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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/15 in all areas

  1. Please take the discussion regarding Baladas and his issue tracking posts to another thread. I would like to keep these comments more focused on the issues relating to 1.05 so the devs can quickly find and fix them. If these comments devolve into bickering the devs will have a more difficult time finding problems in the beta. Thanks.
    3 points
  2. Chances are this is related to this. EDIT: Unrelated, but I've just noticed that 1.5 shows "Interrupt" and "Concentration" in the character record. Nice touch Any chance they'll get a small icon next to them like other items shown in there (accuracy, damage, defenses, damage reduction)? Also, could any dev shed some light on how exactly Interrupt and Concentration are calculated?
    1 point
  3. @FlorianGh "Then you haven't played Wasteland 2. It had a lot more bugs then PoE and they were ironed. I think the devs are doing a great job, my only complain is the log of the dialogue/combat size that gets reset every time I launch the game." Just because someone else did it does not make it right. I also said I know they are working to fix it. That does not mean I have no right to be upset for buying a faulty product.
    1 point
  4. @ Jazou Don't confuse two separate issues and assume it is something it is not, i.e my posts to highlight bugs and my, justified, frustration as a customer. I am updating the thread as I go as I can't edit old ones. I am not trolling, I am making them aware because the last time I posted on this thread for patch 1.04 Darren, a dev, was very happy that I posted it and kept it updated. If you notice my with my updates I also update to remove fixed issues once they are addressed. Anyhow, think as you like, I can't change someones opinion, but I am simply posting the updates for ease of reference and so they are noticed. If you consider it trolling, that's your opinion, nothing else. Not one other person has complained about it, in fact people have appreciated it, including the devs. And if people do start to complain about it, then great, that means the thread has been duly noticed and the bugs stand more chance of coming to the community and devs attention. By the way, what do you think writing an open letter will achieve? Some empty words of commiseration? Will they change the way they operate and release games due to my letter? You know the answers to that, so there would be no point in writing such a letter. Why do these post bother you so much anyway? It make no sense that you would be upset for me trying to get these issues to the devs attention, who have already shown appreciation, in order for them to fix them. Thank you for your suggestions though. Once patch 1.05 is release I will compile a new thread with the existing bugs and post them all again in all the patch threads. Hopefully they can address the most common remaining bugs in patch 1.06.
    1 point
  5. Hi there - the fix for that is in 564+ coming soon. Thanks!
    1 point
  6. It's in the Options menu, under the Game tab I believe. Ah, that's probably the last place I would have looked for it. We are going to put together a short video showing off the new features and how to access them. This will go out when we send out our next backer update.
    1 point
  7. Again with the nerfs!!? Why? Why can't you just buff the weak instead of nerfing the strong? Screw this patch.
    1 point
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