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When history repeats itself. #Dogs-doing-nazi-salutes


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 just so is clear, in the US you ain't can't be criminalized for training your dogs to do nazi salute or goosestep or bark at pictures o' famous jewish celebrities. possible create and post videos o' your pugs denying the holocaust will be a crime o' good taste, but am having a hard time imagining cop involvement.  animal cruelty? 




we got hate crimes in the US, but they is functional very different that those in other parts o' the world... and keep in mind that the civil rights legislation o' the 1960s is technical hate crime stuff.  you not need rent your house or give a job vacancy to ANYBODY.  nevertheless, am thinking that most folks agree that to deny a job or housing to a person 'cause o' their race or religion is a social harm worthy o' prevention.  such civil rights legislation obviously considers the motives o' the offender, no?  perhaps is best to consider the actual implications o' "It's still thoughtcrime. It's still evil," yes?


HA! Good Fun!

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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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" because the crime were committed with a motivation the People finds social repugnant"


Which to any rational human being is such a stupid   empty statement. Murdering/assaulting someone (safe for self defense) should be 'socially repugnant' no matter what. Wether the motivation is 'racial hatred', greed, or 'romance gone bad drama. The very act is repugnant.


 'Hate' crime is something nazis would make up so only nazis support it. :)


You really should learn yourself some history sir. The Nazis weren't near as bad as you make them out to be. You're better to compare the modern insanity to the Stasi, Cheka, or KGB. It is indeed cultural Marxism we're talking about here. That said, we're in somewhat uncharted territory, as the proliferation of much of the modern insanity you're often justifiably railing against has not ever been so widely plentiful in recorded history. Nor is the ultimate outcome of it's use to undermine a society's culture and ideals known. We've had this stuff degenerating the west now for longer than the Nazis existed.


In other words, some of the **** that is going on right now would make even a Nazi cringe.

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Yeah, times are a lot worse now than when the nazis were in power. I mean, sure, concentration camps and gas chambers were bad, but we have twitter wars and triggering. It is the end of times!

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Yeah, times are a lot worse now than when the nazis were in power. I mean, sure, concentration camps and gas chambers were bad, but we have twitter wars and triggering. It is the end of times!


You not of which you speak sir. ;)

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Yeah, times are a lot worse now than when the nazis were in power. I mean, sure, concentration camps and gas chambers were bad, but we have twitter wars and triggering. It is the end of times!

Throwing Europe into a massive war was nothing compared to the twitter wars and I have the PTSD from some idiot calling me a ****lord to prove it.

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Yeah, times are a lot worse now than when the nazis were in power. I mean, sure, concentration camps and gas chambers were bad, but we have twitter wars and triggering. It is the end of times!


You not of which you speak sir. ;)




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