the planet and I cannot believe that in America you are considered to be on the LEFT side of the spectrum. You took the words out of my mouth.
  3. Arthur Chu you stupid dumb ****, anonymity is the very foundation on how unpopular opinion can exist to begin with. It is what makes it possible to build dissent against the current paradigm. It is what makes it possible for ideas to exist on themselves without the possibility to silence the very people that express them. **** off to China already, they have your utopia already established.
  4. Arthur Chu is just dumb.
  5. http://branch.com/b/gamergate-debate-video-games-free-speech-misogyny Chu slams Pinsof for outing a trans because he reported that they were running a scam. Hotwheels posted an image of Wu working from the same location(over the span of several months, using various interviews and the recent AJ piece) to show that she hasn't moved. I suppose one could argue she's been holed up in a different apartment, but it does look strange. Thanks!
  6. Be strong LC, be strong. Remember that after rain there is always the sun.
  7. Infanticide is ok: Racism, persecution and genocide is ok: Sexism and incest is ok: Institutionalized patriarchy and misogynic violence is ok: .... ... .. . But GTA V is problematic. Please give a counter argument why those are ok and GTA V is not. No "hahaha surely you're joking" or any snide remark. I am dead serious. Either you give logically consistent argument on why those should be allowed while GTA V shouldn't. Otherwise i will continue to meet each and every argument by mocking, laughing or with scorn.
  8. You're just perpetuating the ongoing internalized misogyny in her and all other women. Please tell her to stop, people like to be told that. Especially if they hear that it is better for them because you say so.
  9. Her wallpaper brings some warmth to my earth.
  10. - Anita Sarkeesian on the Japanese value system. https://archive.today/Ffrx6#selection-141.351-145.2
  11. You know when it is a good time for self-reflection or inspection? Pretty much when ACLU is telling you to buzz off. https://twitter.com/thewtfmagazine/status/542082720005111808
  12. A longer rant on anti-GG aren't really fighting for justice: http://i.imgur.com/6HUzloo.png?1 //edit: Is TrueNeutral a happy bunny now?
  13. You do realize that this Harvard member is not just attacking Anita but also the supporters of GG ? He states " Yet this is the modus operandi of GamerGate’s detractors, and its supporters. They are the nearest thing today to engineered narcissists. For they are so slavishly conditioned and socialized to one-sided rhetoric, to invoke Meg Wolitzer, they have butter, but no bread" So we are all idiots to him If you read the links mentioned, you will see that he is attacking Twitter as a communication medium, since it supports narcissistic behaviour. Furthermore, the first paragraph is only about just that. The rest is about the intellectual laziness of Anita ideas. TL;DR-version: She is a champagne-marxist without depth.
  14. "The RED PILL: Your daily dose of Re-programming" The horseshoe theory in action, indeed.
  15. I tried to find his old webpage, but i couldn't find it on web.archive. Bad internet-skills?
  16. Well, what do you know. An anon from Harvard Faculty has taken a look at Anita and GG: http://gamergate.me/2014/12/behind-the-patina-sarkeesian/ //edit: I love how Harada shows the middle finger to those whiners at NeoGAF.
  17. That AbleGamer just manages to confuse everyone now, it seems. But kudos to BruceVC if he actually donates to orphanages of children whose parents had AIDS and helps rape victims. Credit where credit is due.
  18. What's this UVA rape hoax and why does it tie to Gamergate, TrueNeutral?
  19. Anti-GG can sleep well tonight, for they have successfully made sure that disabled people will not get any donations. https://twitter.com/ZenithTheOne/status/541526695212507136
  20. Time to put your tinfoil hats on:
  21. Gnnnn. Halo had great A.I. back in 2001. Is.it.that.difficult? (applied to every game really)
  22. The last two pages were quite interesting to read. Thank you fellas, i will now go on a crusade to ban christmas trees everywhere from this immoral world because im not a loser.
  23. "perpetuating toxic politics" "problematic" "consequences" Nice obfuscation of language there. You just can't write down that a politically incorrect games that undermine the current order are not tolerated and should be removed because too many people like them, now can you?
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