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All DoT effects (and also heal over time) are affected by intelligence.


DoT damage = base damage × (1 + 0.03 x Mig) x (1 + 0.05 x Int).

(But of course, with higher Int, it also takes more time to apply and more ticks means more DR so it is not linear).


For chant, the Int modifier is a bit different cause it applies only to the linger part. So when at high level linger is equal to chant duration (due to brisk recitation), every point of Int boost damage by 5% / 2 = 2.5%.

thx a lot :)


just for confirmation: same rule is for consecrated ground ( priest spell or shod in faith)

Edited by Gs11
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I've got a question regarding content scaling, dragon stats and bestiary entries:


Playing with unscaled WM1, scaled Act3 and scaled WM2 I have noticed that:

- Adra Dragon real stats match those in the bestiary

- Alpine Dragon real stats match those in bestiary too

- Sky Dragon real stats do NOT match those in bestiary. Defenses are higher (by 17-31), and I though that it is due to the content scaling.

- But Llengrath dragons didn't have higher stats than those from bestiary, like I expected.


So: do the dragons scale-up or not?

Edited by MaxQuest
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Either the Sky-Dragon scales, or they just re-did the fight for 3.X. I was rather shocked by the fight he put up when I went after her for the first time in Scaled Act 3, as she always was just a speed bump before. Still not on the level of the other 3 dragon fights, but it was a long drawn out fight.

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^ Hehe, indeed. He has higher defenses than Alpine Dragon. Although no Deathblows, lower DR and Intellect (hence breath cone distance) make him still easier.
(Updated stats for reference here)

Edited by MaxQuest
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