Following the first topic about "Fast Switching shield" and from the discovery @tackthumb find (in the comments of the second link, below)
There is two weapons you can switch between them to create a "breaking loop", the first as buff for your party, and the second as most powerful CC effect for enemies with shield or meidum/heavy armor. Of course, some other weapons could be great for fast switching character, but these ones are certainly the most impressives.
For AI script:
Have weapon set 1 and weapon set 2 with the weapons or schield you want to switch between. Then, if you set up a script with whatever trigger ( have a Constitution affliction, set to NO) that simply switches between weapon sets all the time (gets executed per game loop - so several times per second). (from @Boeroer explanation in the first topic, below)
The first weapon is restricted to Chanter, it is Sasha'S Singing Scimitar with the enchantment Companion's Prelude. According to the Wiki description, Aura: 2% stacking Action Speed bonus for each held Chanter Phrase).
The Action Speed bonus is working on current action for them in the aura. That mean, for each Scimitar switch, the bonus is applied and cut the action time for the party (the weapon animation like the reload move for Arbalest is not skipped however).
So with a chanter who constantly switch between these weapon sets the party will benefit from chant + scimitar buff.
Multiclassed with a rogue to riposte when attacked, with some armor like Blackened Plate Armor or Kāhako Nihi, etc, used to link an Ectopsychic Echo or Dimensional Shift, summoning many lives skellies, etc, this character locked is not unactive of course.
The second weapon can be used by anyone, and he dont need to be locked for the whole fight : Thundercrack Pistol with the enchantment Charged Field (Aura (excludes self): -10% Action Speed, -5 Melee Accuracy (if a shield, medium armor, or heavy armor is equipped).
So however have one of these items is instantly "stunned" by an indefinitely extended recovery time (like for Strand of Favor, +10% recovery time each time the AI switche to the pistol give quickly some absurd numbers). It is also doable in solo run because once you have "charged" enemies for some IRL minutes, you are free to stop the AI script and take a regular weapon : enemies will stay charged for a long time.
This is a nice way to try some stuffs on some bosses.
To illustrate my point, Dorudugan was locked down after his first hit against my lvl13 party, for the test. Too bad none of my characters could hit him because their too low level, and after some minutes IRL of Fast Switching Weapon, my character with the Thundercrack Pistol did stop the AI script : Dorudugan was stopped for at less one hour IRL at this point.
Of course, not everyone are concerned by the conditions, but be careful to not have a character in your party with one of them, or you should wait - with no way to know how many time.
Berath and Eothas have an armor by the way, so technically a level 1 watcher with any Miss-to-graze item can kill them...
Link mentionned on top of the topic :