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Do you use Devotion of the Faithful as buff or debuff?

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Buff will be mostly better as its effects will not be easily suppressed by or suppress other acc effects from abilities. The acc penalty inflicted on enemies is helps defensively so sometimes I might include the pack leader, superboss in the spell area just to lower their dmg output (at the expense of not including the support chars if I had to choose between the 2).

Edited by mosspit
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If enemies get caught in the AoE too, it's bonus.

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Buff. Accuracy as debuff is pretty low since it has no +10 or +15 unlike most offensive priest spells and also doesn't seem to get the level-based bonus to accuracy which means it has 29 accuracy less than Shining Beacon at level 14.


Edit: Well that's what it says, but now I actually tested it and it seems it actually has incredible accuracy. Mouseover says 68 but combat log says 130, which is a bit of a difference. So maybe using it as debuff is a good idea after all.  OTOH the spell is really buggy for me for some reason so could just be something wrong on my end.

Edited by limaxophobiacq
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  • 2 months later...

Hey, I used this more as both buff and debuff last playthrough on PotD now that its not bugged for me anymore and noticed that the debuff part is actually incredibly usefull as well.


For one it isn't a named status effect, so no one has resistance or immunity to it, and the duration is very long so it's fine even when you just graze because it's still over 20 seconds of debuff. In addition, I noticed the accuracy buff takes effect before the debuff, so even though it's just Accuracy vs. Will the spell buffs it's own casting if your priest is in the AoE for +20 accuracy, so that graze is extremely likely even with low perception on PotD.


Also keep in mind that it not only debuffs their offence, but the might debuff gives them -20 fortitude, on top of which you can have party members throw sickened (-14) and weakened (-28) effects vs. fortitude which in addition to the +20 accuracy your party gets from the buff part of the spell means you shift the balance between your accuracy vs. their foritude 82 points in your favour.

Edited by limaxophobiacq
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It seems strange for me to hear that status stack. I thought only the greatest might (-10) and fortitude (-20) would be applied. Debuff should be non stackable, be as buff.


That's my recurring question...


Oh, apparently I was wrong, the attritbute debuffs don't stack. This is a debuffed algul with the beastiary entry. The might debuff from weakened appears to supressed but other than that shining beacon -10 defenses, -20 fort from might penalty of devotions, -20 fort from weakened, and .-4 fort from con penalty of weakened is stacking for total -54 fortitude.


gOu4auM.jpg ZfWZ8WN.jpg

Edited by limaxophobiacq
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So everything stack but similar status and attribute debuff ? Great ! I'm so glad for your clarification !


It seems that I didn't test it properly. Or I made a general rule based on attribute debuff testing.


Now it's clear.


Boeroer could not be wrong with his Painful interdiction/threatening presence combo :-

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