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Black screen after leveling up


Posted (edited)

Backer Beta Build 392



When I start a new game (Build 392) and try to allocate the skill points for my player char, the game stops with a black screen and loads endlessly.

The only solution I found was to end the game using ALT/F4 and playing without leveling up.


Update: If I allocate the skill points only for one level at a time and return to the game screen then, it works till level 3. If I try to do the same with the forth level I get the black screen again.


I attached the output_log file:




Edited by Draggie

10 answers to this question

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I have crashed many times on levelling up. Its seems I never crash when I know what I am going to select, but if I wait too long on the levelling up screen, it crashes.

Obsidian wrote:

​"those scummy backers, we're going to screw them over by giving them their game on the release date. That'll show those bastards!" 



 Now we know what's going on...

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I have the same problem. This results in the fact that I can not level up my character when the game starts...so I can not even start the game. :(

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This makes sense. This is likely because we added in some new strings prior to this update that hadn't yet gone through Localization for translation. So the game is having exceptions looking for places in the text to insert stats. This should be working fine on our side now. 


As a side to this, BMac made it so string exceptions shouldn't mess the game up anymore.

Twitter: @robyatadero

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