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George Lucas


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Can anybody explain to me, in all fairness, how did this individual ever manage to become a director and a multi-millioner producer ?!?


Is he a marketing genious who first understood how you can't understimate the stupidity of the American public, or is he dumber then dumb himself and simply found sucess out of sheer dumb luck ?!?


I don't get it. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Willow, Howard the Duck, all extremely sucessful movies, all immensely dumb. He's like a rabid 13 (actually, make that 9) years old who found himself in the body of a full grown man and established film maker.


Now i don't have the whole scope of his filmography, so i don't know if he ever made any films that weren't targeted to 5 years olds, but, is his position justified at all ?!?


I kinda of enjoyed the second Star Wars film (which he didn't write nor directed), and the Indiana Jones movies (which he didn't direct either), but i still can't understand what to make of it.


And yet, looking at the new lows Hollywood reatches everyday and how succesful they are, i can't but concur his filmography style (that is, make your movie as dumb as you can) is a deliberate strategy out of his keen understanding of the idiocy of his own audience.



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I vaguely remember THX-1138 as an interesting movie, can't comment on American Grafitti though...


Lucas once told in an interview (sorry, no source) that the first Starwars and Indiana Jones movies were something like a realisation of his childhood fantasies.


Perhaps the success of the first movies reflected that, good old fashioned comic book entertainment, made the way he liked it, and it showed. Later, he probably sold out and made movies and tv-series that he expected would sell.


Just a thought. Might not be related to truth in any way...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Lucas once told in an interview (sorry, no source) that the first Starwars and Indiana Jones movies were something like a realisation of his childhood fantasies.

Translation: Shamelessly stolen from the pulp novels, b-movies, and comic books he liked when he was 12.

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Please. He's one of the most successful directors; because despite some of his failures; he's quite simply one of the better ones. Period. And, your hatred towards Ameirkans is laughably weak considering his movies do quite well in many different countries so it has nothing to do with 'dumb Amerikans'. Pathetic.


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I was under the impression he only directed the first movie in the original trilogy.

All things in life require luck. Lucas didn't create Starwars by himself. Lucas is succesful because he owns a valuable franchise he hired some very talented people to help him create, sucessfuly marketed toys and spin-offs and has a extreemely loyal fanbase.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Hey - don't blame Lucas, blame the audience.


If you had the opportunity to make billions by exploiting the weaknesses of a large group of people without causing them any lasting harm would you not do it??


Anyway, the original Star Wars trilogy kicks ass and you can't argue with that (except for the Ewoks of course)!

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Darth Raden, one of the writers at kotorfanfic.com here. I agree with Arrow, this Adria is definitely a troll (Adria does NOT look like that black woman. The troll probably just grabbed that photo off the Net. Either that or the troll's real ugly). Also, we suspect that Raven is the troll. You have been warned, Raven, and even though I am a so-called "noob" and do not have the power to ban you, I'm saying that it is YOU who should stfu. Raden out.

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I still find it hard to believe that it's the same George Lucas who did 'American Grafitti' that did the Star Wars prequels.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

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- Friedrich Nietzsche


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