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Hi guys,

recently I've been trying various classes solo and leveling Mechanics seemed to be really important. Most of the time I went:

5 Sneaking

11 Mechanics

base Wisdom

2 Athletics

base Survival

But now I'm trying a priest and figured I will need both Mechanics and Wisdom at very high levels, which may be difficult to achieve. Therefore I may be forced to choose which one I want more. Also, may be forced to skip Sneaking completely (which seems important solo).

I would like to ask about your experiences with Mechanics: how high does it really need to be? Also, is max Wisdom on a priest worth having for a price of lower Mechanics and no Sneaking? I am completely new to a solo priest and don't want to gimp myself form the start.

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Wisdom = Lore?


No, fortunately it isn't Baldurs Gate system anymore :)

From all the info I gathered being able to read high level scrolls is really important later-on against foes like Adra Dragon. In case of priest ofc.

Classes with more offensive spells often don't need Wisdom at all.

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"Mandatory" depends on what you want to do with solo character in the game. "Finish game" has different requirements than "complete everything" for example. Personally, I would not bother with dragon on first solo but that is me. To finish the game Mechanic around 7 (+2 gloves) is probably helpful for disarming traps, but other than that I cant recall anything mandatory. Cant say about scrolls as don't have experience with them.

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Wisdom = Lore?

No, fortunately it isn't Baldurs Gate system anymore :)

From all the info I gathered being able to read high level scrolls is really important later-on against foes like Adra Dragon. In case of priest ofc.

Classes with more offensive spells often don't need Wisdom at all.

You misunderstood. You repeatedly said Wisdom when you meant Lore in your post. Edited by Rosveen
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Yep. Don't remember seeing a "Wisdom" stat anywhere in PoE. Wanted to clarify that we were talking about the same thing before responding.

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"Mandatory" depends on what you want to do with solo character in the game. "Finish game" has different requirements than "complete everything" for example. Personally, I would not bother with dragon on first solo but that is me. To finish the game Mechanic around 7 (+2 gloves) is probably helpful for disarming traps, but other than that I cant recall anything mandatory. Cant say about scrolls as don't have experience with them.


Just an opinion, I suspect that you don't absolutely need to disarm absolutely every trap to finis the game. For many floor traps, if you spot them, you can just walk around them, whether your character can disarm them or not.  And IIRC you don't need to disarm traps on containers, since you don't "need" to open those containers.  That said, I can fully understand the desire to do so for both floor and container traps.

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Mechanics of 10 (8+ 2 from gloves of manipulation) is enough to never be hit by a trap in the game.

Mechanics of 12 (10 + 2 glove) is enough to disarm every trap in the game.


Traps of 11 and 12 are not in the way of regular travel, they are revealed with 10 mechanics, and they can always be avoided or walked around, you're only missing out on disarm xp which is not a big deal.


You could get away with less mechanics if you have good fort/ref saves, but a lot of powerful equipment is hidden behind 10 mechanics like tidefall or adra beetle fig.


10 mechanics, 3 athletics (1 + 2 from equip), and the rest into lore (you can get +2 lore equip in endless paths) would be fine.


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Keep in mind that "the good traps" all come with severe accuracy penalties in 1.05. If you want to use anything more powerful than the dart trap, you're going to need to invest in mechanics. 

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Yes, some mechanics are mandatory.   One place I can think of right off is to get to maerwald you need to open the door and its like mechanics 5 if memory serves, so you could maybe get in there with a couple of points if you had the right gear and rested bonus and all that.   I can't think of too many other "mandatory" things to unlock but there are some mandatory areas that have deadly traps.


The catch - 22 is that to bypass some locks you need to find the key which often needs.... mechanics to find.

Edited by JONNIN
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There are 3 ways to get past Maerwald's door. One of which requires high mechanics. Another requires low mechanics. The last requires no mechanics at all.

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The thing is, what else to spend points for? For solo, Lore for scrolls ok but question is if that is not less essential to playthrough than Mechanics.


We can ask what is the lowest hypothetical Mechanics needed to finish the game solo but that has largely hypothetical answers. Survival is nice but one can always gulp another potion, at minimal penalty. Athletics, solo rests often. Stealth seem to have diminishing returns. Lore, well, probably will be quite situational though powerful. As noted, since trap nerf, and traps are source of free damage offered by the game, Mechanics is essential for them to hit. So to me Mechanics remains priority, not to extreme but for routine use.  

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