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Xaratas last won the day on August 2 2015

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About Xaratas

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    (7) Enchanter
    (7) Enchanter

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  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/5 Release! Download. Now!
  2. It's json, where is the place you would see a comment handler in a json parser? Show me a C# json library with such crazy feature, and then it has a tiny chance obsidian like it and include it.
  3. I allways see the guid generator. Thats not needed at all. The rule is to only use hex digits, and then you can create numbers like this: With a prefix for you self and an count for your mods. That way will make it more easy to track down a modded file and brings some ordering in the mods in general. "$type": "Game.GameData.WeaponGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "First_Mod_Great_Sword", "ID": "AA000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
  4. What he wanted to say is, that you can do that: https://github.com/AurelioSilver/pillarsofeternity-2-german-patch/blob/master/exported/localized/de_patch/language.xml And have a new language to select ingame. And yes. Translating it all could take a while, after all its 1 million words again. We will see what the Hungarian fan translation will become.
  5. Hm, how to remember which conversation that was. I don't think that the conversation matters directly for the access to memory not owned by PoE 2. I closed all Headhunts for Dessiral in Stauholz. DxDiag.txt
  6. I can finally plunder the luminus adra mill? Good!
  7. These are called iconography's. Ligatures are the combination of letters with a longer stroke. The used font has the iconography's only for the base European letters. It's this font https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/estudio-ch/espinosa-nova/capitular-i/glyphs.html so you have to ask the designer to draw the missing glyphs: Cristóbal Henestrosa
  8. Output log: https://www.sendspace.com/file/803hum Crashdump: https://www.sendspace.com/file/gg3mqn 30 days links. Crashdump contain all crashes which were laying around. Log is for the newest crashdump. Mostly access violation, one nullpointer, one privileged exeption and so on.
  9. Korean translation is exclusive available by Direct Games. And I know of no one who has put the files somewhere accessible.
  10. Question to you all: Is the number of injuried crew on top of the worldmap correct? Do they heal after picking them up and putting them back to the resting slot?
  11. Quest and Conversation Editor, i have there something for PoE 1. It should be not that hard to update it for PoE 2. https://github.com/Xaratas/PillarsOfEternity-Quest-Editor
  12. For the files use https://www.sendspace.com/ the forum is a bit to strict. Also include the output.log. See the sticky for the location of that.
  13. Nope, there were only a few new texts. And these are for the new ui elements.
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