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Bug report: Rewards not applied




As I noticed after the recent update on 08/15 experience is given even if the adventure was lost. But I got the case when after a lost adventure my chars experience rolled over 625000, I got the message "Rewards: +Weapon" but was not given any rewards. That step was simply skipped and went strait to equipment redistribution stage.

OS: Android 6.0

Device: Motorola smartphone, XT1585

Mode: Qest

Chars: Sajan and Amiri

Difficulty: Legendary

Version: VER-573-20160815  PFID-AEB9FC3A3091AC3


One more minor bug is that Ring of Protection can be Revealed multiple times for the same damage decreasing it by 1 for each reveal.

So it basically gives indefinite armor for any kind of damage (combat and non-combat).

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6 answers to this question

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I'll +1 this bug report. I've seen it happen more than once. Anytime I lose a scenario in quest mode if the XP that would have been given is enough to level up a character, then the level up screen is shown, and the experience is applied. However, the reward from leveling up is not given. It's not such a big deal with card rewards, but if the reward is any kind of feat, there's no way to go back and force it to allow you to pick one.


Android 6.0.1

Google Pixel C

Quest mode

(multiple different parties)

Normal Difficulty


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+1 to this


I recently hit level 20 with 3 Quest characters. I can't remember whether I won or lost the scenario, but it's happened on two separate occasions: the first, a party of Seelah, Kyra and Sajan completed a Legendary Quest where Seelah and Kyra hit lvl 20; the reward screen popped up to let me know that they had got a reward and Sajan hadn't; I hit the Continue button (I ​think​ that I used Sajan's button) and no rewards were offered. The second occasion, Sajan got his lvl 20 and the same thing happened - no reward offered after having pressed the Continue button. This is incredibly irritating when it happens on thelevels that are multiples of 5 (I couldn't care less about the other levels as I have yet to gain a useful card as a reward, but missing out on actual character levelling up stuff is totally unacceptable).

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There are other threads that address this issue.  The devs are aware of it and hopefully it will be fixed in the next update.  One work-around is to Forfeit the scenario if you know you are going to fail.  When you Forfeit, you are not awarded experience, therefore you won't level up and lose those feats.  The problem is when experience is awarded on a failed scenario.  Bottom line is either win the scenario or forfeit.

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There are other threads that address this issue.  The devs are aware of it and hopefully it will be fixed in the next update.  One work-around is to Forfeit the scenario if you know you are going to fail.  When you Forfeit, you are not awarded experience, therefore you won't level up and lose those feats.  The problem is when experience is awarded on a failed scenario.  Bottom line is either win the scenario or forfeit.

This is an unacceptable work around. What do you do if you're down to your last blessing and you're on the villain? There's a chance you could lose but there's also a chance you could win. Forfeiting because you MIGHT lose just so you don't forever miss out on a level up because of gameplay bugs is ridiculous.

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When the alternative is that your game bugs down... There is no choise in here. You forfeit or start again From the very Beginning. As long as this bugs is in there, you just can not afford to lose. Hopefully ad4 or a bug fix before that make corrections to that. I did win the quest during the very last round, just don't end your last round untill it is over!

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One more minor bug is that Ring of Protection can be Revealed multiple times for the same damage decreasing it by 1 for each reveal.

So it basically gives indefinite armor for any kind of damage (combat and non-combat).

Yup they know.  [though, we should have just kept out mouths shut and seen how long that "bug" stuck around]

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