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Bug? Haunts trigger Retaliation Wildcard


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Sounds like that. If it would not be "auto defeated", it would go back to the deck. So it seems to behave same way as for example Dr Habe and blessing of the gods. But is it good combinations with the Retaliation... Have to try that scenario more often myself... Good find!

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The Haunt has no check to defeat and instructs to set the card aside. The Retaliation wildcard should only trigger on defeat, but the haunt is technically never defeated. Intended?

I reported that bug way back when, so I wouldn't hold my breath on them fixing it (the devs have bigger fish to fry, certainly), but you're correct - the Haunts are NEVER defeated, automatically or otherwise, and they have nothing to do with the way you beat Habe (who has a defeated condition) or BOG (which has a power that explicitly states it's automatically acquired).


Also, as another manifestation of the same bug, if memory doesn't fail me, if you get a Haunt at the Desecrated Vault, it will trigger its power and may get shuffled back in the location (but don't take my word for it). Also, I suspect the Haunts trigger all "If you defeat monster/ Undead" conditions, but haven't tested for it.

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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