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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. How does the difficulty work? Is it more than more enemy hit points and DPS? If so, how?
  2. Take overstressed, underpayed, and undertrained police officers. Add in negligient attitude to when to use lethal force, and finally add in citizens thinking it is a good idea to argue and even wrestle with cops and you got a disaster in the making. The first part can be fixed with money, training and political will, the final part is just beyond me. What do you wish to accomplish to ****ing around with police officers? They have a legal mandate to shoot to kill.
  3. I think that games journalists should be allowed to have their own unique opinion with regard to this issue; I don't see any reason why they should be made to conform to any particular line of thought. That said I think most people who are "pro" gaming should get worried when retailers start taking arbitrary stands over the content of individual games (while I disagree with it, removing games from shelves that have specific ratings is, IMO, no different from a movie theater chain deciding not to send "XXX-rated" films along with the G, PG, and R films to their multiplexes.) I'm sure each games journalist has their own "feel" on the matter. The problem is the disconnection between them(journalists) and their audience(gamers, developers). Majority of gamers or developers don't want to see games taken out of store shelves. With this and the "Gamers are dead" articles one thing has come abundantly clear: games journalists aren't gamers anymore. Some of them seem to even hate games and gamers. No,no,no, you got it all wrong. The industry is simply growing up, and the journalists with it. They are all mature now with mature tastes. Maturity means no immature fun, exploration and discovery. It means didactic procedures and enlightning experiences on a personal emotional level. Gameplay should not be in the way for the use of a subconcious deconstruction of the ego of the main character. Simply, no fun allowed. I spoke to my mother yesterday about this kind of mentality and it reminds her of the 70's. Everyone was a different degree of communist back then: The cool kids dabbled between standard marxist-leninism, trotskyism, maoism and stalinism, while the social democrats were shunned as pussies with no spine. Anyhow, since these kids were all in university back then and quickly got into positions of power as different pencil pushers and in different government institutions and as journalists. One of their shenanigans was to remove all comic books and "fantasy-escaping" toys from daycare centers and kindergardens, since they were potentially dangerous for the fragile minds of the youth. Mainly, there was this big possibility that they would be stuck in this dangerous fantasy world and not cope, or even have unwarranted expectations of the real world. It was most important that the boys had "normal" toy trucks to play with and that the girls had "normal" dolls to play with. Strangely enough, those kinds of toys and comic books were almost always from Disney and other American/Japanese toy manufacturers. But the journalists had read studies and were, truly, truly concerned, and had found out that toys and comic books, which strangely enough were manufactured in the East block, were much more suited. But hey, those toys had better represention of reality than fantasy, so what you gonna do? By the time they tried to remove Donald Duck comic books from the waiting rooms at hospitals and Mickey Mouse posters from the wall of the childrens dentists, the Medical Sciences started to have enough and did some investigations and found these claims about "dangerous fantasies" to be BS. It sure took a while, but in the end, they couldn't win against empirical data that was provided by the scientific community. She said that it completely died out by the time international TV stations started to be broadcasted into people's homes with their Transformers, M.A.S.K. and other shows, since well, the kids loved them. Me included. The difference today is that the medium is different and it is the children of these people that are thinking of what is best for us in the mask being 'mature'.
  4. Speaking bans and censorship, this is still relevant, because it is just a matter of time before we will see congressional/senate hearings on games violent against women:
  5. ^I liked to woman you posted, not your opinion on women smoking btw
  6. ...The whole point of the article is that it's not a ban, it's a privately-owned retailer deciding that distributing the games in question is more trouble for them than it's worth. So obviously, if Gone Home was banned (for any reason), they would've written a completely different article because that would be a completely different situation entirely. Duh. Some moral panics are different than others.
  7. The link really undermines the neutrality of the article. They are right in saying that Target has a say in what they sell on their stores just like the consumer can go elsewhere where the game is sold. The article has its leftist leaning but for the most part it makes its point well, inadvertently offers some suggestions (some which have already been put into action) and remains unoffensive. Which is a bit bothering because it leaves me without someone to blame as well. I somehow wonder if they would've written a similar article if Gone Home was banned because of homosexual material.
  8. Yeah. It's a Korean MMO called Black Desert, most likely it will never see the light of day out west. Boo
  9. What? A women sitting at a table in a bar, wearing high-heel shoes, blood red lipstick while enjoying every inhale...slowly is daym sexay.
  10. Family values means that you should shield your children from adulthood in every possible way....i think.
  11. More devs anonymously talk about gamergate and the gaming industry in general:
  12. I am not sure what you guys are talking about, but i wholeheartingly agree that Blade Runner is possibly one of the best Sci-Fi-movies ever.
  13. While on a break, why not listen to some upliftning words from a guy that has the most awesome shirt since the Philae landing on the Comet.
  14. Is this another of those games that will never be released in the west?
  15. I wonder what Anita & McIntosh thinks of getting stolen money. If you examine any issue there is almost never a singular cause. Its a domino effect of a variety of things that fall together to form the pattern we see, which is why I don't address cause in general in my prior statements. Knowing that its not the root problem doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to prevent the "symptoms". And honestly a lot of people need to learn that being asked for things you've said you'd deliver isn't harassment in and of itself (otherwise, bosses the world over are harassing their employees); just as harassment is a problem claiming harassment to avoid the consequences of ones actions is also a problem. Well, i have to concede that terms like personal responsibility and good parenting are quite broad statements as well. They might encompass the problem described, they might not, depending on how they are defined.
  16. Or maybe, just maybe people should go to the root of the problem. Harrasment does not happen out of thin air, it does not pass the membrane from another existence. I know i am quite radical for suggesting this, but maybe it comes from back home, maybe it comes from bad parenting and bad rolemodels for children. But we cannot have that, since that demands personal responsibility to look into ourselves as children and to as parents and realize the ugly truth about ourselves and how miserable we are. No, lets get rid of any responsibility and blame patriarchy, video games and toxic culture instead. The truth is simply too ugly to face directly. Oh btw, my professor says that there are 'truths' to begin with. That guy is sooo cool and postmodern. - Case in point, look at this kickstarter, funded to 200% https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/deviever/console-ii-cartridge-based-multi-fx-guitar-pedal/posts/1071510 - The person behind the kickstarter also has a Patreon, ofcourse: http://www.patreon.com/PixelGoth Well, it turns out that he/she couldn't deliver what was promised, refused to pay back to kickstarter backers and donated all the money to Feminist Frequency instead. All while trying to sell his/her music because otherwise people will enable harrasment.
  17. TrueNeutral says that all needs to be said on the matter. Now for some more real idiocy, Target Australia pulls GTA V from the shelves after customer concern: https://drive.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=http://www.target.com.au/medias/marketing/corporate/PDF/media-release/GTA-Media-Release-v2.pdf&embedded=true Why won't someone think about the virtual women? The virtual men? well **** them anyway. And in other news, Kickstarter is ok with their employees being racists against whites: http://www.reddit.com/r/kickstarter/comments/2ny7vk/news_kickstarter_community_manager_openly_making/ This ride will not end until a huuuuge scandal of Shakespearian proportions or if they manage to try to shut down the 1st amendment of the US.
  18. Brad answers to his harassers that their behaviour is not acceptable: http://www.littletinyfrogs.com/article/459705/Have_people_lost_their_collective_minds //edit: nvm, already posted.
  19. Oh dear. https://twitter.com/Nero/status/539874586872266753
  20. What about? A guy drew some comics that Brad liked and asked for a resume. ZQ did some digging and found out that he did some NSFW-comics as well about her, and is now accusing Brad of trying to hire bullies to Starsoft. RPS and Jim Sterling(huh?) jump in and condemn him for this: https://twitter.com/draginol/status/539809241515962368 That's mind blowingly idiotic, but par for the course with those people, I guess. Probably just butthurt her medium tantrum about ethics wasn't picked up due to being full of ****. Also, what's the deal with Anthony Burch? I keep hearing something about neopotism, porn, and failed marriage but I have no idea what's going on. Anthony Burch is best....left alone. The guy seems to have severe psychological issues and is spewing crap like that Tait guy.
  21. What about? A guy drew some comics that Brad liked and asked for a resume. ZQ did some digging and found out that he did some NSFW-comics as well about her, and is now accusing Brad of trying to hire bullies to Starsoft. RPS and Jim Sterling(huh?) jump in and condemn him for this: https://twitter.com/draginol/status/539809241515962368 //edit: Kathryn Long from Bioware and John Walker from RPS are also piling on: https://twitter.com/Chriss_m/status/539841927919980544
  22. Don't worry. Just read my post (#164) and feel awesome again. Donate to my Patreon.
  23. ZQ is calling Brad Wardell a liar again on twitter. Most likely hilarity will ensue. Meanwhile, something to think about:
  24. When a setting, fantasy or not, does not follow its own rules, it is usually the result of sloppy and lazy writing. Bear in mind, i haven't read the thread that carefully. But at the same time, i wouldn't venture into a Star Trek-convention and say "It's just Sci-Fi, what's the matter with you people"
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