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So I decided to take the developer preferred path. Found it in one of the topics here and it states to do White March pt1 at level 7. I have done this while taking the Ogre matron path first and leveling up and doing Longwatch Falls afterwards, but this time I wanted to pick up the Devil of Caroc asap. Thing is I can't do much vs the enemies in this area at level 7. I also didn't bring a priest or a druid this time around. Most enemies, but most notably the Lagufaeth and Ice Blights, literally two shot my party members doing 70 damage a pop. Only my paladin remains up for a bit, but everyone else just stands there getting perma cc-ed and then die.


Is Longwatch Falls that much higher level than Russetwood?


I also remember playing through these areas with a barbarian and fighter respectively and it was quite quite painful for my barbarian. Having to rest A LOT, and I don't like having to rest, ever. Fighter snored through it.

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Is Longwatch Falls that much higher level than Russetwood?

Yes. The guy who sends you there mentions that it's a deathtrap and refers you to Thyrsc (who also tells you to stay away and then gives you a couple of potions that might "help"). A level 12 party is probably going to be ok, but there are level 14 enemies on that map, so proceed with caution.

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Hm, ahah. My party is like the dumbest combination of fools as well. Front line is Pallegina and Maneha and Itumaak. Then Kana and my cipher, followed by Aloth and Sagani. They don't have anything going right off the bat, so I just lure enemies out and cheese them like a ****, but I really don't want to use scrolls and potions and stuff on normal enemies. 


Funny note, the game records them as higher ranking enemies than the dragons. Strongest enemy defeated, the Lagufaeth Broodmother (not scaled) overrides both Sky and Adra Dragon.

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Strongest enemy defeated is dependent upon who is in the party. If the NPC who defeated the adra dragon isn’t with you, then it won’t show on that screen.

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I have done this while taking the Ogre matron path first and leveling up and doing Longwatch Falls afterwards, but this time I wanted to pick up the Devil of Caroc asap. 


But Devil of Caroc is not in Longwatch Falls.


I just realized that. Don't know why I thought that. Lol.

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Longwatch Falls is a tough area, and a level 7 party will struggle there. I usually don't go there until I've cleared out Durgan's Battery, and thus usually have a level 11 or 12 party by then. Having a druid in the party can really help with crowd control. Opening with an Overwhelming Wave, followed by Returning/Relentless Storm can bring a quick end to most encounters. In fighting Lagufaeth, it really helps too to have a Priest who is 9+ level, who can cast Prayer Against Imprisonment. Also, if you're having trouble, don't take the Gleaming Society Bounty until you've cleared out the Lagufaeth; the Gleaming Society baddies spawn very close to a nasty bunch of Lagufaeth and Ice Blights, and if you aggro both groups it will be a very tough fight for low level parties.

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Longwatch Falls is a tough area, and a level 7 party will struggle there. I usually don't go there until I've cleared out Durgan's Battery, and thus usually have a level 11 or 12 party by then. Having a druid in the party can really help with crowd control. Opening with an Overwhelming Wave, followed by Returning/Relentless Storm can bring a quick end to most encounters. In fighting Lagufaeth, it really helps too to have a Priest who is 9+ level, who can cast Prayer Against Imprisonment. Also, if you're having trouble, don't take the Gleaming Society Bounty until you've cleared out the Lagufaeth; the Gleaming Society baddies spawn very close to a nasty bunch of Lagufaeth and Ice Blights, and if you aggro both groups it will be a very tough fight for low level parties.

Yeah I'm not bringing a Priest or Druid in this party, because they are broken. I've cleared this area at level 9 before, but with a completely different party.

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  • 10 months later...

My fully geared level 11 party, even though I am not using scaled difficulty, was wiped there ! 


FIRST ATTEMPT against the Lagufaeths on the hot springs of Longwatch Falls : 

My skirmishers (Barbarian, Monk and Winter Fox) dived in too deep on a plateau with Lagufaeths... they pulled a horde of them with two Broodmothers. 



  • No defensive position : too many of them were shooting paralyzing darts at us 
  • My Wizard gained aggro too fast and was constantly being paralyzed 
  • Some do massive damage, the Broodmothers I think [2 on Hard difficulty].  Even with 20+ damage reduction and while using potions and Lay on hands... Eder and Pallegina fell hard in the end.  
  • Overconfident : my party was crushing all other battles using only their "Per Encounter" abilities, so my level 11 party was really not afraid of Lagufaeths...  Deadly mistake! 


  • I used the ramp going up to the plateau as a defensive position and my tanks were able to hold the line 
  • I pulled a part of the horde instead of the whole lot 
  • Therefore my Wizard and skirmishers were able to not get paralyzed and we killed them easily. 

But that was with a full level 11 party ! 


There is at least another tough fight near-by (Gleaming... and yes I pulled both groups :p), which I won "easily" using many powerful spells (have not completed the whole map yet though).


For that one, I also used a tight area so my tanks could hold the line (and retain most aggro: essential) and my caster could stay back and use powerful spells.  I really do not know if a level 7 party can pull it off, maybe using two to three casters doing all they can. 


ps: ! Other warning ! : though Crägholdt Bluffs is on the way and naturally feels a thing to visit... it is about level 14 ! :D  At least, there, you can fight only a group at a time and realize your folly.  In Longwatch Falls, you die hard to discover what lies there.

Edited by Baraz
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  • 3 weeks later...

Follow-up for new players who may be wondering ... and hence finding this thread. 


I came back to Crägholdt Bluffs with a level 13 full party and crushed all those who tried to kill us. 

It was not my strongest party (only one caster). 
Was still risky/tough and we took plenty of damage. 


Therefore I imagine it can be done at levels 11 and 12 : depends on tactics and luck/badluck. 


Mild spoiler concerning Mechanics : 

the traps are rather high level, over 10 Mechanics skill and even then 11 is not enough... but there are ways to survive anyhow. 

Edited by Baraz
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