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Or Hive Dwellers encountering Tarresques in a Oasis?

You mean you didn't encounter a tarrasque in FO2? It was a random encounter that always occured between New Reno and Redding...

There are no doors in Jefferson that are "special game locked" doors. There are no characters in that game that you can kill that will result in the game ending prematurely.

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Oh. Perhaps i haven't been paying attention to things around me, but i considered the post-apoc setting to be fairly unexplored in comparison to traditional fantasy. I can't even see it being as successful, wheter in sales or gamer preferences, as fantasy.


As for cliche, well everything nowadays is a cliche. Its all in the presentation.

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I would personally love to see a game set in a unique fantasy setting of the developers' own creation rather than a borrowed one.


RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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I would like the idea of sci-fi, post-apocalyptic set as I really liked the RPG games like Fallout1&2. And think about it how many games has get out as Fallout? None in sooooo many years. Except the games like Anarchy online and etc. but hey I don't like em. So something a bit different with a hinch of post-apocalyptic set would be nice I think. A possibility to drive with some vehicles and make much more things. As for example to get in to building from windows, crash the windows and many other things. I just love to wait a game with these things. For example if it is some medieval set then horses and other things. Yeah! I'm waiting to hear something about this one.

c ya

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I think that there are far too many post apocalyptic games in development so a change from the usual Tolkeinesque worlds and Fallout would be a pleasant diversion from the norm, I would think.


RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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I think that there are far too many post apocalyptic games in development so a change from the usual Tolkeinesque worlds and Fallout would be a pleasant diversion from the norm, I would think.

I agree. But it should be noted that most of the PA games being made seem like they suck.

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Yes as I said some really sucks from PA RPG's but as for example the Fallout well that dosen't suck at all. As you have figured out as my opinion. Well anyhow something with the set of Blade Runner would also work nicely. With properly done engine after all. :)

nothing else this time

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Well anyhow something with the set of Blade Runner would also work nicely. With properly done engine after all


Have you heard of "Metalheart"? I personally think its going to suck, and the company has a so-so history with rpgs at best, but you never know.

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i'd love to see another "real world person in sci-fi / fantasy" setting. sounds weird? well, i don't know how to put it better, cause, hey, its 2.17 am, and i just want to go to sleep...


an example for that setting could be outcast. was that not a great, sort of "real" feeling and original world?

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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3. Aren't you afraid that the recent deluge of post-apoc games on the market will diminish your game's chances of success?

Deluge? Which deluge? Don't see a lot of pa games in the works by commercial developers. There is The Fall by Silver Style and that's basically it. Metalheart didn't get any coverage so far except on nma maybe. Trinity is non-commercial. Wasteland 2 is a rumour. And then there are some pa mods. So where is the deluge?


I would be VERY happy if Project X would be pa, but I don't think. I would like everything non-Fantasy and non-Star Wars. So many exciting scenarios out there - they just have to pick one ;)

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Is there a particular reason why a setting has to be fantasy/in the past or post apoc/in the future? Personally, I'd like to see an adventurous take on the modern day. Just because we don't have dragons or radscorpians in the modern day doesn't mean anything - it's not like they actually existed in the past or in some distopian future.


Maybe a superhero RPG? That could be neato. Freedom Force with dialogue and less suck? Leveling up improves your super powers? Maybe something of an X-Men feel, where there's supervillainy and also ACTUAL problems.


A modern Horror RPG, perhaps? Less "I'm a whiny bloodsucker" and more "I'm a guy, and there are nasty things that exist." I mean, there's the bloodsucker game being done by that other company, but that kind of thing just about falls into the same tired-and-difficult-to-freshen category as fantasy and post apoc. Things that go bump in the night aren't my idea of a modern setting. Okay, so maybe I'm a little biopolar on this one, but for some reason I'm thinking Predator: the RPG and getting tingly.


Mostly I'd just be interested to see how the modern would could be translated to game navigation. An interstate map to travel between cities? Pawn shops becoming the most important sites in town? With the bars full of college students, where do you go for a sit down with other adventurers? Waffle house?


Yeah, that.



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Superhero RPGs tend to take the cheesy route far too easily, IMO. When regular Fantasy bread-and-butter RPGs hand you world-saving heroes anyway..


Modern Horror RPG would be an interesting concept, and it would certainly change the gameplay a fair bit.. but somehow I don't think Obsidian's going for that. I could be wrong, and it's an interesting concept, just doesn't strike me as likely.

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What concerns me more is the disturbing lack of any decent games on the PC for the past few years on a commercial level, and I think that's directly linked to the consoles and lazy publishers and developers who think, the type of quality they put out on consoles (pretty poor IMO) will work for the PC fanbase. If consoles had good games on them I wouldn't bash them but most of them are s**t (lets see if there's a swear filter...)

I'd like to disagree a bit, here. Since the current crop of platforms came out, I have been grossly disappointed with the quality of console games. Rather than blaming it on consoles and any influence that they may or may not have on PC gaming, I think the current lackluster selection of games on the PC is endemic of the industry as a whole. There have been a few rather significant buyouts and mergers over the past few years, due to the fact that gaming has become a growth industry, and the emphasis has been more on the bottom-line than on really producing fun, quality games, IMO. Until this trend is changed, and I believe that small companies like Obsidian here are the key to reversing the trend, we will continue to see crappy games.


Back on topic, I'd like to see a good fantasy game. I'm not tired of dragons and dwarves, and the last few games dealing with them haven't quite been up to snuff. Now, this fantasy setting doesn't have to be traditional (I'll freely confess that I'm tired of traditional fantasy), but swords and sorcery are okay in my book. Cyberpunk would be cool, too. I'd also like a modern day game, CRPG of course, set in maybe New York or something, where you're wanted for murder or something and have to clear your name.

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Superhero RPGs tend to take the cheesy route far too easily, IMO. When regular Fantasy bread-and-butter RPGs hand you world-saving heroes anyway..


Modern Horror RPG would be an interesting concept, and it would certainly change the gameplay a fair bit.. but somehow I don't think Obsidian's going for that. I could be wrong, and it's an interesting concept, just doesn't strike me as likely.

A freind and I have been designing a horror RPG for some time. If we could find a publisher interested, we might consider putting some actual production into it.


Originally I though Resident Evil might make a good setting, but the prospect of it being console-only is icky.



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There is a X-men rpg coming out


Yeah, I knew about that, but does it really seem likely to be on the scale of the type of game we hope Obsidian is making? Legends looks more like a platformer with character advancement. I seriously doubt there will be a rational plot that's anything but an excuse to fight all the villains the X-Men have ever encountered. You don't even get to create your own X-Man. Now THAT would be something. Make up your own mutant, join the X-Men, grow and learn. Options to be bad.


If I'm wrong, sorry for the ignorance. Perhaps correction by PM if someone wants to harass me about it, so no more of this space is taken up with talk of games of off-topic-ism.


Ah, additionally, to justify this post, I'll suggest, um... a caveman setting. Yes. Imagine the possibilities. Uh... a advancement-based invention tree. Fire. The Wheel. Pointy sticks. Witness as your partymembers Ugh, Burp, and Sabertoothed Dog fight beside you against such creatures as Mastodons, other Sabertoothed Dogs, and Evil Alien Geneticists. Or of course, you could just club that cute woman down the hill and drag her back to your cave.



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