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Please make a Fallout style ending...

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The thing that really bugged me most in KotOR was the ending. Up until there Bioware had made a game with an incredible story that had everything to get near if not surpass Fallout, Planescape and Baldurs Gate as one of the top RPGs ever, I mean the scene with Revan and Malak in the Leviathan has to be one of the greatest moments in games ever. But then they blew it by having an incredbly dissapointing ending, after all the build up the tough battles in the last level and the great last battle all you get is a 30 secs cutscene that doesn't add anything. The dark side ending at least had the feel of being the new ruler of the galaxie but the light side has to be one of the worst endings in a game I have played. Nothing was explained, "what happened to you?", "what happened to your party members?", "what happened with the romance between you and Bastila/Carth?", "how the worlds you have passed changed?" it was all left open.


The game just screamed for an ending similar to Fallout, each planet had a bigger quest that could be solved in at least 2 ways and lots of subquests, wich means you could have different endings for each planet. Fallout 1/2 had the best endings in a game I have played because of the way they showed hou YOU affected the world, its cities and people. From what I have read the team is really trying to make the game an incredible experience, and no experience is truly incredible if it ends in an "ok" way. So it does't matter how much better the interface is, how much better the game looks, what really matters is the story as it is the core of the experience, and by making what is really the worst part of the game and making it into a memorable one, is what differentiates a great game like KotOR was from the true classics like Fallout and Planescape...

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Generally, I agree. The ending in KotOR was kinda lame. But, 2 points:


1) The game was closely modeled on the original films. The endings there (outside of Empire, which doesn't count because game developers aren't likely to end a game with the protagonist losing) were also pretty lame. Good guy wins; brief party scene; roll credits.


2) You can bet the bank that Obs is very happy with Bio's decision to leave the fates of all of the characters and planets completely unexplored at the end of the first game. It dramatically frees their hand in crafting the story of the sequel. Now we've got some drama as to who survived and where they may show up. That's a nice hook to get people to buy the sequel.



I'm not saying either of these stand up to any close scrutiny, but it is useful to see the advantages of the other approach.

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Complete agreement.


Moreover, and others probably won't agree with this as much, I hope they have an ending that's a little less cut-and-dry.


Bioware's endings have always been pretty simplistic; the protagonist wins, hands down, no strings attached, and goes on to either rule everything or be a famous hero renowned throughout the world/galaxy/whatever. Christ, TOB even allows you to become a GOD.


The endings of Fallout and PS:T were a rather drastic departure from that vision of things, and I hope the successor company to Black Isle continues with that tradition of unconventional finishes to great stories.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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The endings of Fallout and PS:T were a rather drastic departure from that vision of things, and I hope the successor company to Black Isle continues with that tradition of unconventional finishes to great stories.

Yes. Yes yes. Good god yes.

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Very true. And while I understand why the ending might have fit the Star Wars genre, that doesn't mean I have to totally like it.


The endings in KOTOR were the worst part of the game for me, hands down. Nothing like playing a game for 40+ hours and then having a generic crappy ending to great you. <_<

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the darkside ending was way better than the lightside. I thought that one looked really cheap for some reason. All that sickly sweet smiling and fawning didn't help either. The visuals during both were well below the high standard I'd come to expect, which is odd considering they were done in-engine. What compensated for that was bastila's rousing introduction of revan. "Malak is dead!" and the "all hail lord revan" which follow... hehehe.

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Up until there Bioware had made a game with an incredible story that had everything to get near if not surpass Fallout, Planescape and Baldurs Gate as one of the top RPGs ever, I mean the scene with Revan and Malak in the Leviathan has to be one of the greatest moments in games ever.



Ok, I get it






Sorry, that statement was a personal oppinion. Different people, different tastes in what is considered best story :)


Would have been nice with a little sequence, showing different outcomes on Manaan, Korriban and Tattooine. What alternative endings were there on Kashyyk ?


Manaan could either stay neutral, ban you or ban the Sith from access to the Kolto. Korriban could be with different or no leaders of the academy and Tattooine could be completely in the grip of Czerka or left to the Sandpeople. Can't remember what the alternative outcomes were on Kashyyk (and I played though that thing 4 times).


Completely unrelated, was there ever any way to open the two "other" doors on the Yavin station ? :unsure:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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1) The game was closely modeled on the original films. The endings there (outside of Empire, which doesn't count because game developers aren't likely to end a game with the protagonist losing) were also pretty lame. Good guy wins; brief party scene; roll credits.

ha! i refer you to the special edition of ROTJ, where Lucas went back and put in cutscenes showing the celebrations in coruscant, tatooine, and bespin.


it'd be pretty easy to do the same kind of thing in KOTOR2...

dumber than a bag of hammers

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Completely unrelated, was there ever any way to open the two "other" doors on the Yavin station ?

Not that I know of..


Maybe that's where suvam keeps his stash of artifacts? he certainly wouldn't want you to bust in there and steal them all.

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Generally, I agree.  The ending in KotOR was kinda lame.  But, 2 points:


1)  The game was closely modeled on the original films.  The endings there (outside of Empire, which doesn't count because game developers aren't likely to end a game with the protagonist losing) were also pretty lame.  Good guy wins; brief party scene; roll credits. 


2)  You can bet the bank that Obs is very happy with Bio's decision to leave the fates of all of the characters and planets completely unexplored at the end of the first game.  It dramatically frees their hand in crafting the story of the sequel.  Now we've got some drama as to who survived and where they may show up.  That's a nice hook to get people to buy the sequel.



I'm not saying either of these stand up to any close scrutiny, but it is useful to see the advantages of the other approach.


1- End a 2 hour movie in an OK way is still acceptable, but ending a game where you put 30 hours to finish is not...


2- I bet they are, but they didn't had to make a complete biography telling everything that happened to that character, just a 10s narration to close things, for example:

HK-47 Bad Side "With his master strong as ever HK continued to carry on assasinations missions that turned him into one of the most feared droids in the republic."

HK-47 Good side "Influenced by his masters new personality HK became less vicious as the time passed, but it is still not uncommon to hear him use the word meatbag."

I created these two in the last 5 minutes, and they give a good closure but don't really limit the way the character would be able to be used in the sequel. Imagine what the team could do with time...


Up until there Bioware had made a game with an incredible story that had everything to get near if not surpass Fallout, Planescape and Baldurs Gate as one of the top RPGs ever, I mean the scene with Revan and Malak in the Leviathan has to be one of the greatest moments in games ever.



Ok, I get it






Sorry, that statement was a personal oppinion. Different people, different tastes in what is considered best story :)


Would have been nice with a little sequence, showing different outcomes on Manaan, Korriban and Tattooine. What alternative endings were there on Kashyyk ?


Manaan could either stay neutral, ban you or ban the Sith from access to the Kolto. Korriban could be with different or no leaders of the academy and Tattooine could be completely in the grip of Czerka or left to the Sandpeople. Can't remember what the alternative outcomes were on Kashyyk (and I played though that thing 4 times).


Of course it was a personal opinion, everything I write is, just look at my new sig... :blink:


Kashyyk would have one ending where the Wookies fought the slavers and other where they became imprisioned.

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