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333 Quick Impressions Thread


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get all the critter locations on every map and the most optimal way of getting all the kill xp reward Cyclopaedia pages and what critters you can avoid in subsequent playthroughs.





I ll repeat that, 'look at what you ve done'

Matilda is a Natlan woman born and raised in Old Vailia. She managed to earn status as a mercenary for being a professional who gets the job done, more so when the job involves putting her excellent fighting abilities to good use.

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That's weird, my game has 7 saved games but in my folder it has 27 and they don't match up. I have no Ogre Cave saves but in my Saved Game folder it has 5. And I have 3 Le a Rhemen saves but they don't show unless they come under a different name. No idea. I'll just copy these saves. Uninstall and re-install and hope for the best.

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Also, something needs to be done about these visual effects. The Lion's knockdown is just way too overtop. Do enemies really need this sort of stuff?









Five naked guys hunting a lion. Wait... I've seen that before!










Edited by Quantics
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Quantics: Only difference is: Those scantily clad guys sorely missed a tank.  :w00t:


On the knockdown effect: A thud and your enemy subsequently falling should suffice. No need for any effect whatsoever.


Hiro: Great Sydney Opera House screen background. :)

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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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VFX in the IE games were in the RTS style - minimalistic, at least they were in the Baldur's Gate games. Since the developers of BG1 were working on an RTS prototype before it was turned into Baldur's Gate, they likely understood that the VFX needed to be simple.


Non-persistent AoE spells should not have lingering effects.

AoE Buffs and debuff FX should have per-unit FX rather than AoE, or at least, less emphasis on the AoEs themselves

Lingering effects should be minimalistic as to not obscure the units on the screen


When asked about VFX by me and some other interviewer, Josh has said they want the VFX in PE to be attractive or something, more modern. However like many other things I think they've misunderstood the reasons why minimalistic effects are important / were used in the IE games.

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Sensuki, on 28 Oct 2014 - 5:59 PM, said:Sensuki, on 28 Oct 2014 - 5:59 PM, said:Sensuki, on 28 Oct 2014 - 5:59 PM, said:

Josh has said they want the VFX in PE to be attractive or something, more modern.

Then he should go play Starcraft II Heart of the Swarm, to learn what attractive, modern and clear VFX look like.  IE games had good gameplay/ UI/ presentation because they had RTS gameplay/ UI/ presentation. Same thing with MOBAs. These are the games they should look for inspiration instead of modern action games

Edited by Malekith
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If they do nothing else they have got to get rid of the green outline when hovering over characters....

I've modded it out of the game, so if they don't do it by release I'll issue it in a Mod, along with removing Backer NPC icons and other things like that.

Edited by Sensuki
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I'm actually quite fond of the spell effects. They are a vibrant breath of life into a realistic, but static world. I find them attractive without being obstructive. Some of them certainly require debugging, but it's clear how they are intended to look.


Character creation is much improved. The amount of information provided in each talent, spell, and ability is deeply welcomed. Combat is more lethal than before, but I haven't spent enough time to fully understand why. I've just begun dipping my toes into this update, but at a glance most everything appears to be improved in general.

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Without being obstructive? WAT




That is unobstructive. Notice how you can still see the building in the middle of the explosion. In PE Spell FX obscure units, and Chanter invocations turn the whole screen dark like a Planescape Torment Spell Effect .. just no.

If a fireball goes off infront of a character in the lower angle outside, units behind the Fireball are completely obscured by it until the effect ends, because it lingers for like 1-1.5 seconds. IE Fireballs didn't have any lingering FX.

Edited by Sensuki
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That. Idealy there should be ten diferent spell effects in the same area and the units behind still be visible. Even in the most spell heavy battly in IE i have no trouble understanding what was happening. Same with Warcraft 3/ Starcraft 2 if you want a more modern take.


Instead in PoE it's NWN2 all over again. The spells obscure anything behind them, with the result  of a spell battle being an mass of colors without anyone being able to see ****.

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Without being obstructive? WAT....


That is unobstructive. Notice how you can still see the building in the middle of the explosion. In PE Spell FX obscure units, and Chanter invocations turn the whole screen dark like a Planescape Torment Spell Effect .. just no.


If a fireball goes off infront of a character in the lower angle outside, units behind the Fireball are completely obscured by it until the effect ends, because it lingers for like 1-1.5 seconds. IE Fireballs didn't have any lingering FX.




That's as bad as it gets. The initial white-out is present for perhaps a second, before it fades. Only terrain is obstructed...for one second. The spell effect is beautiful. Its impact can be felt, fire roils for less than a moment, then whirls away into the ether. My compliments to the artist. Characters are still visible, even in its most "obstructive state". The spell has presence, as it should be. Magic is about being outside of the ordinary, and this spell conveys that. I will gladly sacrifice <1 second of being able to view a static patch of dirt or grass for a moment of magic.

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Actually no it isn't. You clearly like the spell effect and fair enough because it is high quality so I can understand why you decided to take an SS that makes it look like it's not too bad but the reality is that it lingers too long and obscures units like this:






Image 3 and 4 are particularly NOT ON






Add 2-3 more FX from other spells on top of that and you have yourself a GIANT CLUSTERFûCK

Edited by Sensuki
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attachicon.gifFireball Initial.jpg


That's as bad as it gets. The initial white-out is present for perhaps a second, before it fades. Only terrain is obstructed...for one second. The spell effect is beautiful. Its impact can be felt, fire roils for less than a moment, then whirls away into the ether. My compliments to the artist. Characters are still visible, even in its most "obstructive state". The spell has presence, as it should be. Magic is about being outside of the ordinary, and this spell conveys that. I will gladly sacrifice <1 second of being able to view a static patch of dirt or grass for a moment of magic.



Ok now, do you also want to compliment the artist about this? And I've been told there are even more jarring examples to be found in the BB.


Maybe you and Sensuki can agree to disagree on fireballs, but you have to admit there's still A LOT to be done with respect to VFX in this game. 


To the extent that I wonder whether most of the spells fx are still just placeholders (?). Cause they can't possibly be all final. It's obvious that GREAT care has been taken in the environment renderings, I can't believe for a second that the spells will be neglected to such extent.


PS: I'm not saying that to be overly negative, I am actually quite confident that the devs will fix this in time.

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Actually no it isn't. You clearly like the spell effect and fair enough because it is high quality so I can understand why you decided to take an SS that makes it look like it's not too bad but the reality is that it lingers too long and obscures units like this:







Image 3 and 4 are particularly NOT ON







Add 2-3 more FX from other spells on top of that and you have yourself a GIANT CLUSTERFûCK


This game is isometric. All viewing angles are the same. That screenshot was captured at the moment of impact, where the effects are the most intense. Within my screenshot, you can see characters, but not terrain. Within yours, both are visible. I'm not sure what your images are demonstrating as being more obstructive. I also reiterate that the effects last for a second--in the most literal sense. I don't find it to be a problem at all. Perhaps you were going to reorganize your strategy and reassign your entire party's actions in that one second, but it all hinged on being able to scrutinize a single static blade grass......I guess I'm just not that hardcore.



attachicon.gifFireball Initial.jpg


That's as bad as it gets. The initial white-out is present for perhaps a second, before it fades. Only terrain is obstructed...for one second. The spell effect is beautiful. Its impact can be felt, fire roils for less than a moment, then whirls away into the ether. My compliments to the artist. Characters are still visible, even in its most "obstructive state". The spell has presence, as it should be. Magic is about being outside of the ordinary, and this spell conveys that. I will gladly sacrifice <1 second of being able to view a static patch of dirt or grass for a moment of magic.



Ok now, do you also want to compliment the artist about this? And I've been told there are even more jarring examples to be found in the BB.


Maybe you and Sensuki can agree to disagree on fireballs, but you have to admit there's still A LOT to be done with respect to VFX in this game. 


To the extent that I wonder whether most of the spells fx are still just placeholders (?). Cause they can't possibly be all final. It's obvious that GREAT care has been taken in the environment renderings, I can't believe for a second that the spells will be neglected to such extent.


PS: I'm not saying that to be overly negative, I am actually quite confident that the devs will fix this in time.



Right. That web effect is not behaving as intended. It's being applied to the characters mid-sections or higher, rather than beneath their feet. The grease effect is even worse. I'm not going to criticize or debate the aesthetic of a glitch. The effect itself is lovely, the glitch is only glitch.

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attachicon.gifFireball Initial.jpg


That's as bad as it gets. The initial white-out is present for perhaps a second, before it fades. Only terrain is obstructed...for one second. The spell effect is beautiful. Its impact can be felt, fire roils for less than a moment, then whirls away into the ether. My compliments to the artist. Characters are still visible, even in its most "obstructive state". The spell has presence, as it should be. Magic is about being outside of the ordinary, and this spell conveys that. I will gladly sacrifice <1 second of being able to view a static patch of dirt or grass for a moment of magic.



Ok now, do you also want to compliment the artist about this? And I've been told there are even more jarring examples to be found in the BB.


Maybe you and Sensuki can agree to disagree on fireballs, but you have to admit there's still A LOT to be done with respect to VFX in this game. 


To the extent that I wonder whether most of the spells fx are still just placeholders (?). Cause they can't possibly be all final. It's obvious that GREAT care has been taken in the environment renderings, I can't believe for a second that the spells will be neglected to such extent.


PS: I'm not saying that to be overly negative, I am actually quite confident that the devs will fix this in time.


The problem with the spell VFX isn't that they neglected it - it's the opposite, the game is too visually rich.

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