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About araj123

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  1. Man this is a dream coming true not gonna lie. A skyrim like rpg from Obsidian? In the PoE Universe? Here please take my money! I am more hyped for this than i am for cyberpunk and that is saying something given that ive only seen a few minute trailer.
  2. Sorry if this was already asked. Are there any plans for VR support?
  3. No law against being completely, logically, and factually wrong. I agree though, auto correct is terrible. factually wrong? :D alright please enlighten me then. I am not sure if you've played an Epic shadowdancer in BG2 but the Things you can pull off with the clone HLA there is Nothing that Comes close in deadfire. It Pretty much turns the class into a caster. You can do double timestops and stuff like that. You just claimed one class, not only class, but one subclass, from BG2 had more combat options and techniques than every class in Deadfire combined, including all the multiclass, and subclass variants. Yes. your opinion is factually wrong. Combat Options? No. Depth? Yes. Yes. Your opinion is factually incorrect.
  4. No law against being completely, logically, and factually wrong. I agree though, auto correct is terrible. factually wrong? :D alright please enlighten me then. I am not sure if you've played an Epic shadowdancer in BG2 but the Things you can pull off with the clone HLA there is Nothing that Comes close in deadfire. It Pretty much turns the class into a caster. You can do double timestops and stuff like that. Just Name one ability in deadfire that has as much Depth as the SDs clone HLA … or Simulacrum … or Project Image … or mislead … list goes on
  5. By the same coin you can take the entire set of skills of any of the fighter classes and compare them to BG2 and say BG2 doesn't hold a candle to Deadfire. Arguably that's an even more important case since it distributes the complexity and micromanaging more towards all classes and thus all characters, and thus in practice non-caster types are made into active roles opposite to the usual auto-attack bots that they are in the IE games. Even if the depth of the wizard/mage is reduced (I don't see how it is, but let's pretend it is so), it is pretty clearly made up for in other areas. An Epic Level fighter does get actives though but yea i do agree that some classes are Kind of bland in BG2. However it is a Party game so you will have casters in your Group Right? Could you imagine a spell like Mislead or Simulacrum in Deadfire? it would get nerfed into he Ground immediately for the sake of "balance". There were some fun Things in the game Right after launch but all of it got taken care of. Left is a very shallow Gameplay experience no matter which class you Play. I dont know i think an Epic Level Shadowdancer has more Depth to it than all Deadfire classes combined so yea … P.S. holy crap autocorrect is terrible
  6. If a fight is designed around the players knowledge of how to exploit the game systems, it is a bad fight. It's a problem with most high level D&D campaigns. The most enjoyable levels to play in D&D are, roughly speaking, 4 or 5 to something like 13 to 15. In the lowest levels, dying is too easy, and once you become substantially powerful, the game loses much of its appeal. Funnily enough, this applies to both PnP and CRPG, in my view. PnP remains slightly more enjoyable at high levels, because a human GM is always, and without exception, more intelligent than the AI of a CRPG. For instance, if a human GM is being remotely serious, a group of let's say six adventurers will realistically never beat a demi-lich (and if they do, they are so powerful that the best thing would be simply to retire and start over). But in BG2, beating a demi-lich is dead easy once you know what to do. So yeah, high level D&D campaigns aren't that great. I disagree. For me Epic Levels are the most fun. BG3 after you've become the god of murder would be so awesome. Killing other gods and stuff i'd love that so much. Consider your own plane which you have to defend against other gods then invade their planes and kill them off oh well. Anyway, yes BG2 is better, by far. It's not even close. Perhaps because i grew up with DnD and love the Setting so much i might be biased a bit. However just compare the arcane spellbook to Deadfires and it's quite clear. Deadfire doesn't come close to the depth of BG2.
  7. If this isnt too much of a hassle would someone be up to do this?
  8. I think there are mods already that change the scaling so if these people can do it surely OBS can do it too?
  9. How could you even think this is a bug like please eloberate I think its fair to assume that OP is trolling Perhaps he doesnt like it but that doesnt mean its a bug
  10. I think they should get rid of the max +6 lvl scaling and just let everything scale up to player level
  11. Active buffs overwrite/suppress like buffs Example: If you use that fighter buff with mirror images on a battlemage, the game will take the higher of the two deflection bonuses and use that. Passives, on the other hand, can be freely combined with no bonus suppression. Everything on the right hand side of your skill tree when you level is a passive. Those abilities do not suppress each other or actives. Everything on the left is active. Those things do not stack with each other, but stack with the passives. Deep Faith is a passive and way more versatile than Vigorous Defensive because Deep Faith can be combined with any deflection bonus (including VD). Vigorous Defense, on the other hand, gets suppressed by any other active ability that provides the same bonus. Vigourus Defense + Mirror Images does not fully work. You only get one of the bonuses to deflection Deep Faith + Mirror Images does work. Both deflection bonuses stack! Is that really how it works? Cause i am pretty sure Llengraths Safeguard or Circle of Protection does stack with other actives such as Arcane Veil etc. Although Llengraths and Circle of Prot dont stack with each other. Perhaps because they both add to all defenses?
  12. You can get to 20 with barely any faction quests done and a lot of content still available
  13. This doesnt happen if you play Monk just saying
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