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Favorite lightsaber

What is your favorite lightsaber choice  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite lightsaber choice

    • Single with Jedi color (blue, green, yellow, purple)
    • Single with Sith color (red)
    • Dual with Jedi colors
    • Dual with Sith color
    • Staff Saber (Double ended) Jedi colors
    • Staff Sith color

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I'll take a single, violet lightsaber, please.  Dual wielding is just so stylistically bankrupt.

Indeed. In real life duel, it just wouldn't work...

in real life duel... well, lets just say there are no lightsabers

Ever heard of suspention of disbelief ?!? Apparently not...

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Back when Darth Maul ignited the second half of his staff saber, that was cool. Since then, we've been fed staff sabers down our throats with different games. There has to be a reason why none other than Maul had it in the movies. Vader, Obiwan, Quigon, Luke and some hundred random jedi and padawan in the end of Ep2.

If a staff saber "pwns" an ordinary saber, why doesn't the major characters use them?


The only reason to use a staff saber in kotor was to have another running animation than the 2 weapons one. The 2 weapons running anim was really bad. Ah well.

"You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin temple." Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon

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For some it doesn't fit their fighting style. That and they wanted it to seem rare and exotic so they didn't give many characters duel sabers or else it would seem like at the time they were a basic easy to create saber that any jedi could get their hands on, But if I recall, someone in ATOC, had a 3 bladed saber. Now that was weird. I like the staff saber and have no complaints about it

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I would always take advantage of the Darth Bandon glitch,so Sith Staff it is for me.

The glitch? Is that Bandon's 'special' lightsaber? I've played Kotor 6 times and always got a regular saber. damn, some people are lucky.

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...It is wildly superior to just having a single lightsaber. Why anyone but the lowliest apprentices, let alone Malak, use a single saber, is a mystery. 


Because making and using a normal saber is already very hard. Luke failed the first time he tried to construct a lightsaber.


You guys think dual wielding isn't stylish? well look at the poll to see what the other people think..


And I'm one of them I think dual wielding looks pretty cool. And in real life it is possible to fight with 2 blades at once, not regular blades, but special blades. There once was a show in my town of people demonstrating Samurai. It looked really cool and they also fought with 2 blades at once sometime.


I really don't let the anyone dictate what's 'cool' to me. And anyway this isn't a competetion, there can't really be a winner since this is what each of us likes personaly. As for samurai(and reality), note that virtually every school uses a single blade, and that this was a show. That being said this is a game and you should have the option to use whatever you want. Just don't expect me to think it's cool.




Anyway the lightsaber is supposed to be an extension of a jedi and a symbol of his connection to the force. It is supposed to be secondary to the jedi's skill and power not the source, it's a tool. Another thing I wonder about is why any number of jedi would want to use something as aggressive as the staff, since it's value is decidedly tilted in favor of offence(also, how do the keep their robe intact using the thing?) To me, It just looks cooler to walk into a room full of enemies armed wit a single saber or gun. I wonder if there'll be a saber bubble shield at this rate...

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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also lohenrin,if people with single sabers suck,then why are they the ones alive at the end of the films? 8) darth maul,staff.....dead

anakin,dual sabers.......he lost

as you can see perhaps u are wrong


i also think that a single saber represents true skill,someone who can empty a room with a single saber is more skilled than one who needs 2 to do it B)


eitherhow,this ain't a competition,why are we even argueing?

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Dual wield had never been used in SW until Anakin made it 'cool'. And even then it was a saber thrown to him by Obi-Wan. it allowed him a few extra attacks but that was useless against Dooku's precision. He is a master duelist. Anakin had no chance. Expect Darth Sidious to use a single lightsaber if he fights in Ep3.

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The single saber is also more "traditional" in the films. Another reason why is it so widely used. Why in every movie the staff has to be the bad guys weapon if a weapon at all I dunno. It has alot of defencive possibilities. Alot of skill it takes to use a single saber propperly and be able to match up in defencive capabilities to a staff, yes, makes it a better weapon in ur eyes. In my opinion the basic saber is a little too simple single sword like. But thats just my opinion

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also lohenrin,if people with single sabers suck,then why are they the ones alive at the end of the films? 8) darth maul,staff.....dead

anakin,dual sabers.......he lost

as you can see perhaps u are wrong


i also think that a single saber represents true skill,someone who can empty a room with a single saber is more skilled than one who needs 2 to do it B)


eitherhow,this ain't a competition,why are we even argueing?

Im talking about the game, not the movies. In the movies using anything more than a single saber seems to require exceptional skill and they are hard to construct or come by. In the game there are lightsabers everywhere and it doesnt take much to master two weapon fighting.

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.


-John Rogers

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In the game there are lightsabers everywhere and it doesnt take much to master two weapon fighting.

Yeah, but that's a design flaw, so the argument it's moot.


Dual wielding is an idiotic concept that has been really popular for the mere fact it looks 'cool', and we all know all the whiny little 13 years old wussies always have to go for the 'cool' thing. As odd as it sounds considering their age, they seem to have little to no imagination.


In a world where one lightsaber hit would mean instant death, brandishing two light sabers would be suicide.


Dual wielding has rarely been a pratical solution in almost all melee combat scenarios, and even then it involved the use of small, secondary weapons.


Worst yet, there have been even less instances where dual wielding has ever been used in the context of dueling (as opposed to open combat).

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It's not a design flaw, this is 4000 years before star wars when jedi/sith/sabers were very common, and weren't regaurded with such as in Episode one where only one or two people u will ever see on a remote world will have them. Besides, give the player the choice.

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Staff sabers would be so dangerous, one wrong move and you slice off your own ear. Single red saber all the way. Single saber single handed style - like Darth Vader. I love how Vader fights he uses only one hand and then only brings on the second hand at the crucial moment to get more strength.

"For ourselves, we shall not trouble you with specious pretences- either of how we have a right to our empire because we overthrew the Mede, or are now attacking you because of wrong that you have done us- and make a long speech which would not be believed; and in return we hope that you, instead of thinking to influence us by saying that you did not join the Lacedaemonians, although their colonists, or that you have done us no wrong, will aim at what is feasible, holding in view the real sentiments of us both; since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

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In a world where one lightsaber hit would mean instant death, brandishing two light sabers would be suicide.


there also the fact that a lightsaber's blade is weightless since it is energy so you could probably loose control of it very easily so it would be pretty hard concentrating on one saber let alone two.


One thing i wish they had in A game would be a dual phase lightsaber (like the Halcyons) adds to the intimidation factor against non-jedi opponents :p

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I really don't let the anyone dictate what's 'cool' to me. And anyway this isn't a competetion, there can't really be a winner since this is what each of us likes personaly. As for samurai(and reality), note that virtually every school uses a single blade, and that this was a show. That being said this is a game and you should have the option to use whatever you want. Just don't expect me to think it's cool.

I am just stating my opinion, and I don't mean to tell anyone else what they should think is cool because my opinion is mine and I don't give a damn about what someone else thinks... Well, exeption for influencal people like the devs, who control what will be in the game...


I think a 1 on 1 battle is cool with a single bladed lightsaber, but hacking trough an army of sith like on the Star Forge with 2 lightsabers, looked way cooler. My opinion.


As for the double bladed lightsaber, it would look way cooler (and actually serve it's purpose) if you would actually be able to fight more then 1 guy at once.

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Fighting more then one guy at once eh? That is a good idea in theory but the double bladed already serves a purpose. The double bladed saber causes more damage to targets then the single saber. Fighting two targets at once is a good idea though. :p

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How bout they make a throwing star light saber, or a rocket launcher that fires light sabers. C'mon, stick with the single bladed light saber (small and large) and keep the staff saber (might as well, its too late to get rid of it now). BUT, how about a light saber that has a really fat light. Make it look like a Conan sword or if your familiar, the Tetsusaiga (adult swim junkie).

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