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Lini can 'recharge for effect' animals into her hand



This happened with Crow ally, don't know if also works with Sabretooth Tiger and others.


- I encounter Sage Journal. My plan is: reveal Crow for Animal Trick, then recharge it for its power for another 1d6 to acquire an item

- hah, wouldn't you know it - Recharging the Crow removes my Animal Trick effect! I test several times with same result

- then I notice when I recharge Crow,, my Animal Trick button lights up again. Interesting...

- so I "recharge' the Crow for 1d6, and then activate Animal Trick for 1d4 + 2. I roll the dice...

- Wow! Lini's even more awesome than I remember - I got both dice on my roll, and the Crow returned to my hand after the check! Now let's what other locations have plenty of weapons and items in them...


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8 answers to this question

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Slightly confused.

If you reveal, are you supposed to also be allowed to use the card as a recharge or discard normally? I thought a card was one use at a time.

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Slightly confused.

If you reveal, are you supposed to also be allowed to use the card as a recharge or discard normally? I thought a card was one use at a time.

Yes, but the 'reveal' comes fro Lini's own power, it's not a power printed on the Ally and so doesn't count towards 'playing allies"

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You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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I had always thought that a revealed card couldn't be used to power her discard ability either, and the app seems to support that, at least in how it works when it's not bugged out.  By the same token, you should then be able to also discard (and thus recharge) any of her animals for their effect after revealing them.

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When you reveal a card, it is still considered "in your hand".  As long as you're not playing two of the same types of boons for their powers on the same step/check (which, as has been mentioned, isn't happening in this example), you can treat it like a card in your hand.

"I need a lie-down" is the new "I'll be in my bunk..."

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Which is different from a "displayed" card which is not considered to be in your hand anymore. Took me awhile to get that distinction.


I think when I did most of my playing, Displayed wasn't mainstream yet, which probably is what's throwing me off.

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